
cosmopolitan libc

your build-once run-anywhere c library
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Converts base64 to 32-bit integer, the posix way.

const char* s
@see l64a() for inverse
@see DecodeBase64()


void* v
int delta
int sz


Terminates program abnormally.

This function first tries to trigger your SIGABRT handler. If the signal handler returns, then signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL) is called before SIGABRT is raised again.



Returns absolute value of 𝑥.

This function is a footgun since your argument may be narrrowed. Consider using labs(), llabs(), or better yet a macro like this:

#define ABS(X) ((X) >= 0 ? (X) : -(X))
Note that passing x as INT_MIN is undefined behavior, which depends on whether or not your c library as well as the objects that call it were built using the -fwrapv or -ftrapv flags.
int x


Creates client socket file descriptor for incoming connection.

On Windows, when this function blocks, there may be a 10 millisecond delay on the handling of signals or thread cancelation.

int fd
is the server socket file descriptor
struct sockaddr* opt_out_addr
will receive the remote address
unsigned int* opt_inout_addrsize
provides and receives addr's byte length
client fd which needs close(), or -1 w/ errno
@restartable (unless SO_RCVTIMEO)


Creates client socket file descriptor for incoming connection.

When fd is in O_NONBLOCK mode, this function will raise EAGAIN when no client is available to accept. To wait until a client exists the poll() function may be called using POLLIN.

On Linux, your SO_RCVTIMEO will timeout accept4(). Other OSes (i.e. Windows, MacOS, and BSDs) do not support this and will block forever.

On Windows, when this function blocks, there may be a 10 millisecond delay on the handling of signals or thread cancelation.

int fd
is the server socket file descriptor
struct sa* opt_out_addr
will receive the remote address
unsigned int* opt_inout_addrsize
provides and receives out_addr's byte length
int flags
can have SOCK_{CLOEXEC,NONBLOCK}, which may apply to both the newly created socket and the server one
client fd which needs close(), or -1 w/ errno
@raise EAGAIN if O_NONBLOCK and no clients pending
@restartable (unless SO_RCVTIMEO)


Checks if effective user can access path in particular ways.

This is equivalent to saying:

faccessat(AT_FDCWD, path, mode, 0);
const char* path
is a filename or directory
int mode
can be R_OK, W_OK, X_OK, F_OK
0 if ok, or -1 w/ errno
@see faccessat() for further documentation


Returns arc cosine of 𝑥.

double x
value in range [0,M_PI]
NAN if 𝑥 ∉ [-1,1]


Returns inverse hyperbolic cosine of 𝑥.

double x
@define acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x*x-1))


Returns inverse hyperbolic cosine of 𝑥.

float x
@define acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x*x-1))


Returns arc cosine of 𝑥.

long double x
long double
@define atan2(fabs(sqrt((1-𝑥)*(1+𝑥))),𝑥)
@domain -1 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1


Atomically decrements signed byte index if it's positive.

Multiple threads are able to call this method, to determine if enough tokens exist to perform an operation. Return values greater than zero mean a token was atomically acquired. Values less than, or equal zero means the bucket is empty. There must exist 1 << c signed bytes (or buckets) in the b array.

Since this design uses signed bytes, your returned number may be used to control how much burstiness is allowed. For example:

int t = AcquireToken(tok.b, ip, 22);
if (t < 64) {
  if (t > 8) write(client, "HTTP/1.1 429 \r\n\r\n", 17);
Could be used to send rejections to clients that exceed their tokens, whereas clients who've grossly exceeded their tokens, could simply be dropped.
_Atomic char* b
is array of token buckets
unsigned int x
is ipv4 address
int c
is cidr


struct FILE* f
struct mnt* mnt


Same as memalign(a, n) but requires IS2POW(a).

unsigned long a
unsigned long n
number of bytes needed
memory address, or NULL w/ errno
@throw EINVAL if !IS2POW(a)
@see pvalloc()


struct dirent** a
struct dirent** b


Generates process resource usage report.

char** b
struct rusage* ru
const char* nl


Appends string to buffer, e.g.

char *b = 0;
appends(&b, "hello");
The resulting buffer is guaranteed to be NUL-terminated, i.e. !b[appendz(b).i] will be the case.
char** b
const char* s
bytes appended (always strlen(s)) or -1 if ENOMEM
@see appendz(b).i to get buffer length
@note 2x faster than appendf()


struct StrList* sl


struct tm* tm


struct tm* tm
char* buf


Returns arc sine of 𝑥.

double x
value in range [-M_PI/2,M_PI/2]
NAN if 𝑥 ∉ [-1,1]


Returns inverse hyperbolic sine of 𝑥.

float x
@define asinh(x) = sign(x)*log(|x|+sqrt(x*x+1)) ~= x - x^3/6 + o(x^5)


Returns arc sine of 𝑥.

long double x
long double
@define atan2(𝑥,sqrt((1-𝑥)*(1+𝑥)))
@domain -1 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 1


Formats string, allocating needed memory.

char** strp
const char* fmt
bytes written (excluding NUL) or -1 w/ errno
@see xasprintf() for a better API


Handles assert() failure.

const char* expr
const char* file
int line


void(*)() func


Returns inverse hyperbolic tangent of 𝑥.

double x
@define x ? log1p(2 * x / (1 - x)) / 2 : x


Returns inverse hyperbolic tangent of 𝑥.

float x
@define x ? log1p(2 * x / (1 - x)) / 2 : x


Returns inverse hyperbolic tangent of 𝑥.

long double x
long double
@define x ? log1p(2 * x / (1 - x)) / 2 : x


Adds global destructor.

Destructors are called in reverse order. They won't be called if the program aborts or _exit() is called. Invocations of this function are usually generated by the C++ compiler.

void(*)() f
0 on success or nonzero if out of space


Converts string to double.

const char* s


Turns string into int.

Decimal is the only radix supported. Leading whitespace (as specified by the isspace() function) is skipped over. Unlike strtol(), the atoi function has undefined behavior on error and it never changes errno

const char* nptr
is a non-null nul-terminated string
the decoded signed saturated integer


Turns string into long.

Decimal is the only radix supported. Leading whitespace (as specified by the isspace() function) is skipped over. Unlike strtol(), the atoi function has undefined behavior on error and it never changes errno

const char* nptr
is a non-null nul-terminated string
the decoded signed saturated integer


Returns pointer to last filename component in path, e.g.

path     │ dirname() │ basename()
0        │ .         │ .
.        │ .         │ .
..       │ .         │ ..
/        │ /         │ /
usr      │ .         │ usr
/usr/    │ /         │ usr
/usr/lib │ /usr      │ lib
Both / and \ are are considered valid component separators on all platforms. Trailing slashes are ignored. We don't grant special consideration to things like foo/., c:/, \\?\Volume, etc.
char* path
is UTF-8 and may be mutated, but not expanded in length
pointer to path, or inside path, or to a special r/o string
@see dirname()
@see SUSv2


Tests inequality of first 𝑛 bytes of 𝑝 and 𝑞.

void* a
void* b
unsigned long n
0 if a and b have equal contents, otherwise nonzero
@see timingsafe_bcmp()


Moves memory the BSD way.

Please use memmove() instead. Note the order of arguments.

void* src
void* dest
unsigned long n


Assigns local address and port number to socket, e.g.

struct sockaddr_in in = {AF_INET, htons(12345), {htonl(0x7f000001)}};
bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&in, sizeof(in));
On Windows, Cosmopolitan's implementation of bind() takes care of always setting the WIN32-specific SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE option on inet stream sockets in order to safeguard your servers from tests
int fd
is the file descriptor returned by socket()
struct sa* addr
is usually the binary-encoded ip:port on which to listen
unsigned int addrsize
is the byte-length of addr's true polymorphic form
0 on success or -1 w/ errno


int ys
int xs
int yn
int xn


Returns position of first bit set.

                      ctz(𝑥)         31^clz(𝑥)   clz(𝑥)
  uint32 𝑥   bsf(𝑥) tzcnt(𝑥)   ffs(𝑥)   bsr(𝑥) lzcnt(𝑥)
0x00000000      wut       32        0      wut       32
0x00000001        0        0        1        0       31
0x80000001        0        0        1       31        0
0x80000000       31       31       32       31        0
0x00000010        4        4        5        4       27
0x08000010        4        4        5       27        4
0x08000000       27       27       28       27        4
0xffffffff        0        0        1       31        0
int x
is a 32-bit integer
number in range 0..31 or undefined if 𝑥 is 0


Returns position of first bit set.

                      ctz(𝑥)         31^clz(𝑥)   clz(𝑥)
  uint32 𝑥   bsf(𝑥) tzcnt(𝑥)   ffs(𝑥)   bsr(𝑥) lzcnt(𝑥)
0x00000000      wut       32        0      wut       32
0x00000001        0        0        1        0       31
0x80000001        0        0        1       31        0
0x80000000       31       31       32       31        0
0x00000010        4        4        5        4       27
0x08000010        4        4        5       27        4
0x08000000       27       27       28       27        4
0xffffffff        0        0        1       31        0
long x
number in range 0..63 or undefined if 𝑥 is 0


Returns binary logarithm of 𝑥.

                      ctz(𝑥)         31^clz(𝑥)   clz(𝑥)
  uint32 𝑥   bsf(𝑥) tzcnt(𝑥)   ffs(𝑥)   bsr(𝑥) lzcnt(𝑥)
0x00000000      wut       32        0      wut       32
0x00000001        0        0        1        0       31
0x80000001        0        0        1       31        0
0x80000000       31       31       32       31        0
0x00000010        4        4        5        4       27
0x08000010        4        4        5       27        4
0x08000000       27       27       28       27        4
0xffffffff        0        0        1       31        0
int x
is a 32-bit integer
number in range 0..31 or undefined if 𝑥 is 0


Returns binary logarithm of 𝑥.

                      ctz(𝑥)         31^clz(𝑥)   clz(𝑥)
  uint32 𝑥   bsf(𝑥) tzcnt(𝑥)   ffs(𝑥)   bsr(𝑥) lzcnt(𝑥)
0x00000000      wut       32        0      wut       32
0x00000001        0        0        1        0       31
0x80000001        0        0        1       31        0
0x80000000       31       31       32       31        0
0x00000010        4        4        5        4       27
0x08000010        4        4        5       27        4
0x08000000       27       27       28       27        4
0xffffffff        0        0        1       31        0
long x
is a 64-bit integer
number in range 0..63 or undefined if 𝑥 is 0


unsigned short x
unsigned short


unsigned int x
unsigned int


unsigned long x
unsigned long


Frees and clears (sets to NULL) each non-null pointer in given array.

This is twice as fast as freeing them one-by-one. If footers are used, pointers that have been allocated in different mspaces are not freed or cleared, and the count of all such pointers is returned. For large arrays of pointers with poor locality, it may be worthwhile to sort this array before calling bulk_free.

void** p
unsigned long n
unsigned long


Sets memory to zero.

bzero n=0                          661 picoseconds
bzero n=1                          661 ps/byte          1,476 mb/s
bzero n=2                          330 ps/byte          2,952 mb/s
bzero n=3                          220 ps/byte          4,428 mb/s
bzero n=4                          165 ps/byte          5,904 mb/s
bzero n=7                           94 ps/byte         10,333 mb/s
bzero n=8                           41 ps/byte         23,618 mb/s
bzero n=15                          44 ps/byte         22,142 mb/s
bzero n=16                          20 ps/byte         47,236 mb/s
bzero n=31                          21 ps/byte         45,760 mb/s
bzero n=32                          20 ps/byte         47,236 mb/s
bzero n=63                          10 ps/byte         92,997 mb/s
bzero n=64                          15 ps/byte         62,982 mb/s
bzero n=127                         15 ps/byte         62,490 mb/s
bzero n=128                         10 ps/byte         94,473 mb/s
bzero n=255                         14 ps/byte         68,439 mb/s
bzero n=256                          9 ps/byte            105 gb/s
bzero n=511                         15 ps/byte         62,859 mb/s
bzero n=512                         11 ps/byte         83,976 mb/s
bzero n=1023                        15 ps/byte         61,636 mb/s
bzero n=1024                        10 ps/byte         88,916 mb/s
bzero n=2047                         9 ps/byte            105 gb/s
bzero n=2048                         8 ps/byte            109 gb/s
bzero n=4095                         8 ps/byte            115 gb/s
bzero n=4096                         8 ps/byte            118 gb/s
bzero n=8191                         7 ps/byte            129 gb/s
bzero n=8192                         7 ps/byte            130 gb/s
bzero n=16383                        6 ps/byte            136 gb/s
bzero n=16384                        6 ps/byte            137 gb/s
bzero n=32767                        6 ps/byte            140 gb/s
bzero n=32768                        6 ps/byte            141 gb/s
bzero n=65535                       15 ps/byte         64,257 mb/s
bzero n=65536                       15 ps/byte         64,279 mb/s
bzero n=131071                      15 ps/byte         63,166 mb/s
bzero n=131072                      15 ps/byte         63,115 mb/s
bzero n=262143                      15 ps/byte         62,052 mb/s
bzero n=262144                      15 ps/byte         62,097 mb/s
bzero n=524287                      15 ps/byte         61,699 mb/s
bzero n=524288                      15 ps/byte         61,674 mb/s
bzero n=1048575                     16 ps/byte         60,179 mb/s
bzero n=1048576                     15 ps/byte         61,330 mb/s
bzero n=2097151                     15 ps/byte         61,071 mb/s
bzero n=2097152                     15 ps/byte         61,065 mb/s
bzero n=4194303                     16 ps/byte         60,942 mb/s
bzero n=4194304                     16 ps/byte         60,947 mb/s
bzero n=8388607                     16 ps/byte         60,872 mb/s
bzero n=8388608                     16 ps/byte         60,879 mb/s
void* p
is memory address
unsigned long n
is byte length


Query the page cache statistics of a file.

int fd
The open file descriptor to retrieve statistics from.
struct cachestat_range* cstat_range
The byte range in fd to query. When len > 0, the range is [off..off + len]. When len == 0, the range is from off to the end of fd.
struct cachestat* cstat
The structure where page cache statistics are stored.
unsigned int flags
Currently unused, and must be set to 0.
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno.
@raise EFAULT if cstat_range or cstat points to invalid memory
@raise EINVAL if flags is nonzero
@raise EBADF if fd is negative or not open
@raise EOPNOTSUPP if fd refers to a hugetlbfs file
@raise ENOSYS if not Linux 6.5


Allocates n * itemsize bytes, initialized to zero.

unsigned long n
is number of items
unsigned long itemsize
is size of each item
rax is memory address, or NULL w/ errno
@note overreliance on memalign is a sure way to fragment space
@see dlcalloc()


Classifies IP address.

unsigned int x
integer e.g. kIpLoopback, kIpPrivate, etc.
@see GetIpCategoryName()


Returns cube root of 𝑥.

double x


Returns cube root of 𝑥.

float x


Returns cube root of 𝑥.

long double x
long double


Returns input baud rate.

struct termios* t
unsigned int


Returns output baud rate.

struct termios* t
unsigned int


struct termios* t


Sets input baud rate.

struct termios* t
unsigned int speed
can be B0, B50, B38400, B4000000, etc.
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if speed isn't valid


Sets output baud rate.

struct termios* t
unsigned int speed
can be B0, B50, B38400, B4000000, etc.
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if speed isn't valid


Sets input and output baud rate.

struct termios* t
unsigned int speed
can be B0, B50, B38400, B4000000, etc.
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if speed isn't valid


Changes permissions on file, e.g.:

CHECK_NE(-1, chmod("foo/bar.txt", 0644));
CHECK_NE(-1, chmod("o/default/program", 0755));
CHECK_NE(-1, chmod("privatefolder/", 0700));
The esoteric bits generally available on System Five are:

CHECK_NE(-1, chmod("/opt/", 01000));          // sticky bit
CHECK_NE(-1, chmod("/usr/bin/sudo", 04755));  // setuid bit
CHECK_NE(-1, chmod("/usr/bin/wall", 02755));  // setgid bit
const char* pathname
must exist
unsigned int mode
contains octal flags (base 8)
@see fchmod()


Mutates line to remove line-ending characters.

char* line
is NULL-propagating
@see getline


Mutates line to remove line-ending characters.

unsigned short* line
is NULL-propagating
unsigned short*
@see getline


Changes owner and/or group of pathname.

const char* pathname
unsigned int uid
is user id, or -1u to not change
unsigned int gid
is group id, or -1u to not change
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see fchown() if pathname is already open()'d
@see lchown() which does not dereference symbolic links
@see /etc/passwd for user ids
@see /etc/group for group ids


const char[63]


Changes root directory.

Please consider using unveil() instead of chroot(). If you use this system call then consider using both chdir() and closefrom() before calling this function. Otherwise there's a small risk that fchdir() could be used to escape the chroot() environment. Cosmopolitan Libc focuses on static binaries which make chroot() infinitely easier to use since you don't need to construct an entire userspace each time however unveil() is still better to use on modern Linux and OpenBSD because it doesn't require root privileges.

const char* path
shall become the new root directory
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EACCES if we don't have permission to search a component of path
@raise ENOTDIR if a directory component in path exists as non-directory
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if symlink-resolved path length exceeds PATH_MAX
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if component in path exists longer than NAME_MAX
@raise EPERM if not root or pledge() is in play
@raise EIO if a low-level i/o error occurred
@raise EFAULT if path is bad memory
@raise ENOENT if path doesn't exist
@raise ENOSYS on Windows


Clears eof and error state indicators on stream.

struct FILE* f
is file object stream pointer
@see clearerr_unlocked()


Clears eof and error state indicators on stream.

struct FILE* f
is file object stream pointer
@see clearerr()


Returns system clock ticks per second.

The returned value is memoized. This function is intended to be used via the CLK_TCK macro wrapper.

The returned value is always greater than zero. It's usually 100 hertz which means each clock tick is 10 milliseconds long.



Returns sum of CPU time consumed by current process since birth.

This function provides a basic idea of how computationally expensive your program is, in terms of both the userspace and kernel processor resources it's hitherto consumed. Here's an example of how you might display this information:

printf("consumed %g seconds of cpu time\n",
       (double)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
This function offers at best microsecond accuracy on all supported platforms. Please note the reported values might be a bit chunkier depending on the kernel scheduler sampling interval see CLK_TCK.
units of CPU time consumed, where each unit's time length should be 1./CLOCKS_PER_SEC seconds; Cosmopolitan currently returns the unit count in microseconds, i.e. CLOCKS_PER_SEC is hard-coded as 1000000. On failure this returns -1 / errno.
@raise ENOSYS should be returned currently if run on Bare Metal
@see clock_gettime() which polyfills this on Linux and BSDs
@see getrusage() which polyfills this on XNU and NT


Returns granularity of clock.

int clock
struct timespec* ts
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@error EPERM if pledge() is in play without stdio promise
@error EINVAL if clock isn't supported on this system
@error EFAULT if ts points to bad memory


Returns nanosecond time.

The clock parameter may bo set to:

  • CLOCK_REALTIME returns a wall clock timestamp represented in nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch (~1970). It'll count time in the suspend state. This clock is subject to being smeared by various adjustments made by NTP. These timestamps can have unpredictable discontinuous jumps when clock_settime() is used. Therefore this clock is the default clock for everything, even pthread condition variables. Cosmopoiltan guarantees this clock will never raise EINVAL and also guarantees CLOCK_REALTIME == 0 will always be the case. On Windows this maps to GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(). On platforms with vDSOs like Linux, Windows, and MacOS ARM64 this should take about 20 nanoseconds.
  • CLOCK_MONOTONIC returns a timestamp with an unspecified epoch, that should be when the system was powered on. These timestamps shouldn't go backwards. Timestamps shouldn't count time spent in the sleep, suspend, and hibernation states. These timestamps won't be impacted by clock_settime(). These timestamps may be impacted by frequency adjustments made by NTP. Cosmopoiltan guarantees this clock will never raise EINVAL. MacOS and BSDs use the word "uptime" to describe this clock. On Windows this maps to QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise().
  • CLOCK_BOOTTIME is a monotonic clock returning a timestamp with an unspecified epoch, that should be relative to when the host system was powered on. These timestamps shouldn't go backwards. Timestamps should also include time spent in a sleep, suspend, or hibernation state. These timestamps aren't impacted by clock_settime(), but they may be impacted by frequency adjustments made by NTP. This clock will raise an EINVAL error on extremely old Linux distros like RHEL5. MacOS and BSDs use the word "monotonic" to describe this clock. On Windows this maps to QueryInterruptTimePrecise().
  • CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW returns a timestamp from an unspecified epoch. These timestamps don't count time spent in the sleep, suspend, and hibernation states. This clock is not impacted by clock_settime(). Unlike CLOCK_MONOTONIC this clock is guaranteed to not be impacted by frequency adjustments. Providing this level of assurances may make this clock 10x slower than the monotonic clock. Furthermore this clock may cause EINVAL to be raised if running on a host system that doesn't provide those guarantees, e.g. OpenBSD and MacOS on AMD64.
  • CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE is the same as CLOCK_REALTIME except it'll go faster if the host OS provides a cheaper way to read the wall time. Please be warned that coarse can be really coarse. Rather than nano precision, you're looking at CLK_TCK precision, which can lag as far as 30 milliseconds behind or possibly more. Cosmopolitan may fallback to CLOCK_REALTIME if a faster less accurate clock isn't provided by the system. This clock will raise an EINVAL error on extremely old Linux distros like RHEL5. On platforms with vDSOs like Linux, Windows, and MacOS ARM64 this should take about 5 nanoseconds.
  • CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE is the same as CLOCK_MONOTONIC except it'll go faster if the host OS provides a cheaper way to read the unbiased time. Please be warned that coarse can be really coarse. Rather than nano precision, you're looking at CLK_TCK precision, which can lag as far as 30 milliseconds behind or possibly more. Cosmopolitan may fallback to CLOCK_REALTIME if a faster less accurate clock isn't provided by the system. This clock will raise an EINVAL error on extremely old Linux distros like RHEL5. On platforms with vDSOs like Linux, Windows, and MacOS ARM64 this should take about 5 nanoseconds.
  • CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID returns the amount of time this process was actively scheduled. This is similar to getrusage() and clock().
  • CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID returns the amount of time this thread was actively scheduled. This is similar to getrusage() and clock().
int clock
struct memory* ts
is where the result is stored (or null to do clock check)
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EFAULT if ts points to invalid memory
@error EINVAL if clock isn't supported on this system
@error EPERM if pledge() is in play without stdio promise
@error ESRCH on NetBSD if PID/TID OR'd into clock wasn't found
@see strftime(), gettimeofday()


Sleeps for particular amount of time.

Here's how you could sleep for one second:

clock_nanosleep(0, 0, &(struct timespec){1}, 0);
Your sleep will be interrupted automatically if you do something like press ctrl-c during the wait. That's an EINTR error and it lets you immediately react to status changes. This is always the case, even if you're using SA_RESTART since this is a @norestart system call.

void OnCtrlC(int sig) {} // EINTR only happens after delivery
signal(SIGINT, OnCtrlC); // do delivery rather than kill proc
printf("save me from sleeping forever by pressing ctrl-c\n");
clock_nanosleep(0, 0, &(struct timespec){INT_MAX}, 0);
printf("you're my hero\n");
If you want to perform an uninterruptible sleep without having to use sigprocmask() to block all signals then this function provides a good solution to that problem. For example:

struct timespec rel, now, abs;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
rel = timespec_frommillis(100);
abs = timespec_add(now, rel);
while (clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, TIMER_ABSTIME, &abs, 0));
will accurately spin on EINTR errors. That way you're not impeding signal delivery and you're not loosing precision on the wait timeout. This function has first-class support on Linux, FreeBSD, and NetBSD; on OpenBSD it's good; on XNU it's bad; and on Windows it's ugly.
int clock
may be
  • CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE but is likely to sleep negative time
  • CLOCK_MONTONIC_COARSE but is likely to sleep negative time
int flags
can be 0 for relative and TIMER_ABSTIME for absolute
struct timespec* req
can be a relative or absolute time, depending on flags
struct timespec* rem
shall be updated with the remainder of unslept time when (1) it's non-null; (2) flags is 0; and (3) -1 w/ EINTR is returned; if this function returns 0 then rem is undefined; if flags is TIMER_ABSTIME then rem is ignored
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINTR when a signal got delivered while we were waiting
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise ENOTSUP if clock is known but we can't use it here
@raise EFAULT if req or null or bad memory was passed
@raise EINVAL if clock is unknown to current platform
@raise EINVAL if flags has an unrecognized value
@raise EINVAL if req->tv_nsec ∉ [0,1000000000)
@raise ENOSYS on bare metal


Changes time.

int clockid
struct timespec* ts


Closes inclusive range of file descriptors, e.g.

// close all non-stdio file descriptors
if (close_range(3, -1, 0) == -1) {
  for (int i = 3; i < 256; ++i) {
The following flags are available:

  • CLOSE_RANGE_UNSHARE (Linux-only)
  • CLOSE_RANGE_CLOEXEC (Linux-only)
This is only supported on Linux 5.9+ and FreeBSD 13+. Consider using closefrom() which will work on OpenBSD too.
unsigned int first
unsigned int last
unsigned int flags
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@error EINVAL if flags are bad or first is greater than last
@error EMFILE if a weird race condition happens on Linux
@error ENOSYS if not Linux 5.9+ or FreeBSD 13+
@error ENOMEM on Linux maybe
@see closefrom()


Closes extra file descriptors, e.g.

if (closefrom(3))
  for (int i = 3; i < 256; ++i)
int first
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if first is negative
@raise ENOSYS if not Linux 5.9+, FreeBSD 8+, OpenBSD, or NetBSD
@raise EBADF on OpenBSD if first is greater than highest fd
@raise EINVAL if flags are bad or first is greater than last
@raise EMFILE if a weird race condition happens on Linux
@raise EINTR possibly on OpenBSD
@raise ENOMEM on Linux maybe


Frees symbol table.

struct SymbolTable** table
0 on success or -1 on system error


Resolves full pathname of executable.

const char* name
char* pathbuf
unsigned long pathbufsz
execve()'able path, or NULL w/ errno
@see free(), execvpe()


Finds full executable path in overridable way.

This is a higher level version of the commandv() function. Programs that spawn subprocesses can use this function to determine the path at startup. Here's an example how you could use it:

if ((strace = commandvenv("STRACE", "strace"))) {
  strace = strdup(strace);
} else {
  fprintf(stderr, "error: please install strace\n");
const char* var
is environment variable which may be used to override PATH search, and it can force a NULL result if it's empty
const char* cmd
is name of program, which is returned asap if it's an absolute path
const char*
pointer to exe path string, or NULL if it couldn't be found or the environment variable was empty; noting that the caller should copy this string before saving it


const char* a
unsigned long n
const char* b
unsigned long m


const char* a
unsigned long n
const char* b
unsigned long m


int name
char* buf
unsigned long len
unsigned long


Connects socket to remote end.

When fd is in O_NONBLOCK mode, this raises EINPROGRESS. To wait for establishment poll() function may be called using POLLOUT. Then SO_ERROR may be used to check for errors.

Connectionless sockets, e.g. UDP, can be connected too. The benefit is not needing to specify the remote address on each send. It also means getsockname() can be called to retrieve routing details.

On Linux, your SO_SNDTIMEO will timeout connect(). Other OSes (i.e. Windows, MacOS, and BSDs) do not support this and will block forever.

On Windows, when this function blocks, there may be a 10 millisecond delay on the handling of signals or thread cancelation.

int fd
struct sa* addr
unsigned int addrsize
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINPROGRESS if O_NONBLOCK and connecting process initiated
@raise EALREADY if a O_NONBLOCK connecting already in flight
@raise EADDRINUSE if local address is already in use
@raise EINTR if a signal handler was called instead
@raise ENETUNREACH if network is unreachable
@raise ETIMEDOUT if connection timed out
@raise EISCONN if already connected
@restartable (unless SO_RCVTIMEO)


Transfers data between files.

If this system call is available (Linux c. 2018 or FreeBSD c. 2021) and the file system supports it (e.g. ext4) and the source and dest files are on the same file system, then this system call shall make copies go about 2x faster.

This implementation requires Linux 5.9+ even though the system call was introduced in Linux 4.5. That's to ensure ENOSYS works reliably due to a faulty backport, that happened in RHEL7. FreeBSD detection on the other hand will work fine.

int infd
is source file, which should be on same file system
long* opt_in_out_inoffset
may be specified for pread() behavior
int outfd
should be a writable file, but not O_APPEND
long* opt_in_out_outoffset
may be specified for pwrite() behavior
unsigned long uptobytes
is maximum number of bytes to transfer
unsigned int flags
is reserved for future use and must be zero
number of bytes transferred, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EXDEV if source and destination are on different filesystems
@raise EBADF if infd or outfd aren't open files or append-only
@raise EPERM if fdout refers to an immutable file on Linux
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINVAL if ranges overlap or flags is non-zero
@raise EFBIG if setrlimit(RLIMIT_FSIZE) is exceeded
@raise EFAULT if one of the pointers memory is bad
@raise ERANGE if overflow happens computing ranges
@raise ENOSPC if file system has run out of space
@raise ETXTBSY if source or dest is a swap file
@raise EINTR if a signal was delivered instead
@raise EISDIR if source or dest is a directory
@raise ENOSYS if not Linux 5.9+ or FreeBSD 13+
@raise EIO if a low-level i/o error happens
@see sendfile() for seekable → socket
@see splice() for fd ↔ pipe


Returns 𝑥 with same sign as 𝑦.

double x
double y


Returns 𝑥 with same sign as 𝑦.

float x
float y


Returns 𝑥 with same sign as 𝑦.

long double x
long double y
long double


Returns cosine of 𝑥.

double x


Returns cosine of y.

This is a fast cosf implementation. The worst-case ULP is 0.5607, and the maximum relative error is 0.5303 * 2^-23. A single-step range reduction is used for small values. Large inputs have their range reduced using fast integer arithmetic.

float y
@raise EDOM and FE_INVALID if y is an infinity


Returns hyperbolic cosine of 𝑥.

cosh(x) = (exp(x) + 1/exp(x))/2
        = 1 + 0.5*(exp(x)-1)*(exp(x)-1)/exp(x)
        = 1 + x*x/2 + o(x^4)
double x


Returns hyperbolic cosine of 𝑥.

cosh(x) = (exp(x) + 1/exp(x))/2
        = 1 + 0.5*(exp(x)-1)*(exp(x)-1)/exp(x)
        = 1 + x*x/2 + o(x^4)
float x


Returns cosine of 𝑥.

long double x
long double


Cosmopolitan runtime.

is argc
is argv
is environ
is auxv


unsigned long memory


Ensures initialization function is called exactly once.

This is the same as pthread_once except that it always uses a tiny spinlock implementation and won't make any system calls. It's needed since this function is an upstream dependency of both pthread_once() and nsync_once(). Most code should favor calling those functions.

_Atomic unsigned int* once
void(*)() init
0 on success, or errno on error


char* buf
int n
struct CosmoAudioOpenOptions* options
const char*


char* buf
int n
int* in_out_frames
const char*


char* buf
int n
int status
const char*


Returns population count of array.

void* a
is byte sequence
unsigned long n
unsigned long
number of bits set to one
@note 30gbps on Nehalem (Intel 2008+) otherwise 3gbps


Returns current number of tokens in bucket.

_Atomic char* b
is array of token buckets
unsigned int x
is ipv4 address
int c
is cidr


struct cpuset_t* d
struct cpuset_t* x
struct cpuset_t* y


struct cpuset_t* set


unsigned long size
struct cpuset_t* set


struct cpuset_t* x
struct cpuset_t* y


Returns microarchitecture name, e.g.

unsigned int subtype
const char*


struct cpuset_t* d
struct cpuset_t* x
struct cpuset_t* y


struct cpuset_t* d
struct cpuset_t* x
struct cpuset_t* y


struct cpuset_t* set


Computes 32-bit Castagnoli Cyclic Redundancy Check.

unsigned int init
is the initial hash value
void* data
points to the data
unsigned long size
is the byte size of data
unsigned int
eax is the new hash value
@note Used by ISCSI, TensorFlow, etc.


unsigned int* table
unsigned int polynomial


Creates file.

This is equivalent to saying:

int fd = openat(AT_FDCWD, file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, mode);
const char* file
specifies filesystem path to create
unsigned int mode
is octal bits, e.g. 0644 usually
file descriptor, or -1 w/ errno
@see openat() for further documentation


Invokes callback for all items with prefix.

struct critbit0* t
const char* prefix
long(*)() callback
void* arg
0 unless iteration was halted by CALLBACK returning nonzero, in which case that value is returned
@note h/t djb and agl


Removes all items from 𝑡.

struct critbit0* t
@note h/t djb and agl


Returns non-zero iff 𝑢 ∈ 𝑡.

struct critbit0* t
const char* u
NUL-terminated string
@note h/t djb and agl


Removes 𝑢 from 𝑡.

struct critbit0* t
const char* u
NUL-terminated string
true if 𝑡 was mutated
@note h/t djb and agl


Inserts 𝑢 into 𝑡 without copying.

struct critbit0* t
void* u
unsigned long ulen
1 if 𝑡 was mutated, 0 if present, or -1 w/ errno
@note h/t djb and agl


Returns first item in 𝑡 with prefix 𝑢.

struct critbit0* t
const char* u
NUL-terminated string
item or NULL if not found
@note h/t djb and agl


Inserts 𝑢 into 𝑡.

struct critbit0* t
const char* u
NUL-terminated string
1 if 𝑡 was mutated, 0 if present, or -1 w/ errno
@note h/t djb and agl


Encrypts password the old fashioned way.

The method of encryption depends on the first three chars of salt:

  • $1$ is MD5
  • $2$ is Blowfish
  • $5$ is SHA-256
  • $6$ is SHA-512
  • Otherwise DES
const char* key
const char* salt
static memory with encrypted password
@see third_party/argon2/


Encrypts password the old fashioned way.

The method of encryption depends on the first three chars of salt:

  • $1$ is MD5
  • $2$ is Blowfish
  • $5$ is SHA-256
  • $6$ is SHA-512
  • Otherwise DES
const char* key
const char* salt
struct crypt_data* data
static memory with encrypted password
@see third_party/argon2/


Generates path of controlling terminal.

This function always returns /dev/tty since that's supported by all supported platforms, and polyfilled on Windows.

char* s
may optionally specify an outut buffer L_ctermid in size
pointer to s (or image memory if s was null) which contains path of controlling terminal, or empty string if if this program is a win32 app running in gui mode


Represents time as string.

const long* timep


const long* timep
char* buf


Adds global destructor.

Destructors are called in reverse order. They won't be called if the program aborts or _exit() is called. Invocations of this function are usually generated by the C++ compiler. Behavior is limitless if some other module has linked calloc().

void* fp
is void(*)(T)
void* arg
is passed to callback
void* pred
can be non-null for things like dso modules
0 on success or nonzero w/ errno
@note folks have forked libc in past just to unbloat atexit()


Triggers global destructors.

They're called in LIFO order. If a destructor adds more destructors, then those destructors will be called immediately following, before iteration continues.

void* pred
can be null to match all


Prints global destructors.

struct FILE* f
void* pred
can be null to match all


Updates running Adler-32 checksum with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and return the updated checksum. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required initial value for the checksum.

unsigned long


Combine two Adler-32 checksums into one. For two sequences of bytes, seq1 and seq2 with lengths len1 and len2, Adler-32 checksums were calculated for each, adler1 and adler2. adler32_combine() returns the Adler-32 checksum of seq1 and seq2 concatenated, requiring only adler1, adler2, and len2. Note that the off_t type (like off_t) is a signed integer. If len2 is negative, the result has no meaning or utility.

unsigned long


Same as adler32(), but with a size_t length.

unsigned long


Compresses source buffer into the destination buffer. sourceLen is the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the destination buffer, which must be at least the value returned by compressBound(sourceLen). Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed data. compress() is equivalent to compress2() with a level parameter of Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION.

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer.


Compresses source buffer into the destination buffer. The level parameter has the same meaning as in deflateInit. sourceLen is the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the destination buffer, which must be at least the value returned by compressBound(sourceLen). Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed data.

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the level parameter is invalid.


Returns an upper bound on the compressed size after compress() or compress2() on sourceLen bytes. It would be used before a compress() or compress2() call to allocate the destination buffer.

unsigned long


Update a running CRC-32 with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and return the updated CRC-32. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required initial value for the crc. Pre- and post-conditioning (one's complement) is performed within this function so it shouldn't be done by the application.

Usage example:

uLong crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
while (read_buffer(buffer, length) != EOF) {
  crc = crc32(crc, buffer, length);
if (crc != original_crc) error();
unsigned long


Combine two CRC-32 check values into one. For two sequences of bytes, seq1 and seq2 with lengths len1 and len2, CRC-32 check values were calculated for each, crc1 and crc2. crc32_combine() returns the CRC-32 check value of seq1 and seq2 concatenated, requiring only crc1, crc2, and len2.

unsigned long


Same as crc32(), but with a size_t length.

unsigned int


deflate compresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full. It may introduce some output latency (reading input without producing any output) except when forced to flush.

The detailed semantics are as follows. deflate performs one or both of the following actions:

  • Compress more input starting at next_in and update next_in and
avail_in accordingly. If not all input can be processed (because there is not enough room in the output buffer), next_in and avail_in are updated and processing will resume at this point for the next call of deflate().

  • Generate more output starting at next_out and update next_out and
avail_out accordingly. This action is forced if the parameter flush is non zero. Forcing flush frequently degrades the compression ratio, so this parameter should be set only when necessary. Some output may be provided even if flush is zero.

Before the call of deflate(), the application should ensure that at least one of the actions is possible, by providing more input and/or consuming more output, and updating avail_in or avail_out accordingly; avail_out should never be zero before the call. The application can consume the compressed output when it wants, for example when the output buffer is full (avail_out == 0), or after each call of deflate(). If deflate returns Z_OK and with zero avail_out, it must be called again after making room in the output buffer because there might be more output pending. See deflatePending(), which can be used if desired to determine whether or not there is more ouput in that case.

Normally the parameter flush is set to Z_NO_FLUSH, which allows deflate to decide how much data to accumulate before producing output, in order to maximize compression.

If the parameter flush is set to Z_SYNC_FLUSH, all pending output is flushed to the output buffer and the output is aligned on a byte boundary, so that the decompressor can get all input data available so far. (In particular avail_in is zero after the call if enough output space has been provided before the call.) Flushing may degrade compression for some compression algorithms and so it should be used only when necessary. This completes the current deflate block and follows it with an empty stored block that is three bits plus filler bits to the next byte, followed by four bytes (00 00 ff ff).

If flush is set to Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH, all pending output is flushed to the output buffer, but the output is not aligned to a byte boundary. All of the input data so far will be available to the decompressor, as for Z_SYNC_FLUSH. This completes the current deflate block and follows it with an empty fixed codes block that is 10 bits long. This assures that enough bytes are output in order for the decompressor to finish the block before the empty fixed codes block.

If flush is set to Z_BLOCK, a deflate block is completed and emitted, as for Z_SYNC_FLUSH, but the output is not aligned on a byte boundary, and up to seven bits of the current block are held to be written as the next byte after the next deflate block is completed. In this case, the decompressor may not be provided enough bits at this point in order to complete decompression of the data provided so far to the compressor. It may need to wait for the next block to be emitted. This is for advanced applications that need to control the emission of deflate blocks.

If flush is set to Z_FULL_FLUSH, all output is flushed as with Z_SYNC_FLUSH, and the compression state is reset so that decompression can restart from this point if previous compressed data has been damaged or if random access is desired. Using Z_FULL_FLUSH too often can seriously degrade compression.

If deflate returns with avail_out == 0, this function must be called again with the same value of the flush parameter and more output space (updated avail_out), until the flush is complete (deflate returns with non-zero avail_out). In the case of a Z_FULL_FLUSH or Z_SYNC_FLUSH, make sure that avail_out is greater than six to avoid repeated flush markers due to avail_out == 0 on return.

If the parameter flush is set to Z_FINISH, pending input is processed, pending output is flushed and deflate returns with Z_STREAM_END if there was enough output space. If deflate returns with Z_OK or Z_BUF_ERROR, this function must be called again with Z_FINISH and more output space (updated avail_out) but no more input data, until it returns with Z_STREAM_END or an error. After deflate has returned Z_STREAM_END, the only possible operations on the stream are deflateReset or deflateEnd.

Z_FINISH can be used in the first deflate call after deflateInit if all the compression is to be done in a single step. In order to complete in one call, avail_out must be at least the value returned by deflateBound (see below). Then deflate is guaranteed to return Z_STREAM_END. If not enough output space is provided, deflate will not return Z_STREAM_END, and it must be called again as described above.

deflate() sets strm->adler to the Adler-32 checksum of all input read so far (that is, total_in bytes). If a gzip stream is being generated, then strm->adler will be the CRC-32 checksum of the input read so far. (See deflateInit2 below.)

deflate() may update strm->data_type if it can make a good guess about the input data type (Z_BINARY or Z_TEXT). If in doubt, the data is considered binary. This field is only for information purposes and does not affect the compression algorithm in any manner.

Z_OK if some progress has been made (more input processed or more output produced), Z_STREAM_END if all input has been consumed and all output has been produced (only when flush is set to Z_FINISH), Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state was inconsistent (for example if next_in or next_out was Z_NULL or the state was inadvertently written over by the application), or Z_BUF_ERROR if no progress is possible (for example avail_in or avail_out was zero). Note that Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal, and deflate() can be called again with more input and more output space to continue compressing.


deflateBound() returns an upper bound on the compressed size after deflation of sourceLen bytes. It must be called after deflateInit() or deflateInit2(), and after deflateSetHeader(), if used. This would be used to allocate an output buffer for deflation in a single pass, and so would be called before deflate(). If that first deflate() call is provided the sourceLen input bytes, an output buffer allocated to the size returned by deflateBound(), and the flush value Z_FINISH, then deflate() is guaranteed to return Z_STREAM_END. Note that it is possible for the compressed size to be larger than the value returned by deflateBound() if flush options other than Z_FINISH or Z_NO_FLUSH are used.

unsigned long


Sets destination stream as a complete copy of the source stream.

This function can be useful when several compression strategies will be tried, for example when there are several ways of pre-processing the input data with a filter. The streams that will be discarded should then be freed by calling deflateEnd. Note that deflateCopy duplicates the internal compression state which can be quite large, so this strategy is slow and can consume lots of memory.

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc being Z_NULL). msg is left unchanged in both source and destination.


All dynamically allocated data structures for this stream are freed. This function discards any unprocessed input and does not flush any pending output.

Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state was inconsistent, Z_DATA_ERROR if the stream was freed prematurely (some input or output was discarded). In the error case, msg may be set but then points to a static string (which must not be deallocated).


Returns the sliding dictionary being maintained by deflate. dictLength is set to the number of bytes in the dictionary, and that many bytes are copied to dictionary. dictionary must have enough space, where 32768 bytes is always enough. If deflateGetDictionary() is called with dictionary equal to Z_NULL, then only the dictionary length is returned, and nothing is copied. Similary, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set.

deflateGetDictionary() may return a length less than the window size, even when more than the window size in input has been provided. It may return up to 258 bytes less in that case, due to how zlib's implementation of deflate manages the sliding window and lookahead for matches, where matches can be up to 258 bytes long. If the application needs the last window-size bytes of input, then that would need to be saved by the application outside of zlib.

Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state is inconsistent.


Initializes the internal stream state for compression. The fields zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the caller. If zalloc and zfree are set to Z_NULL, deflateInit updates them to use default allocation functions.

The compression level must be Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, or between 0 and 9: 1 gives best speed, 9 gives best compression, 0 gives no compression at all (the input data is simply copied a block at a time). Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION requests a default compromise between speed and compression (currently equivalent to level 6).

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if level is not a valid compression level. msg is set to null if there is no error message. deflateInit does not perform any compression: this will be done by deflate().


This is another version of deflateInit with more compression options. The fields next_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the caller.

The method parameter is the compression method. It must be Z_DEFLATED in this version of the library.

The windowBits parameter is the base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer). It should be in the range 8..15 for this version of the library. Larger values of this parameter result in better compression at the expense of memory usage. The default value is 15 if deflateInit is used instead.

For the current implementation of deflate(), a windowBits value of 8 (a window size of 256 bytes) is not supported. As a result, a request for 8 will result in 9 (a 512-byte window). In that case, providing 8 to inflateInit2() will result in an error when the zlib header with 9 is checked against the initialization of inflate(). The remedy is to not use 8 with deflateInit2() with this initialization, or at least in that case use 9 with inflateInit2().

windowBits can also be -8..-15 for raw deflate. In this case, -windowBits determines the window size. deflate() will then generate raw deflate data with no zlib header or trailer, and will not compute a check value.

windowBits can also be greater than 15 for optional gzip encoding. Add 16 to windowBits to write a simple gzip header and trailer around the compressed data instead of a zlib wrapper. The gzip header will have no file name, no extra data, no comment, no modification time (set to zero), no header crc, and the operating system will be set to the appropriate value, if the operating system was determined at compile time. If a gzip stream is being written, strm->adler is a CRC-32 instead of an Adler-32.

For raw deflate or gzip encoding, a request for a 256-byte window is rejected as invalid, since only the zlib header provides a means of transmitting the window size to the decompressor.

The memLevel parameter specifies how much memory should be allocated for the internal compression state. memLevel=1 uses minimum memory but is slow and reduces compression ratio; memLevel=9 uses maximum memory for optimal speed. The default value is 8. See zconf.h for total memory usage as a function of windowBits and memLevel.

The strategy parameter is used to tune the compression algorithm. Use the value Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY for normal data, Z_FILTERED for data produced by a filter (or predictor), Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY to force Huffman encoding only (no string match), or Z_RLE to limit match distances to one (run-length encoding). Filtered data consists mostly of small values with a somewhat random distribution. In this case, the compression algorithm is tuned to compress them better. The effect of Z_FILTERED is to force more Huffman coding and less string matching; it is somewhat intermediate between Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY and Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY. Z_RLE is designed to be almost as fast as Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, but give better compression for PNG image data. The strategy parameter only affects the compression ratio but not the correctness of the compressed output even if it is not set appropriately. Z_FIXED prevents the use of dynamic Huffman codes, allowing for a simpler decoder for special applications.

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if any parameter is invalid (such as an invalid method). msg is set to null if there is no error message. deflateInit2 does not perform any compression: this will be done by deflate().


Dynamically update the compression level and compression strategy. The interpretation of level and strategy is as in deflateInit2(). This can be used to switch between compression and straight copy of the input data, or to switch to a different kind of input data requiring a different strategy. If the compression approach (which is a function of the level) or the strategy is changed, and if any input has been consumed in a previous deflate() call, then the input available so far is compressed with the old level and strategy using deflate(strm, Z_BLOCK). There are three approaches for the compression levels 0, 1..3, and 4..9 respectively. The new level and strategy will take effect at the next call of deflate().

If a deflate(strm, Z_BLOCK) is performed by deflateParams(), and it does not have enough output space to complete, then the parameter change will not take effect. In this case, deflateParams() can be called again with the same parameters and more output space to try again.

In order to assure a change in the parameters on the first try, the deflate stream should be flushed using deflate() with Z_BLOCK or other flush request until strm.avail_out is not zero, before calling deflateParams(). Then no more input data should be provided before the deflateParams() call. If this is done, the old level and strategy will be applied to the data compressed before deflateParams(), and the new level and strategy will be applied to the the data compressed after deflateParams().

deflateParams returns Z_OK on success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent or if a parameter was invalid, or Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough output space to complete the compression of the available input data before a change in the strategy or approach. Note that in the case of a Z_BUF_ERROR, the parameters are not changed. A return value of Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal, in which case deflateParams() can be retried with more output space.



deflatePending() returns the number of bytes and bits of output that have been generated, but not yet provided in the available output. The bytes not provided would be due to the available output space having being consumed. The number of bits of output not provided are between 0 and 7, where they await more bits to join them in order to fill out a full byte. If pending or bits are Z_NULL, then those values are not set.

Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent.


deflatePrime() inserts bits in the deflate output stream. The intent is that this function is used to start off the deflate output with the bits leftover from a previous deflate stream when appending to it. As such, this function can only be used for raw deflate, and must be used before the first deflate() call after a deflateInit2() or deflateReset(). bits must be less than or equal to 16, and that many of the least significant bits of value will be inserted in the output.

Z_OK if success, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the internal buffer to insert the bits, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent.


This function is equivalent to deflateEnd followed by deflateInit, but does not free and reallocate the internal compression state. The stream will leave the compression level and any other attributes that may have been set unchanged.

deflateReset returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being Z_NULL).



Initializes the compression dictionary from the given byte sequence without producing any compressed output. When using the zlib format, this function must be called immediately after deflateInit, deflateInit2 or deflateReset, and before any call of deflate. When doing raw deflate, this function must be called either before any call of deflate, or immediately after the completion of a deflate block, i.e. after all input has been consumed and all output has been delivered when using any of the flush options Z_BLOCK, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH, Z_SYNC_FLUSH, or Z_FULL_FLUSH. The compressor and decompressor must use exactly the same dictionary (see inflateSetDictionary).

The dictionary should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely to be encountered later in the data to be compressed, with the most commonly used strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a dictionary is most useful when the data to be compressed is short and can be predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better than with the default empty dictionary.

Depending on the size of the compression data structures selected by deflateInit or deflateInit2, a part of the dictionary may in effect be discarded, for example if the dictionary is larger than the window size provided in deflateInit or deflateInit2. Thus the strings most likely to be useful should be put at the end of the dictionary, not at the front. In addition, the current implementation of deflate will use at most the window size minus 262 bytes of the provided dictionary.

Upon return of this function, strm->adler is set to the Adler-32 value of the dictionary; the decompressor may later use this value to determine which dictionary has been used by the compressor. (The Adler-32 value applies to the whole dictionary even if only a subset of the dictionary is actually used by the compressor.) If a raw deflate was requested, then the Adler-32 value is not computed and strm->adler is not set.

Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if a parameter is invalid (e.g. dictionary being Z_NULL) or the stream state is inconsistent (for example if deflate has already been called for this stream or if not at a block boundary for raw deflate). deflateSetDictionary does not perform any compression: this will be done by deflate().


Provides gzip header information for when a gzip stream is requested by deflateInit2(). deflateSetHeader() may be called after deflateInit2() or deflateReset() and before the first call of deflate(). The text, time, os, extra field, name, and comment information in the provided gz_header structure are written to the gzip header (xflag is ignored -- the extra flags are set according to the compression level). The caller must assure that, if not Z_NULL, name and comment are terminated with a zero byte, and that if extra is not Z_NULL, that extra_len bytes are available there. If hcrc is true, a gzip header crc is included. Note that the current versions of the command-line version of gzip (up through version 1.3.x) do not support header crc's, and will report that it is a "multi-part gzip file" and give up.

If deflateSetHeader is not used, the default gzip header has text false, the time set to zero, and os set to 255, with no extra, name, or comment fields. The gzip header is returned to the default state by deflateReset().

deflateSetHeader returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent.



Fine tune deflate's internal compression parameters. This should only be used by someone who understands the algorithm used by zlib's deflate for searching for the best matching string, and even then only by the most fanatic optimizer trying to squeeze out the last compressed bit for their specific input data. Read the deflate.c source code for the meaning of the max_lazy, good_length, nice_length, and max_chain parameters.

deflateTune() can be called after deflateInit() or deflateInit2(), and returns Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR for an invalid deflate stream.



Sets internal buffer size used by this library's functions. The default buffer size is 8192 bytes. This function must be called after gzopen() or gzdopen(), and before any other calls that read or write the file. The buffer memory allocation is always deferred to the first read or write. Three times that size in buffer space is allocated. A larger buffer size of, for example, 64K or 128K bytes will noticeably increase the speed of decompression (reading).

The new buffer size also affects the maximum length for gzprintf().

Z_OK on success, or -1 on failure, such as being called too late.


Clears the error and end-of-file flags for file. This is analogous to the clearerr() function in stdio. This is useful for continuing to read a gzip file that is being written concurrently.



Flushes all pending output if necessary, closes the compressed file and deallocates the (de)compression state. Note that once file is closed, you cannot call gzerror with file, since its structures have been deallocated. gzclose must not be called more than once on the same file, just as free must not be called more than once on the same allocation.

Z_STREAM_ERROR if file is not valid, Z_ERRNO on a file operation error, Z_MEM_ERROR if out of memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if the last read ended in the middle of a gzip stream, or Z_OK on success.


Same as gzclose(), but gzclose_r() is only for use when reading, and gzclose_w() is only for use when writing or appending. The advantage to using these instead of gzclose() is that they avoid linking in zlib compression or decompression code that is not used when only reading or only writing respectively. If gzclose() is used, then both compression and decompression code will be included the application when linking to a static zlib library.



Returns true (1) if file is being copied directly while reading, or false (0) if file is a gzip stream being decompressed.

If the input file is empty, gzdirect() will return true, since the input does not contain a gzip stream.

If gzdirect() is used immediately after gzopen() or gzdopen() it will cause buffers to be allocated to allow reading the file to determine if it is a gzip file. Therefore if gzbuffer() is used, it should be called before gzdirect().

When writing, gzdirect() returns true (1) if transparent writing was requested ("wT" for the gzopen() mode), or false (0) otherwise. (Note: gzdirect() is not needed when writing. Transparent writing must be explicitly requested, so the application already knows the answer. When linking statically, using gzdirect() will include all of the zlib code for gzip file reading and decompression, which may not be desired.)



Associates gzFile with the file descriptor.

File descriptors are obtained from calls like open, dup, creat, pipe or fileno (if the file has been previously opened with fopen). The mode parameter is as in gzopen.

The next call of gzclose on the returned gzFile will also close the file descriptor fd, just like fclose(fdopen(fd, mode)) closes the file descriptor fd. If you want to keep fd open, use fd = dup(fd_keep); gz = gzdopen(fd, mode);. The duplicated descriptor should be saved to avoid a leak, since gzdopen does not close fd if it fails. If you are using fileno() to get the file descriptor from a FILE *, then you will have to use dup() to avoid double-close()ing the file descriptor. Both gzclose() and fclose() will close the associated file descriptor, so they need to have different file descriptors.

struct gzFile_s*
Z_OK if there was insufficient memory to allocate the gzFile state, if an invalid mode was specified (an 'r', 'w', or 'a' was not provided, or '+' was provided), or if fd is -1. The file descriptor is not used until the next gz* read, write, seek, or close operation, so gzdopen will not detect if fd is invalid (unless fd is -1).


Returns true (1) if the end-of-file indicator has been set while reading, false (0) otherwise. Note that the end-of-file indicator is set only if the read tried to go past the end of the input, but came up short. Therefore, just like feof(), gzeof() may return false even if there is no more data to read, in the event that the last read request was for the exact number of bytes remaining in the input file. This will happen if the input file size is an exact multiple of the buffer size.

If gzeof() returns true, then the read functions will return no more data, unless the end-of-file indicator is reset by gzclearerr() and the input file has grown since the previous end of file was detected.



Returns the error message for the last error which occurred on the given compressed file. errnum is set to zlib error number. If an error occurred in the file system and not in the compression library, errnum is set to Z_ERRNO and the application may consult errno to get the exact error code.

The application must not modify the returned string. Future calls to this function may invalidate the previously returned string. If file is closed, then the string previously returned by gzerror will no longer be available.

gzerror() should be used to distinguish errors from end-of-file for those functions above that do not distinguish those cases in their return values.

const char*


Flushes all pending output into the compressed file. The parameter flush is as in the deflate() function. The return value is the zlib error number (see function gzerror below). gzflush is only permitted when writing.

If the flush parameter is Z_FINISH, the remaining data is written and the gzip stream is completed in the output. If gzwrite() is called again, a new gzip stream will be started in the output. gzread() is able to read such concatenated gzip streams.

gzflush should be called only when strictly necessary because it will degrade compression if called too often.



Read up to nitems items of size size from file to buf, otherwise operating as gzread() does. This duplicates the interface of stdio's fread(), with size_t request and return types. If the library defines size_t, then size_t is identical to size_t. If not, then size_t is an unsigned integer type that can contain a pointer.

gzfread() returns the number of full items read of size size, or zero if the end of the file was reached and a full item could not be read, or if there was an error. gzerror() must be consulted if zero is returned in order to determine if there was an error. If the multiplication of size and nitems overflows, i.e. the product does not fit in a size_t, then nothing is read, zero is returned, and the error state is set to Z_STREAM_ERROR.

In the event that the end of file is reached and only a partial item is available at the end, i.e. the remaining uncompressed data length is not a multiple of size, then the final partial item is nevetheless read into buf and the end-of-file flag is set. The length of the partial item read is not provided, but could be inferred from the result of gztell(). This behavior is the same as the behavior of fread() implementations in common libraries, but it prevents the direct use of gzfread() to read a concurrently written file, reseting and retrying on end-of-file, when size is not 1.

unsigned long


Writes nitems items of size size from buf to file, duplicating the interface of stdio's fwrite(), with size_t request and return types. If the library defines size_t, then size_t is identical to size_t. If not, then size_t is an unsigned integer type that can contain a pointer.

gzfwrite() returns the number of full items written of size size, or zero if there was an error. If the multiplication of size and nitems overflows, i.e. the product does not fit in a size_t, then nothing is written, zero is returned, and the error state is set to Z_STREAM_ERROR.

unsigned long


Reads one byte from the compressed file. gzgetc returns this byte or -1 in case of end of file or error. This is implemented as a macro for speed. As such, it does not do all of the checking the other functions do. I.e. it does not check to see if file is NULL, nor whether the structure file points to has been clobbered or not.



Reads bytes from the compressed file until len-1 characters are read, or a newline character is read and transferred to buf, or an end-of-file condition is encountered. If any characters are read or if len == 1, the string is terminated with a null character. If no characters are read due to an end-of-file or len < 1, then the buffer is left untouched.

buf which is a null-terminated string, or it returns NULL for end-of-file or in case of error. If there was an error, the contents at buf are indeterminate.


Returns current offset in the file being read or written. This offset includes the count of bytes that precede the gzip stream, for example when appending or when using gzdopen() for reading. When reading, the offset does not include as yet unused buffered input. This information can be used for a progress indicator. On error, gzoffset() returns -1.



Opens a gzip (.gz) file for reading or writing.

The mode parameter is as in fopen ("rb" or "wb") but can also include a compression level ("wb9") or a strategy: 'f' for filtered data as in "wb6f", 'h' for Huffman-only compression as in "wb1h", 'R' for run-length encoding as in "wb1R", or 'F' for fixed code compression as in "wb9F". (See the description of deflateInit2 for more information about the strategy parameter.) 'T' will request transparent writing or appending with no compression and not using the gzip format.

"a" can be used instead of "w" to request that the gzip stream that will be written be appended to the file. "+" will result in an error, since reading and writing to the same gzip file is not supported. The addition of "x" when writing will create the file exclusively, which fails if the file already exists. On systems that support it, the addition of "e" when reading or writing will set the flag to close the file on an execve() call.

These functions, as well as gzip, will read and decode a sequence of gzip streams in a file. The append function of gzopen() can be used to create such a file. (Also see gzflush() for another way to do this.) When appending, gzopen does not test whether the file begins with a gzip stream, nor does it look for the end of the gzip streams to begin appending. gzopen will simply append a gzip stream to the existing file.

gzopen can be used to read a file which is not in gzip format; in this case gzread will directly read from the file without decompression. When reading, this will be detected automatically by looking for the magic two- byte gzip header.

struct gzFile_s*
Z_OK if the file could not be opened, if there was insufficient memory to allocate the gzFile state, or if an invalid mode was specified (an 'r', 'w', or 'a' was not provided, or '+' was provided). errno can be checked to determine if the reason gzopen failed was that the file could not be opened.


Converts, formats, and writes the arguments to the compressed file under control of the format string, as in fprintf. gzprintf returns the number of uncompressed bytes actually written, or a negative zlib error code in case of error. The number of uncompressed bytes written is limited to 8191, or one less than the buffer size given to gzbuffer(). The caller should assure that this limit is not exceeded. If it is exceeded, then gzprintf() will return an error (0) with nothing written. In this case, there may also be a buffer overflow with unpredictable consequences, which is possible only if zlib was compiled with the insecure functions sprintf() or vsprintf() because the secure snprintf() or vsnprintf() functions were not available. This can be determined using zlibCompileFlags().



Writes character converted to an unsigned char into compressed file.

value that was written, or -1 on error


Writes the given null-terminated string to the compressed file, excluding the terminating null character.

Z_OK number of characters written, or -1 in case of error.


Reads given number of uncompressed bytes from the compressed file. If the input file is not in gzip format, gzread copies the given number of bytes into the buffer directly from the file.

After reaching the end of a gzip stream in the input, gzread will continue to read, looking for another gzip stream. Any number of gzip streams may be concatenated in the input file, and will all be decompressed by gzread(). If something other than a gzip stream is encountered after a gzip stream, that remaining trailing garbage is ignored (and no error is returned).

gzread can be used to read a gzip file that is being concurrently written. Upon reaching the end of the input, gzread will return with the available data. If the error code returned by gzerror is Z_OK or Z_BUF_ERROR, then gzclearerr can be used to clear the end of file indicator in order to permit gzread to be tried again. Z_OK indicates that a gzip stream was completed on the last gzread. Z_BUF_ERROR indicates that the input file ended in the middle of a gzip stream. Note that gzread does not return -1 in the event of an incomplete gzip stream. This error is deferred until gzclose(), which will return Z_BUF_ERROR if the last gzread ended in the middle of a gzip stream. Alternatively, gzerror can be used before gzclose to detect this case.

Z_OK number of uncompressed bytes actually read, less than len for end of file, or -1 for error. If len is too large to fit in an int, then nothing is read, -1 is returned, and the error state is set to Z_STREAM_ERROR.


Rewinds file.

This function is supported only for reading.

@note gzrewind(file) is equivalent to (int)gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET)


Sets starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the given compressed file. The offset represents a number of bytes in the uncompressed data stream. The whence parameter is defined as in lseek(2); the value SEEK_END is not supported.

If the file is opened for reading, this function is emulated but can be extremely slow. If the file is opened for writing, only forward seeks are supported; gzseek then compresses a sequence of zeroes up to the new starting position.

resulting offset location as measured in bytes from the beginning of the uncompressed stream, or -1 in case of error, in particular if the file is opened for writing and the new starting position would be before the current position.


Dynamically update the compression level or strategy. See the description of deflateInit2 for the meaning of these parameters. Previously provided data is flushed before the parameter change.

Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the file was not opened for writing, Z_ERRNO if there is an error writing the flushed data, or Z_MEM_ERROR if there is a memory allocation error.


Returns starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the given compressed file. This position represents a number of bytes in the uncompressed data stream, and is zero when starting, even if appending or reading a gzip stream from the middle of a file using gzdopen().

@note gztell(file) is equivalent to gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_CUR)


Pushes one character back onto the stream to be read as the first character on the next read. At least one character of push-back is allowed. gzungetc() returns the character pushed, or -1 on failure. gzungetc() will fail if c is -1, and may fail if a character has been pushed but not read yet. If gzungetc is used immediately after gzopen or gzdopen, at least the output buffer size of pushed characters is allowed. (See gzbuffer above.) The pushed character will be discarded if the stream is repositioned with gzseek() or gzrewind().



Writes given number of uncompressed bytes into the compressed file. gzwrite returns the number of uncompressed bytes written or 0 in case of error.



inflate decompresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full. It may introduce some output latency (reading input without producing any output) except when forced to flush.

The detailed semantics are as follows. inflate performs one or both of the following actions:

  • Decompress more input starting at next_in and update next_in and avail_in accordingly. If not all input can be processed (because there is not enough room in the output buffer), then next_in and avail_in are updated accordingly, and processing will resume at this point for the next call of inflate().
  • Generate more output starting at next_out and update next_out and avail_out accordingly. inflate() provides as much output as possible, until there is no more input data or no more space in the output buffer (see below about the flush parameter).
Before the call of inflate(), the application should ensure that at least one of the actions is possible, by providing more input and/or consuming more output, and updating the next_* and avail_* values accordingly. If the caller of inflate() does not provide both available input and available output space, it is possible that there will be no progress made. The application can consume the uncompressed output when it wants, for example when the output buffer is full (avail_out == 0), or after each call of inflate(). If inflate returns Z_OK and with zero avail_out, it must be called again after making room in the output buffer because there might be more output pending.

The flush parameter of inflate() can be Z_NO_FLUSH, Z_SYNC_FLUSH, Z_FINISH, Z_BLOCK, or Z_TREES. Z_SYNC_FLUSH requests that inflate() flush as much output as possible to the output buffer. Z_BLOCK requests that inflate() stop if and when it gets to the next deflate block boundary. When decoding the zlib or gzip format, this will cause inflate() to return immediately after the header and before the first block. When doing a raw inflate, inflate() will go ahead and process the first block, and will return when it gets to the end of that block, or when it runs out of data.

The Z_BLOCK option assists in appending to or combining deflate streams. To assist in this, on return inflate() always sets strm->data_type to the number of unused bits in the last byte taken from strm->next_in, plus 64 if inflate() is currently decoding the last block in the deflate stream, plus 128 if inflate() returned immediately after decoding an end-of-block code or decoding the complete header up to just before the first byte of the deflate stream. The end-of-block will not be indicated until all of the uncompressed data from that block has been written to strm->next_out. The number of unused bits may in general be greater than seven, except when bit 7 of data_type is set, in which case the number of unused bits will be less than eight. data_type is set as noted here every time inflate() returns for all flush options, and so can be used to determine the amount of currently consumed input in bits.

The Z_TREES option behaves as Z_BLOCK does, but it also returns when the end of each deflate block header is reached, before any actual data in that block is decoded. This allows the caller to determine the length of the deflate block header for later use in random access within a deflate block. 256 is added to the value of strm->data_type when inflate() returns immediately after reaching the end of the deflate block header.

inflate() should normally be called until it returns Z_STREAM_END or an error. However if all decompression is to be performed in a single step (a single call of inflate), the parameter flush should be set to Z_FINISH. In this case all pending input is processed and all pending output is flushed; avail_out must be large enough to hold all of the uncompressed data for the operation to complete. (The size of the uncompressed data may have been saved by the compressor for this purpose.) The use of Z_FINISH is not required to perform an inflation in one step. However it may be used to inform inflate that a faster approach can be used for the single inflate() call. Z_FINISH also informs inflate to not maintain a sliding window if the stream completes, which reduces inflate's memory footprint. If the stream does not complete, either because not all of the stream is provided or not enough output space is provided, then a sliding window will be allocated and inflate() can be called again to continue the operation as if Z_NO_FLUSH had been used.

In this implementation, inflate() always flushes as much output as possible to the output buffer, and always uses the faster approach on the first call. So the effects of the flush parameter in this implementation are on the return value of inflate() as noted below, when inflate() returns early when Z_BLOCK or Z_TREES is used, and when inflate() avoids the allocation of memory for a sliding window when Z_FINISH is used.

If a preset dictionary is needed after this call (see inflateSetDictionary below), inflate sets strm->adler to the Adler-32 checksum of the dictionary chosen by the compressor and returns Z_NEED_DICT; otherwise it sets strm->adler to the Adler-32 checksum of all output produced so far (that is, total_out bytes) and returns Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END or an error code as described below. At the end of the stream, inflate() checks that its computed Adler-32 checksum is equal to that saved by the compressor and returns Z_STREAM_END only if the checksum is correct.

inflate() can decompress and check either zlib-wrapped or gzip-wrapped deflate data. The header type is detected automatically, if requested when initializing with inflateInit2(). Any information contained in the gzip header is not retained unless inflateGetHeader() is used. When processing gzip-wrapped deflate data, strm->adler32 is set to the CRC-32 of the output produced so far. The CRC-32 is checked against the gzip trailer, as is the uncompressed length, modulo 2^32.

Z_OK if some progress has been made (more input processed or more output produced), Z_STREAM_END if the end of the compressed data has been reached and all uncompressed output has been produced, Z_NEED_DICT if a preset dictionary is needed at this point, Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted (input stream not conforming to the zlib format or incorrect check value, in which case strm->msg points to a string with a more specific error), Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream structure was inconsistent (for example next_in or next_out was Z_NULL, or the state was inadvertently written over by the application), Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if no progress was possible or if there was not enough room in the output buffer when Z_FINISH is used. Note that Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal, and inflate() can be called again with more input and more output space to continue decompressing. If Z_DATA_ERROR is returned, the application may then call inflateSync() to look for a good compression block if a partial recovery of the data is to be attempted.


inflateBack() does a raw inflate with a single call using a call-back interface for input and output. This is potentially more efficient than inflate() for file i/o applications, in that it avoids copying between the output and the sliding window by simply making the window itself the output buffer. inflate() can be faster on modern CPUs when used with large buffers. inflateBack() trusts the application to not change the output buffer passed by the output function, at least until inflateBack() returns.

inflateBackInit() must be called first to allocate the internal state and to initialize the state with the user-provided window buffer. inflateBack() may then be used multiple times to inflate a complete, raw deflate stream with each call. inflateBackEnd() is then called to free the allocated state.

A raw deflate stream is one with no zlib or gzip header or trailer. This routine would normally be used in a utility that reads zip or gzip files and writes out uncompressed files. The utility would decode the header and process the trailer on its own, hence this routine expects only the raw deflate stream to decompress. This is different from the default behavior of inflate(), which expects a zlib header and trailer around the deflate stream.

inflateBack() uses two subroutines supplied by the caller that are then called by inflateBack() for input and output. inflateBack() calls those routines until it reads a complete deflate stream and writes out all of the uncompressed data, or until it encounters an error. The function's parameters and return types are defined above in the in_func and out_func typedefs. inflateBack() will call in(in_desc, &buf) which should return the number of bytes of provided input, and a pointer to that input in buf. If there is no input available, in() must return zero -- buf is ignored in that case -- and inflateBack() will return a buffer error. inflateBack() will call out(out_desc, buf, len) to write the uncompressed data buf[0..len-1]. out() should return zero on success, or non-zero on failure. If out() returns non-zero, inflateBack() will return with an error. Neither in() nor out() are permitted to change the contents of the window provided to inflateBackInit(), which is also the buffer that out() uses to write from. The length written by out() will be at most the window size. Any non-zero amount of input may be provided by in().

For convenience, inflateBack() can be provided input on the first call by setting strm->next_in and strm->avail_in. If that input is exhausted, then in() will be called. Therefore strm->next_in must be initialized before calling inflateBack(). If strm->next_in is Z_NULL, then in() will be called immediately for input. If strm->next_in is not Z_NULL, then strm->avail_in must also be initialized, and then if strm->avail_in is not zero, input will initially be taken from strm->next_in[0 .. strm->avail_in - 1].

The in_desc and out_desc parameters of inflateBack() is passed as the first parameter of in() and out() respectively when they are called. These descriptors can be optionally used to pass any information that the caller- supplied in() and out() functions need to do their job.

On return, inflateBack() will set strm->next_in and strm->avail_in to pass back any unused input that was provided by the last in() call. The return values of inflateBack() can be Z_STREAM_END on success, Z_BUF_ERROR if in() or out() returned an error, Z_DATA_ERROR if there was a format error in the deflate stream (in which case strm->msg is set to indicate the nature of the error), or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream was not properly initialized. In the case of Z_BUF_ERROR, an input or output error can be distinguished using strm->next_in which will be Z_NULL only if in() returned an error. If strm->next_in is not Z_NULL, then the Z_BUF_ERROR was due to out() returning non-zero. (in() will always be called before out(), so strm->next_in is assured to be defined if out() returns non-zero.) Note that inflateBack() cannot return Z_OK.



All memory allocated by inflateBackInit() is freed.

Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state was inconsistent.


Sets the destination stream as a complete copy of the source stream.

This function can be useful when randomly accessing a large stream. The first pass through the stream can periodically record the inflate state, allowing restarting inflate at those points when randomly accessing the stream.

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc being Z_NULL). msg is left unchanged in both source and destination.


All dynamically allocated data structures for this stream are freed. This function discards any unprocessed input and does not flush any pending output.

Z_OK or Z_STREAM_ERROR if stream state inconsistent


Returns the sliding dictionary being maintained by inflate. dictLength is set to the number of bytes in the dictionary, and that many bytes are copied to dictionary. dictionary must have enough space, where 32768 bytes is always enough. If inflateGetDictionary() is called with dictionary equal to Z_NULL, then only the dictionary length is returned, and nothing is copied. Similary, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set.

Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state is inconsistent.


inflateGetHeader() requests that gzip header information be stored in the provided gz_header structure. inflateGetHeader() may be called after inflateInit2() or inflateReset(), and before the first call of inflate(). As inflate() processes the gzip stream, head->done is zero until the header is completed, at which time head->done is set to one. If a zlib stream is being decoded, then head->done is set to -1 to indicate that there will be no gzip header information forthcoming. Note that Z_BLOCK or Z_TREES can be used to force inflate() to return immediately after header processing is complete and before any actual data is decompressed.

The text, time, xflags, and os fields are filled in with the gzip header contents. hcrc is set to true if there is a header CRC. (The header CRC was valid if done is set to one.) If extra is not Z_NULL, then extra_max contains the maximum number of bytes to write to extra. Once done is true, extra_len contains the actual extra field length, and extra contains the extra field, or that field truncated if extra_max is less than extra_len. If name is not Z_NULL, then up to name_max characters are written there, terminated with a zero unless the length is greater than name_max. If comment is not Z_NULL, then up to comm_max characters are written there, terminated with a zero unless the length is greater than comm_max. When any of extra, name, or comment are not Z_NULL and the respective field is not present in the header, then that field is set to Z_NULL to signal its absence. This allows the use of deflateSetHeader() with the returned structure to duplicate the header. However if those fields are set to allocated memory, then the application will need to save those pointers elsewhere so that they can be eventually freed.

If inflateGetHeader is not used, then the header information is simply discarded. The header is always checked for validity, including the header CRC if present. inflateReset() will reset the process to discard the header information. The application would need to call inflateGetHeader() again to retrieve the header from the next gzip stream.

Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent.


Initializes the internal stream state for decompression. The fields next_in, avail_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the caller. In the current version of inflate, the provided input is not read or consumed. The allocation of a sliding window will be deferred to the first call of inflate (if the decompression does not complete on the first call). If zalloc and zfree are set to Z_NULL, inflateInit updates them to use default allocation functions.

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the parameters are invalid, such as a null pointer to the structure. msg is set to null if there is no error message. inflateInit does not perform any decompression. Actual decompression will be done by inflate(). So next_in, and avail_in, next_out, and avail_out are unused and unchanged. The current implementation of inflateInit() does not process any header information -- that is deferred until inflate() is called.


This is another version of inflateInit with an extra parameter. The fields next_in, avail_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the caller.

The windowBits parameter is the base two logarithm of the maximum window size (the size of the history buffer). It should be in the range 8..15 for this version of the library. The default value is 15 if inflateInit is used instead. windowBits must be greater than or equal to the windowBits value provided to deflateInit2() while compressing, or it must be equal to 15 if deflateInit2() was not used. If a compressed stream with a larger window size is given as input, inflate() will return with the error code Z_DATA_ERROR instead of trying to allocate a larger window.

windowBits can also be zero to request that inflate use the window size in the zlib header of the compressed stream.

windowBits can also be -8..-15 for raw inflate. In this case, -windowBits determines the window size. inflate() will then process raw deflate data, not looking for a zlib or gzip header, not generating a check value, and not looking for any check values for comparison at the end of the stream. This is for use with other formats that use the deflate compressed data format such as zip. Those formats provide their own check values. If a custom format is developed using the raw deflate format for compressed data, it is recommended that a check value such as an Adler-32 or a CRC-32 be applied to the uncompressed data as is done in the zlib, gzip, and zip formats. For most applications, the zlib format should be used as is. Note that comments above on the use in deflateInit2() applies to the magnitude of windowBits.

windowBits can also be greater than 15 for optional gzip decoding. Add 32 to windowBits to enable zlib and gzip decoding with automatic header detection, or add 16 to decode only the gzip format (the zlib format will return a Z_DATA_ERROR). If a gzip stream is being decoded, strm->adler is a CRC-32 instead of an Adler-32. Unlike the gunzip utility and gzread() (see below), inflate() will not automatically decode concatenated gzip streams. inflate() will return Z_STREAM_END at the end of the gzip stream. The state would need to be reset to continue decoding a subsequent gzip stream.

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the parameters are invalid, such as a null pointer to the structure. msg is set to null if there is no error message. inflateInit2 does not perform any decompression apart from possibly reading the zlib header if present: actual decompression will be done by inflate(). (So next_in and avail_in may be modified, but next_out and avail_out are unused and unchanged.) The current implementation of inflateInit2() does not process any header information -- that is deferred until inflate() is called.


Returns two values, one in the lower 16 bits of the return value, and the other in the remaining upper bits, obtained by shifting the return value down 16 bits. If the upper value is -1 and the lower value is zero, then inflate() is currently decoding information outside of a block. If the upper value is -1 and the lower value is non-zero, then inflate is in the middle of a stored block, with the lower value equaling the number of bytes from the input remaining to copy. If the upper value is not -1, then it is the number of bits back from the current bit position in the input of the code (literal or length/distance pair) currently being processed. In that case the lower value is the number of bytes already emitted for that code.

A code is being processed if inflate is waiting for more input to complete decoding of the code, or if it has completed decoding but is waiting for more output space to write the literal or match data.

inflateMark() is used to mark locations in the input data for random access, which may be at bit positions, and to note those cases where the output of a code may span boundaries of random access blocks. The current location in the input stream can be determined from avail_in and data_type as noted in the description for the Z_BLOCK flush parameter for inflate.

the value noted above, or -65536 if the provided source stream state was inconsistent.


This function inserts bits in the inflate input stream. The intent is that this function is used to start inflating at a bit position in the middle of a byte. The provided bits will be used before any bytes are used from next_in. This function should only be used with raw inflate, and should be used before the first inflate() call after inflateInit2() or inflateReset(). bits must be less than or equal to 16, and that many of the least significant bits of value will be inserted in the input.

If bits is negative, then the input stream bit buffer is emptied. Then inflatePrime() can be called again to put bits in the buffer. This is used to clear out bits leftover after feeding inflate a block description prior to feeding inflate codes.

Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent.


This function is equivalent to inflateEnd followed by inflateInit, but does not free and reallocate the internal decompression state. The stream will keep attributes that may have been set by inflateInit2.

Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being Z_NULL).


This function is the same as inflateReset, but it also permits changing the wrap and window size requests. The windowBits parameter is interpreted the same as it is for inflateInit2. If the window size is changed, then the memory allocated for the window is freed, and the window will be reallocated by inflate() if needed.

Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being Z_NULL), or if the windowBits parameter is invalid.


Initializes the decompression dictionary from the given uncompressed byte sequence. This function must be called immediately after a call of inflate, if that call returned Z_NEED_DICT. The dictionary chosen by the compressor can be determined from the Adler-32 value returned by that call of inflate. The compressor and decompressor must use exactly the same dictionary (see deflateSetDictionary). For raw inflate, this function can be called at any time to set the dictionary. If the provided dictionary is smaller than the window and there is already data in the window, then the provided dictionary will amend what's there. The application must insure that the dictionary that was used for compression is provided.

Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if a parameter is invalid (e.g. dictionary being Z_NULL) or the stream state is inconsistent, Z_DATA_ERROR if the given dictionary doesn't match the expected one (incorrect Adler-32 value). inflateSetDictionary does not perform any decompression: this will be done by subsequent calls of inflate().


Skips invalid compressed data until a possible full flush point (see above for the description of deflate with Z_FULL_FLUSH) can be found, or until all available input is skipped. No output is provided.

inflateSync searches for a 00 00 FF FF pattern in the compressed data. All full flush points have this pattern, but not all occurrences of this pattern are full flush points.

Z_OK if a possible full flush point has been found, Z_BUF_ERROR if no more input was provided, Z_DATA_ERROR if no flush point has been found, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream structure was inconsistent. In the success case, the application may save the current current value of total_in which indicates where valid compressed data was found. In the error case, the application may repeatedly call inflateSync, providing more input each time, until success or end of the input data.


Decompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. sourceLen is the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the destination buffer, which must be large enough to hold the entire uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data must have been saved previously by the compressor and transmitted to the decompressor by some mechanism outside the scope of this compression library.) Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the uncompressed data.

Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer, or Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted or incomplete. In the case where there is not enough room, uncompress() will fill the output buffer with the uncompressed data up to that point.


Same as uncompress, except that sourceLen is a pointer, where the length of the source is *sourceLen. On return, *sourceLen is the number of source bytes consumed.



The application can compare zlibVersion and ZLIB_VERSION for consistency. If the first character differs, the library code actually used is not compatible with the zlib.h header file used by the application. This check is automatically made by deflateInit and inflateInit.

const char*


Decodes base64 ascii representation to binary.

This supports the following alphabets:

  • ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  • ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_
const char* data
is input value
unsigned long size
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* out_size
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Decodes ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Describes clock_gettime() clock argument.

char* buf
int x
const char*


Describes setrlimit() / getrlimit() argument.

char* buf
int x
const char*


Describes clock_gettime() clock argument.

char* buf
struct sched_param* x
const char*


Describes clock_gettime() clock argument.

char* buf
int x
const char*


Returns symbolic name for siginfo::si_code value.

char* b
int sig
int si_code
const char*


Describes clock_nanosleep() flags argument.

char* buf
int x
const char*


Describes setsockopt() level arguments.

char* buf
int x
const char*


Describes setsockopt() optname arguments.

char* buf
int l
int x
const char*


long time1
long time0


Returns directory portion of path, e.g.

path     │ dirname() │ basename()
.        │ .         │ .
..       │ .         │ ..
/        │ /         │ /
usr      │ .         │ usr
/usr/    │ /         │ usr
/usr/lib │ /usr      │ lib
char* path
is UTF-8 and may be mutated, but not expanded in length
pointer to path, or inside path, or to a special r/o string
@see basename()
@see SUSv2


Divides integers yielding numerator and denominator.

int num
int den
struct retval


Divides 128-bit signed integers w/ remainder.

__int128 a
is numerator
__int128 b
is denominator
unsigned __int128* opt_out_rem
receives euclidean division remainder if not null
quotient or result of division
@note rounds towards zero


Divides 128-bit signed integers.

__int128 a
is numerator
__int128 b
is denominator
quotient or result of division
@note rounds towards zero


D.J. Bernstein's outrageously fast integer sorting algorithm.

int* a
unsigned long n


D.J. Bernstein's outrageously fast integer sorting algorithm.

is int32 array
is number of elements in rdi
@note public domain
@see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_network


int(*)() callback
void* data


Acquires more system memory for dlmalloc.

unsigned long size
memory map address on success, or null w/ errno


const char* src
unsigned char* dst
int space
unsigned char** dnptrs
unsigned char** lastdnptr


const unsigned char* s
const unsigned char* end


Formats string directly to file descriptor.

int fd
const char* fmt




Duplicates file descriptor.

The O_CLOEXEC flag shall be cleared from the resulting file descriptor; see dup3() to preserve it.

One use case for duplicating file descriptors is to be able to reassign an open()'d file or pipe() to the stdio of an executed subprocess. On Windows, in order for this to work, the subprocess needs to be a Cosmopolitan program that has socket() linked.

Only small programs should duplicate sockets. That's because this implementation uses DuplicateHandle() on Windows, which Microsoft says might cause its resources to leak internally. Thus it likely isn't a good idea to design a server that does it a lot and lives a long time, without contributing a patch to this implementation.

int fd
remains open afterwards
some arbitrary new number for fd
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play without stdio
@raise ENOTSUP if fd is a zip file descriptor
@raise EBADF if fd is negative or not open


struct __global_locale* old
struct __global_locale*


Argument list too long.

const int


Permission denied.

const int


Performs access() check using effective user/group id.

const char* filename
int amode


Address already in use.

const int


Address not available.

const int


Address family not supported.

const int


Resource temporarily unavailable (e.g. SO_RCVTIMEO expired, too many processes, too much memory locked, read or write with O_NONBLOCK needs polling, etc.).

const int


Connection already in progress.

const int


Bad file descriptor.

const int


Bad message.

const int


Device or resource busy.

const int


Operation canceled.

const int


No child process.

const int


Connection reset before accept.

const int


Connection refused error.

const int


Connection reset by client.

const int


Resource deadlock avoided.

const int


Destination address required.

const int


Mathematics argument out of domain of function.

const int


Disk quota exceeded.

const int


File exists.

const int


Pointer passed to system call that would otherwise segfault.

const int


File too large.

const int


Start the Cosmopolitan runtime after exiting UEFI Boot Services.

is mm
is new pml4t
is argc
is argv
@see libc/runtime/efimain.greg.c


Inappropriate file type or format.

const int


Host down error.

const int


Host unreachable error.

const int


Identifier removed.

const int


Unicode decoding error.

const int


Operation already in progress.

const int


The greatest of all errnos.

const int


Invalid argument.

const int


Unix consensus.

const int


Socket is connected.

const int


Is a a directory.

const int


Too many levels of symbolic links.

const int


Wrong medium type.

const int


Too many open files.

const int


Message too long.

const int


Multihop attempted.

const int


Filename too long.

const int


Encodes binary to base64 ascii representation.

const char* data
is input value
unsigned long size
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* out_size
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Encodes HTTP header value.

This operation involves the following:

  1. Trim whitespace.
  2. Turn UTF-8 into ISO-8859-1.
  3. Make sure no C0 or C1 control codes are present (except tab).
If the input value isn't thompson-pike encoded then this implementation will fall back to latin1 in most cases.
const char* data
is input value
unsigned long size
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* out_size
if non-NULL receives output length on success
allocated NUL-terminated string, or NULL w/ errno


Encodes UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
int f
can kControlC0, kControlC1, kControlWs to forbid
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno
@error EILSEQ means UTF-8 found we can't or won't re-encode
@error ENOMEM means malloc() failed


Encodes URL.

struct Url* h
unsigned long* z
if not null receives string length of result
nul-terminated url string needing free
@see ParseUrl()


char* block
int edflag


Closes group database.



struct FILE* f


Closes global handle to password database.

@see getpwent()


Returns true if s has suffix.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated string
const char* suffix
is also NUL-terminated


Returns true if s has suffix.

const unsigned short* s
is a NUL-terminated string
const unsigned short* suffix
is also NUL-terminated




Network is down.

const int


Connection reset by network.

const int


Host is unreachable.

const int


Too many open files in system.

const int


No buffer space available.

const int


No data.

const int


No such device.

const int


No such file or directory.

const int


Exec format error.

const int


No locks available.

const int


No medium found.

const int


We require more vespene gas.

const int


No message error.

const int


No network.

const int


Protocol not available.

const int


No space left on device.

const int


Out of streams resources.

const int


No string.

const int


System call unavailable.

const int
@note kNtErrorInvalidFunction on NT


Block device required.

const int


Socket is not connected.

const int


Not a directory.

const int


Directory not empty.

const int


State not recoverable.

const int


Not a socket.

const int


Operation not supported.

const int


Inappropriate i/o control operation.

const int


No such device or address.

const int


Socket operation not supported.

const int


Overflow error.

const int


Owner died.

const int


Operation not permitted.

const int
@note kNtErrorInvalidAccess on NT


Protocol family not supported.

const int


Broken pipe.

const int


Protocol error.

const int


Protocol not supported.

const int


Protocol wrong type for socket.

const int


unsigned short* s


Result too large.

const int


Remote error.

const int


Please restart syscall.

const int


Returns error function of x.

Highest measured error is 1.01 ULPs at 0x1.39956ac43382fp+0.

double x
@raise ERANGE on underflow


float x


Read-only filesystem.

const int


Global variable for last error.

The system call wrappers update this with WIN32 error codes. Unlike traditional libraries, Cosmopolitan error codes are defined as variables. By convention, system calls and other functions do not update this variable when nothing's broken.

@see libc/sysv/consts.sh
@see libc/sysv/errfuns.h
@see __errno_location() stable abi


Returns address of errno variable.



Escapes URL fragment.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Escapes URL host or registry name.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Escapes HTML entities.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Escapes URL IP-literal.

This is the same as EscapeHost except colon is permitted.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Escapes UTF-8 data for JavaScript or JSON string literal.

HTML entities and forward slash are escaped too for added safety. Single quote (') is \uxxxx-encoded for consistency, as it's allowed in JavaScript, but not in JSON strings.

We assume the UTF-8 is well-formed and can be represented as UTF-16. Things that can't be decoded will fall back to binary. Things that can't be encoded will use invalid codepoint markers. This function is agnostic to numbers that have been used with malicious intent in the past under buggy software. Noncanonical encodings such as overlong NUL are canonicalized as NUL. Therefore it isn't necessary to say EscapeJsStringLiteral(Underlong(𝑥)) since EscapeJsStringLiteral(𝑥) will do the same thing.

char** r
is realloc'able output buffer reused between calls
unsigned long* y
is used to track byte length of *r
const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
*r on success, or null w/ errno


Escapes query/form name/parameter.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Escapes URL password.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Escapes URL path.

This is the same as EscapePathSegment() except slash is allowed.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Escapes URL path segment.

Please note this will URI encode the slash character. That's because segments are the labels between the slashes in a path.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Escapes URL component using generic table.

This function is agnostic to the underlying charset. Always using UTF-8 is a good idea.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
const char* T
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno
@see kEscapeAuthority
@see kEscapeIpLiteral
@see kEscapePath
@see kEscapePathSegment
@see kEscapeParam
@see kEscapeFragment


Escapes URL component using generic table w/ stpcpy() api.

char* p
struct fragment* v
const char* T


Escapes URL user name.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown.

const int


Socket type not supported.

const int


Invalid seek.

const int


No such process.

const int


Stale error.

const int


Timer expired.

const int


Connection timed out.

const int


Too many references: cannot splice.

const int


Won't open executable that's executing in write mode.

const int


Performs access() check using effective user/group id.

const char* filename
int amode


Too many users.

const int


Improper link.

const int


Executes program, with PATH search and current environment.

The current process is replaced with the executed one.

const char* prog
is program to launch (may be PATH searched)
const char* arg
doesn't return on success, otherwise -1 w/ errno


Replaces current process with program.

On Windows, argv and envp can't contain binary strings. They need to be valid UTF-8 in order to round-trip the WIN32 API, without being corrupted.

On Windows, only file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 can be passed to a child process in such a way that allows them to be automatically discovered when the child process initializes. Cosmpolitan currently treats your other file descriptors as implicitly O_CLOEXEC.

const char* prog
char** argv
char** envp
doesn't return, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ETXTBSY if another process has prog open in write mode
@raise ENOEXEC if file is executable but not a valid format
@raise ENOMEM if remaining stack memory is insufficient
@raise EACCES if execute permission was denied


Executes program, with path environment search.

This function is a wrapper of the execve() system call that does path resolution. The PATH environment variable is taken from your global environ rather than the envp argument.

const char* prog
is the program to launch
char** argv
is [file,argv₁..argvₙ₋₁,NULL]
char** envp
is ["key=val",...,NULL]
doesn't return on success, otherwise -1 w/ errno


Exits process with grace.

This calls functions registered by atexit() before terminating the current process, and any associated threads. It also calls all the legacy linker registered destructors in reversed order

This implementation allows exit() to be called recursively via atexit() handlers.

int exitcode
is masked with 255
@see _Exit()


Returns 10ˣ.

The largest observed error is ~0.513 ULP.

double x


Returns 10ˣ.

float x


Returns 2^𝑥.

long double x
long double


Returns 𝑒^𝑥-𝟷.

double x


Returns absolute value of floating point number.

double x


Returns absolute value of floating point number.

float x


Returns absolute value of floating point number.

long double x
long double


Checks if effective user can access path in particular ways.

int dirfd
is normally AT_FDCWD but if it's an open directory and file is a relative path, then file is opened relative to dirfd
const char* path
is a filename or directory
int amode
can be R_OK, W_OK, X_OK, or F_OK
int flags
0 if ok, or -1 and sets errno
@raise EINVAL if amode or flags had invalid values
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play without rpath promise
@raise EACCES if access for requested amode would be denied
@raise ENOTDIR if a directory component in path exists as non-directory
@raise ENOENT if component of path doesn't exist or path is empty
@raise ENOTSUP if path is a zip file and dirfd isn't AT_FDCWD
@note on Linux flags is only supported on Linux 5.8+


Drops hints to O/S about intended I/O behavior.

It makes a huge difference. For example, when copying a large file, it can stop the system from persisting GBs of useless memory content.

int fd
unsigned long offset
unsigned long len
0 means until end of file
int advice
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if fd isn't a valid file descriptor
@raise ESPIPE if fd refers to a pipe
@raise EINVAL if advice was invalid
@raise ENOSYS on XNU and OpenBSD


Returns capacity of stdio stream buffer.

struct FILE* f
unsigned long


Sets current directory based on file descriptor.

This does *not* update the PWD environment variable.

int dirfd
@raise EACCES if search permission was denied on directory
@raise ENOTDIR if dirfd doesn't refer to a directory
@raise EBADF if dirfd isn't a valid file descriptor
@raise ENOTSUP if dirfd refers to /zip/... file
@see open(path, O_DIRECTORY)


Changes file permissions via open()'d file descriptor.

int fd
unsigned int mode
contains octal flags (base 8)
@raise EROFS if fd is a /zip/... file
@see chmod()


Changes permissions on file, e.g.:

CHECK_NE(-1, fchmodat(AT_FDCWD, "foo/bar.txt", 0644));
CHECK_NE(-1, fchmodat(AT_FDCWD, "o/default/program", 0755));
CHECK_NE(-1, fchmodat(AT_FDCWD, "privatefolder/", 0700));
int dirfd
const char* path
must exist
unsigned int mode
contains octal flags (base 8)
int flags
@raise EROFS if dirfd or path use zip file system
@raise EOPNOTSUP on Linux if path is a symbolic link, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW is set in flags, and filesystem does not support setting the mode of symbolic links.
@see fchmod()


Changes owner and/or group of file, via open()'d descriptor.

int fd
unsigned int uid
is user id, or -1u to not change
unsigned int gid
is group id, or -1u to not change
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see /etc/passwd for user ids
@see /etc/group for group ids
@raises ENOSYS on Windows


Changes owner and/or group of path.

int dirfd
is open()'d relative-to directory, or AT_FDCWD, etc.
const char* path
unsigned int uid
is user id, or -1 to not change
unsigned int gid
is group id, or -1 to not change
int flags
can have AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, etc.
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EROFS if dirfd or path use zip file system
@see chown(), lchown() for shorthand notation
@see /etc/passwd for user ids
@see /etc/group for group ids


Closes standard i/o stream and its underlying thing.

struct FILE* f
is the file object
0 on success or -1 on error, which can be a trick for differentiating between EOF and real errors during previous i/o calls, without needing to call ferror()


Does things with file descriptor, e.g.

CHECK_NE(-1, fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC));
This function lets you duplicate file descriptors without running into an edge case where they take over stdio handles:

CHECK_GE((newfd = fcntl(oldfd, F_DUPFD,         3)), 3);
CHECK_GE((newfd = fcntl(oldfd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 3)), 3);
This function implements file record locking, which lets independent processes (and on Linux 3.15+, threads too!) lock arbitrary ranges associated with a file. See test/libc/calls/lock_test.c and other locking related tests in that folder.

On Windows, the Cosmopolitan Libc polyfill for POSIX advisory locks only implements enough of its nuances to support SQLite's needs. Some possibilities, e.g. punching holes in lock, will raise ENOTSUP.

int fd
is the file descriptor
int cmd
can be one of:
  • F_GETFD gets FD_CLOEXEC status of fd
  • F_SETFD sets FD_CLOEXEC status of arg file descriptor
  • F_GETFL returns file descriptor status flags
  • F_SETFL sets file descriptor status flags - O_NONBLOCK may be changed - O_APPEND may be changed - O_DIRECT may be changed - O_SEQUENTIAL may be changed (no-op on non-Windows) - O_RANDOM may be changed (no-op on non-Windows) - Other bits (O_ACCMODE, O_CREAT, etc.) are ignored
  • F_DUPFD is like dup() but arg is a minimum result, e.g. 3
  • F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC ditto but sets O_CLOEXEC on returned fd
  • F_SETLK for record locking where arg is struct flock *
  • F_SETLKW ditto but waits for lock (SQLite avoids this)
  • F_GETLK to retrieve information about a record lock
  • F_OFD_SETLK for better non-blocking lock (Linux 3.15+ only)
  • F_OFD_SETLKW for better blocking lock (Linux 3.15+ only)
  • F_OFD_GETLK for better lock querying (Linux 3.15+ only)
  • F_FULLFSYNC on MacOS for fsync() with release barrier
  • F_BARRIERFSYNC on MacOS for fsync() with even more barriers
  • F_SETNOSIGPIPE on MacOS and NetBSD to control SIGPIPE
  • F_GETNOSIGPIPE on MacOS and NetBSD to control SIGPIPE
  • F_GETPATH on MacOS and NetBSD where arg is char[PATH_MAX]
  • F_MAXFD on NetBSD to get max open file descriptor
  • F_NOCACHE on MacOS to toggle data caching
  • F_GETPIPE_SZ on Linux to get pipe size
  • F_SETPIPE_SZ on Linux to set pipe size
  • F_NOTIFY raise SIGIO upon fd events in arg (Linux only) - DN_ACCESS for file access - DN_MODIFY for file modifications - DN_CREATE for file creations - DN_DELETE for file deletions - DN_RENAME for file renames - DN_ATTRIB for file attribute changes - DN_MULTISHOT bitwise or for realtime signals (non-coalesced)
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if fd isn't a valid open file descriptor
@raise EINVAL if cmd is unknown or unsupported by os
@raise EINVAL if cmd is invalid or unsupported by os
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play w/o stdio or flock promise
@raise ENOLCK if F_SETLKW would have exceeded RLIMIT_LOCKS
@raise EPERM if cmd is F_SETOWN and we weren't authorized
@raise ESRCH if cmd is F_SETOWN and process group not found
@raise ENOTSUP on Windows if locking operation isn't supported yet
@raise EDEADLK if cmd was F_SETLKW and waiting would deadlock
@raise EMFILE if cmd is F_DUPFD or F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC and RLIMIT_NOFILE would be exceeded
@cancelationpoint when cmd is F_SETLKW or F_OFD_SETLKW


Returns true if file descriptor exists.

This function is equivalent to:

fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) != -1
Except it won't clobber errno and has minimal linkage.
int fd


Returns positive difference.

double x
double y


Returns positive difference.

float x
float y


Returns positive difference.

long double x
long double y
long double


const char[92]


Allocates stream object for already-opened file descriptor.

int fd
existing file descriptor or -1 for plain old buffer
const char* mode
is passed to fopenflags()
struct FILE*
new stream or NULL w/ errno
@error ENOMEM


Clears floating point exception status, e.g.

may bitwise-or the following:
  • FE_ALL_EXCEPT (all of the above)
0 on success, or nonzero on error


Disables floating point exception trapping, e.g.

feenableexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO |
               FE_OVERFLOW | FE_UNDERFLOW);
When trapping is enabled, something should handle SIGFPE. Calling ShowCrashReports() at startup will install a generic handler with backtraces and the symbol of the si->si_code which UNIX defines

  • FPE_INTOVF: integer overflow
  • FPE_INTDIV: integer divide by zero
  • FPE_FLTDIV: floating point divide by zero
  • FPE_FLTOVF: floating point overflow
  • FPE_FLTUND: floating point underflow
  • FPE_FLTRES: floating point inexact
  • FPE_FLTINV: invalid floating point operation
  • FPE_FLTSUB: subscript out of range
It's important to not use the -ffast-math or -Ofast flags when compiling code that needs to be debugged. Using -fsignaling-nans will also help, since GCC doesn't enable that by default.
int excepts
may bitwise-or the following:
  • FE_ALL_EXCEPT (all of the above)
@see fetestexcept() if you don't want to deal with signals
@see feenableexcept() to turn it on in the first place


Enables floating point exception trapping, e.g.

feenableexcept(FE_INVALID | FE_DIVBYZERO |
               FE_OVERFLOW | FE_UNDERFLOW);
When trapping is enabled, something should handle SIGFPE. Calling ShowCrashReports() at startup will install a generic handler with backtraces and the symbol of the si->si_code which UNIX defines

  • FPE_INTOVF: integer overflow
  • FPE_INTDIV: integer divide by zero
  • FPE_FLTDIV: floating point divide by zero
  • FPE_FLTOVF: floating point overflow
  • FPE_FLTUND: floating point underflow
  • FPE_FLTRES: floating point inexact
  • FPE_FLTINV: invalid floating point operation
  • FPE_FLTSUB: subscript out of range
It's important to not use the -ffast-math or -Ofast flags when compiling code that needs to be debugged. Using -fsignaling-nans will also help, since GCC doesn't enable that by default.
int excepts
may bitwise-or the following:
  • FE_ALL_EXCEPT (all of the above)
@see fetestexcept() if you don't want to deal with signals
@see fedisableexcept() to turn it back off again


Saves floating-point environment and clears current exceptions.

void** envp


Returns true if stream is in end-of-file state.

struct FILE* f
is file object stream pointer
@see feof_unlocked()


Returns true if stream is in end-of-file state.

struct FILE* f
is file object stream pointer
@see feof()


Returns nonzero if stream is in error state.

struct FILE* f
is file stream pointer
non-zero if and only if it's an error state
@see ferror_unlocked(), feof()
@note EOF doesn't count


Returns nonzero if stream is in error state.

struct FILE* f
is file stream pointer
non-zero w/ errno only if f is in error state
@note EOF doesn't count
@see ferror(), feof()


Sets rounding mode.

This configures the x87 FPU as well as SSE.

int r
0 on success, or -1 on error


may bitwise-or the following:
  • FE_ALL_EXCEPT (all of the above)
mask of which exception status codes are currently set, or zero if there aren't any floating point exceptions


Restores floating point environment and raises exceptions.

void** envp


Blocks until data from stream buffer is written out.

struct FILE* f
is the stream handle, or 0 for all streams
is 0 on success or -1 on error


Finds lowest set bit in word.

int x


Finds lowest set bit in word.

long x


Reads byte from stream.

struct FILE* f
is non-null file object stream pointer
byte in range 0..255, or -1 w/ errno
@see fgetc_unlocked()


Reads byte from stream.

struct FILE* f
is file object stream pointer
byte in range 0..255, or -1 w/ errno
@see fgetc()


Retrieves line from stream, e.g.

char *line;
while ((line = chomp(fgetln(stdin, 0)))) {
  printf("%s\n", line);
The returned memory is owned by the stream. It'll be reused when fgetln() is called again. It's free()'d upon fclose() / fflush()

When reading from the console on Windows in ICANON mode, the returned line will end with \r\n rather than \n.

struct FILE* stream
specifies non-null open input stream
unsigned long* len
optionally receives byte length of line
nul-terminated line string, including the \n character unless a line happened before EOF without \n, otherwise it returns NULL and feof() and ferror() can examine the state
@see getdelim()


struct FILE* stream
unsigned long* pos


Reads line from stream.

This function is similar to getline() except it'll truncate lines exceeding size. The line ending marker is included and may be removed using chomp().

When reading from the console on Windows in ICANON mode, the returned line will end with \r\n rather than \n.

char* s
is output buffer
int size
is capacity of s
struct FILE* f
is non-null file object stream pointer
s on success, NULL on error, or NULL if EOF happens when zero characters have been read
@see fgets_unlocked()


Reads line from stream.

This function is similar to getline() except it'll truncate lines exceeding size. The line ending marker is included and may be removed using chomp().

char* s
is output buffer
int size
is capacity of s
struct FILE* f
is non-null file object stream pointer
s on success, NULL on error, or NULL if EOF happens when zero characters have been read


Reads UTF-8 character from stream.

struct FILE* f
is non-null file object stream pointer
unsigned int
wide character or -1 on EOF or error
@see fgetwc_unlocked()


Reads UTF-8 character from stream.

struct FILE* f
unsigned int
wide character or -1 on EOF or error


Reads UTF-8 content from stream into UTF-32 buffer.

This function is similar to getline() except it'll truncate lines exceeding size. The line ending marker is included and may be removed using chomp().

int* s
is is nul-terminated string that's non-null
int size
is byte length of s
struct FILE* f
is file stream object pointer
@see fgetws()


Reads UTF-8 content from stream into UTF-32 buffer.

This function is similar to getline() except it'll truncate lines exceeding size. The line ending marker is included and may be removed using chomp().

int* s
is is nul-terminated string that's non-null
int size
is byte length of s
struct FILE* f
is file stream object pointer
@see fgetws()


Returns file descriptor associated with stream.

struct FILE* f
is file stream object pointer
fd on success or -1 w/ errno;


Returns file descriptor associated with stream.

struct FILE* f
is file stream object pointer
fd on success or -1 w/ errno;


Returns path of binary without debug information, or null.

const char*
path to non-debug binary, or -1 w/ errno


Returns Content-Type for file extension.

const char* p
unsigned long n
const char*


Returns path of binary with the debug information, or null.

You can specify the COMDBG environment variable, with the path of the debug binary, in case the automatic heuristics fail. What we look for is GetProgramExecutableName() with ".dbg", ".com.dbg", etc. appended.

const char*
path to debug binary, or NULL if we couldn't find it


Returns ELF section header for section with name.

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image data
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
char* shdrstrtab
const char* name
struct Elf64_Shdr*
pointer to section header within image, or null


Returns nonzero if 𝑥 isn't INFINITY or NAN.

double x


Returns nonzero if 𝑥 isn't INFINITY or NAN.

float x


Returns nonzero if 𝑥 isn't INFINITY or NAN.

long double x


Returns nonzero if stream is line buffered.

struct FILE* f


Acquires lock on file.

Please note multiple file descriptors means multiple locks.

int fd
int op
can have LOCK_{SH,EX,NB,UN} for shared, exclusive, non-blocking, and unlocking
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


unsigned long memory


Flushes all line-buffered streams.



Performs fused multiply add.

double x
double y
double z
𝑥 * 𝑦 + 𝑧 rounded as one ternary operation


Performs fused multiply add.

float x
float y
float z
𝑥 * 𝑦 + 𝑧 with a single rounding error


Returns maximum of two doubles.

If one argument is NAN then the other is returned. This function is designed to do the right thing with signed zeroes.

double x
double y


Returns maximum of two floats.

If one argument is NAN then the other is returned. This function is designed to do the right thing with signed zeroes.

float x
float y


Returns maximum of two long doubles.

If one argument is NAN then the other is returned. This function is designed to do the right thing with signed zeroes.

long double x
long double y
long double


Opens buffer as stream.

void* buf
becomes owned by this function, and is allocated if NULL
unsigned long size
const char* mode
struct FILE*
new stream or NULL w/ errno
@raise ENOMEM if buf is NULL and we failed to allocate it
@raise ENOMEM if buf is NULL and malloc() wasn't linked
@raise EINVAL if buf is NULL when + isn't in mode


Returns minimum of two doubles.

If one argument is NAN then the other is returned. This function is designed to do the right thing with signed zeroes.

double x
double y


Returns minimum of two long doubles.

If one argument is NAN then the other is returned. This function is designed to do the right thing with signed zeroes.

long double x
long double y
long double


Does (𝑥 rem 𝑦) w/ round()-style rounding.

double x
double y
remainder ∈ (-|𝑦|,|𝑦|) in %xmm0
@define 𝑥-trunc(𝑥/𝑦)*𝑦


float x
float y


Does (𝑥 rem 𝑦) w/ round()-style rounding.

long double x
long double y
long double
remainder ∈ (-|𝑦|,|𝑦|) in %xmm0
@define 𝑥-trunc(𝑥/𝑦)*𝑦


Collapses repeating headers onto a single line.

struct HttpMessage* msg
const char* b
int h
unsigned long* z


Opens file as stream object.

const char* pathname
is a utf-8 ideally relative filename
const char* mode
is the string mode/flag DSL see fopenflags()
struct FILE*
new object to be free'd by fclose() or NULL w/ errno
@note microsoft unilaterally deprecated this function lool


Turns stdio flags description string into bitmask.

const char* mode


int* pm
char* name
struct termios* tio
struct winsize* ws


Converts unsigned 64-bit integer to binary string.

char* p
needs at least 67 bytes
unsigned long x
char z
is 0 for DIGITS, 1 for 0bDIGITS, 2 for 0bDIGITS if ≠0
pointer to nul byte


Formats integer using decimal or hexadecimal.

This formats as int64 signed decimal. However it's a:

  1. positive number
  2. with population count of 1
  3. and a magnitude of at least 256
Then we switch to hex notation to make the number more readable.
char* p
long x
char z


Converts unsigned 64-bit integer to hex string.

char* p
needs at least 19 bytes
unsigned long x
char z
is 0 for DIGITS, 1 for 0xDIGITS, 2 for 0xDIGITS if ≠0
pointer to nul byte


Converts signed 32-bit integer to string.

char* p
needs at least 12 bytes
int x
pointer to nul byte


Converts signed 64-bit integer to string.

char* p
needs at least 21 bytes
long x
pointer to nul byte


Converts 64-bit integer to string w/ commas.

char* p
needs at least 27 bytes
long x
pointer to nul byte


Converts unsigned 32-bit integer to octal string.

char* p
needs at least 12 bytes
unsigned int x
int z
ensures it starts with zero
pointer to nul byte


Converts unsigned 64-bit integer to octal string.

char* p
needs at least 24 bytes
unsigned long x
int z
ensures it starts with zero
pointer to nul byte


Converts unsigned 32-bit integer to string.

char* p
needs at least 12 bytes
unsigned int x
pointer to nul byte


Converts unsigned 64-bit integer to string.

char* p
needs at least 21 bytes
unsigned long x
pointer to nul byte


Converts unsigned 64-bit integer to string w/ commas.

char* p
needs at least 27 bytes
unsigned long x
pointer to nul byte


int fd
int name


Returns number of pending output bytes.

struct FILE* f
unsigned long


Formats and writes text to stream.

struct FILE* f
const char* fmt
@see printf() for further documentation


Formats and writes text to stream.

struct FILE* f
const char* fmt
@see printf() for further documentation


Discards contents of stream buffer.

struct FILE* f


Discards contents of stream buffer.

struct FILE* f


Writes byte to stream.

int c
is byte to buffer or write, which is masked
struct FILE* f
c as unsigned char if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes byte to stream.

int c
is byte to buffer or write, which is masked
struct FILE* f
c as unsigned char if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes string to stream.

Writing stops at the NUL-terminator, which isn't included in output. This function blocks until the full string is written, unless an unrecoverable error happens.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated string that's non-NULL
struct FILE* f
is an open stream
bytes written, or -1 w/ errno


Writes string to stream.

Writing stops at the NUL-terminator, which isn't included in output. This function blocks until the full string is written, unless an unrecoverable error happens.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated string that's non-NULL
struct FILE* f
is an open stream
bytes written, or -1 w/ errno


Writes wide character to stream.

int wc
has wide character
struct FILE* f
is file object stream pointer
unsigned int
wide character if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes wide character to stream.

int wc
has wide character
struct FILE* f
is file object stream pointer
unsigned int
wide character if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes wide character string to stream.

Writing stops at the NUL-terminator, which isn't included in output. This function blocks until the full string is written, unless an unrecoverable error happens.

const int* s
is a NUL-terminated string that's non-NULL
struct FILE* f
is an open stream
strlen(s), or -1 w/ errno


Writes wide character string to stream.

Writing stops at the NUL-terminator, which isn't included in output. This function blocks until the full string is written, unless an unrecoverable error happens.

const int* s
is a NUL-terminated string that's non-NULL
struct FILE* f
is an open stream
strlen(s), or -1 w/ errno


Reads data from stream.

void* buf
unsigned long stride
specifies the size of individual items
unsigned long count
is the number of strides to fetch
struct FILE* f
unsigned long
count on success, [0,count) on eof, or 0 on error or count==0


Reads data from stream.

void* buf
unsigned long stride
specifies the size of individual items
unsigned long count
is the number of strides to fetch
struct FILE* f
unsigned long
count on success, [0,count) on eof, or 0 on error or count==0


Returns nonzero if stream allows reading.

struct FILE* f


Returns nonzero if stream is read only.

struct FILE* f


Free memory returned by malloc() & co.

Releases the chunk of memory pointed to by p, that had been previously allocated using malloc or a related routine such as realloc. It has no effect if p is null.

void* p
is allocation address, which may be NULL
@see dlfree()


struct ai* p


const char[105]


const char[187]


Frees network interface address list.

struct ifaddrs* ifp


struct __global_locale* l


struct StrList* sl


Overwrites existing stream.

This function can be used in two ways. The first is sort of a mutating assignment. The second behavior, if pathname is NULL, is just changing the mode of an already open file descriptor.

const char* pathname
is the file to open or NULL
const char* mode
is the mode string flags, see fopenflags()
struct FILE* stream
is the existing allocated stream memory, which is flushed and closed if already open
struct FILE*
stream object if successful, or NULL w/ errno


Splits number normalized fraction and exponent.

double x
int* e


Splits number normalized fraction and exponent.

float x
int* e


Decodes data from stream.

To read a line of data from a well-formed trustworthy file:

int x, y;
char text[256];
fscanf(f, "%d %d %s\n", &x, &y, text);
Please note that this function is brittle by default, which makes it a good fit for yolo coding. With some toil it can be used in a way that makes it reasonably hardened although getline() may be better.
struct FILE* stream
const char* fmt
@see libc/fmt/vcscanf.c


Repositions open file stream.

This function flushes the buffer (unless it's currently in the EOF state) and then calls lseek() on the underlying file. If the stream is in the EOF state, this function can be used to restore it without needing to reopen the file.

struct FILE* f
is a non-null stream handle
long offset
is the byte delta
int whence
@returns 0 on success or -1 on error


Repositions open file stream.

This function flushes the buffer (unless it's currently in the EOF state) and then calls lseek() on the underlying file. If the stream is in the EOF state, this function can be used to restore it without needing to reopen the file.

struct FILE* f
is a non-null stream handle
long offset
is the byte delta
int whence
@returns 0 on success or -1 on error


Does nothing and returns FSETLOCKING_INTERNAL.

struct FILE* f
int type


struct FILE* stream
const unsigned long* pos


Returns information about file, via open()'d descriptor.

On Windows, this implementation always sets st_uid and st_gid to getuid() and getgid(). The st_mode field is generated based on the current umask().

int fd
struct stat* st
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if fd isn't a valid file descriptor
@raise EIO if an i/o error happens while reading from file system
@raise EOVERFLOW shouldn't be possible on 64-bit systems


Returns information about thing.

On Windows, this implementation always sets st_uid and st_gid to getuid() and getgid(). Anyone who relies upon the information to secure a multi-tenant personal computer should consider improving it and further note that the st_mode group / other bits will be clear

int dirfd
is normally AT_FDCWD but if it's an open directory and file is a relative path, then path becomes relative to dirfd
const char* path
struct stat* st
is where the result is stored
int flags
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EACCES if denied access to component in path prefix
@raise EIO if i/o error occurred while reading from filesystem
@raise ELOOP if a symbolic link loop exists in path
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if a component in path exceeds NAME_MAX
@raise ENOENT on empty string or if component in path doesn't exist
@raise ENOTDIR if a parent component existed that wasn't a directory
@raise EILSEQ if path contains illegal UTF-8 sequences (Windows/MacOS)
@raise ENOTDIR if path is relative and dirfd isn't an open directory
@raise ENOEXEC if path is a zip path and this executable isn't a zip file
@raise EOVERFLOW shouldn't be possible on 64-bit systems
@raise ELOOP may ahappen if SYMLOOP_MAX symlinks were dereferenced
@raise ENAMETOOLONG may happen if path exceeded PATH_MAX
@raise EFAULT if path or st point to invalid memory
@raise EINVAL if flags has unsupported bits
@see S_ISDIR(st.st_mode), S_ISREG()


Returns information about filesystem.

int fd
struct statfs* sf
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ENOTSUP if /zip path


Returns information about filesystem.

int fd
struct statvfs* sv
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@note consider using fstatfs()


Adds doubles in array.

const double* p
unsigned long n


Adds floats in array.

const float* p
unsigned long n


Returns current position of stream.

struct FILE* f
@returns current byte offset from beginning, or -1 w/ errno


Convert pathname and a project ID to System V IPC key.

const char* path
int id


Function tracing enabled state.

After ftrace_install() has been called, the logging of C function calls may be controlled by changing this variable. If __ftrace is greater than zero, functions are logged. Otherwise, they aren't.

By convention, functions wishing to disable function tracing for a short time period should say:

void foo() {
This way you still have some flexibility to force function tracing, by setting __ftrace to a higher number like 2 or 200. Even though under normal circumstances, __ftrace should only be either zero or one.


Changes size of open file.

If the file size is increased, the extended area shall appear as if it were zero-filled. If your file size is decreased, the extra data shall be lost.

This function never changes the file position. This is true even if ftruncate() causes the position to become beyond the end of file in which case, the rules described in the lseek() documentation apply.

Some operating systems implement an optimization, where length is treated as a logical size and the requested physical space won't be allocated until non-zero values get written into it. Our tests show this happens on Linux (usually with 4096 byte granularity), FreeBSD (which favors 512-byte granularity), and MacOS (prefers 4096 bytes) however Windows, OpenBSD, and NetBSD always reserve physical space. This may be inspected using fstat() and consulting stat::st_blocks.

int fd
must be open for writing
long length
may be greater than current current file size
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if length is negative
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered instead
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EIO if a low-level i/o error happened
@raise EFBIG or EINVAL if length is too huge
@raise EBADF if fd isn't an open file descriptor
@raise EINVAL if fd is a non-file, e.g. pipe, socket
@raise EINVAL if fd wasn't opened in a writeable mode
@raise EROFS if fd is on a read-only filesystem (e.g. zipos)
@raise ENOSYS on bare metal


Tries to acquire reentrant stdio object lock.

struct FILE* f
0 on success, or non-zero if another thread owns the lock


Walks file tree.

const char* dirpath
int(*)() fn
int fd_limit
0 on success, -1 on error, or non-zero fn result
@see examples/walk.c for example
@see nftw()


Releases lock on stdio object.

struct FILE* f


Changes access/modified time on open file, the modern way.

XNU only has microsecond (1e-6) accuracy. Windows only has hectonanosecond (1e-7) accuracy. RHEL5 (Linux c. 2007) doesn't support this system call.

int fd
is file descriptor of file whose timestamps will change
struct timespec* ts
is {access, modified} timestamps, or null for current time
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if flags had an unrecognized value
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play without fattr promise
@raise EINVAL if ts specifies a nanosecond value that's out of range
@raise EROFS if fd is a zip file or on a read-only filesystem
@raise EBADF if fd isn't an open file descriptor
@raise EFAULT if ts memory was invalid
@raise ENOSYS on RHEL5 or bare metal


Sets atime/mtime on file descriptor.

int fd
struct timeval* tv
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if fd isn't an open file descriptor
@raise EROFS if fd is on zip or read-only filesystem
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play without fattr promise
@raise EINVAL if tv specifies a microsecond value that's out of range
@raise ENOSYS on RHEL5 or bare metal
@see futimens() for modern version


Changes last accessed/modified times on file.

int dirfd
const char* pathname
struct timeval* tv
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@see utimensat() which uses nanos


Returns nonzero if stream allows reading.

struct FILE* f


Writes data to stream.

void* data
unsigned long stride
specifies the size of individual items
unsigned long count
is the number of strides to write
struct FILE* f
unsigned long
count on success, [0,count) on EOF, 0 on error or count==0


Writes data to stream.

void* data
unsigned long stride
specifies the size of individual items
unsigned long count
is the number of strides to write
struct FILE* f
unsigned long
count on success, [0,count) on EOF, 0 on error or count==0


Returns nonzero if stream is write only.

struct FILE* f




Converts quadruple-precision floating-point number to string.

char* buf
void* V
int ndig
unsigned long bufsize
int nik


unsigned long






int ecode
const char*


Invokes deferred function calls.

This offers behavior similar to std::unique_ptr. Functions overwrite their return addresses jumping here, and pushing exactly one entry on the shadow stack below. Functions may repeat that process multiple times, in which case the body of this gadget loops and unwinds as a natural consequence.

is return value
@see test/libc/runtime/gc_test.c


Jumps up stack to previous setjmp() invocation.

This is the same as longjmp() but also unwinds the stack to free memory, etc. that was registered using gc() or defer(). If GC isn't linked, this behaves the same as longjmp().

points to the jmp_buf which must be the same stack
is returned by setjmp() invocation (coerced nonzero)
@assume system five nexgen32e abi conformant
@see examples/ctrlc.c


double value
int ndigit
char* buf


const char[89]


const char[168]


Returns expensive but more correct version of ARG_MAX.



Returns current working directory.

If the PWD environment variable is set, and it's correct, then that'll be returned in its exact canonical or non-canonical form instead of calling getcwd().

pointer that must be free()'d, or NULL w/ errno


Returns pretty good temporary directory.

The order of precedence is:

  • $TMPDIR/ is always favored if defined
  • GetTempPath(), for the New Technology
  • /tmp/ to make security scene go crazy
This guarantees an absolute path with a trailing slash. The returned value points to static memory with PATH_MAX bytes. The string will be short enough that at least NAME_MAX bytes remain. This function is thread safe so long as callers don't modified the returned memory


const char*


Returns auxiliary value.

unsigned long key
unsigned long
auxiliary value or 0 if key not found
@see libc/sysv/consts.sh
@see System Five Application Binary Interface § 3.4.3
@error ENOENT when value not found


Reads byte from stdin.

byte in range 0..255, or -1 w/ errno


Reads byte from stdin.

byte in range 0..255, or -1 w/ errno


Gets machine state.

0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see makecontext()
@see swapcontext()
@see setcontext()


const char*


Returns current working directory, e.g.

const char *dirname = gc(getcwd(0,0)); // if malloc is linked
const char *dirname = getcwd(alloca(PATH_MAX),PATH_MAX);
char* buf
is where UTF-8 NUL-terminated path string gets written, which may be NULL to ask this function to malloc a buffer
unsigned long size
is number of bytes available in buf, e.g. PATH_MAX+1, which may be 0 if buf is NULL
buf containing system-normative path or NULL w/ errno
@raise EACCES if the current directory path couldn't be accessed
@raise ERANGE if size wasn't big enough for path and nul byte
@raise ENOMEM on failure to allocate the requested buffer
@raise EINVAL if size is zero and buf is non-null
@raise EFAULT if buf points to invalid memory


Reads string from stream, e.g.

char *line = NULL;
size_t linesize = 0;
while (getdelim(&line, &linesize, '\n', stdin) > 0) {
  printf("%s\n", line);
char** s
is the caller's buffer (in/out) which is extended or allocated automatically, also NUL-terminated is guaranteed
unsigned long* n
is the capacity of s (in/out)
int delim
is the stop char (and NUL is implicitly too)
struct FILE* f
number of bytes read >0, including delim, excluding NUL, or -1 w/ errno on EOF or error; see ferror() and feof()
@note this function will ignore EINTR if it occurs mid-line
@raises EBADF if stream isn't open for reading
@see fgetln(), getline(), chomp(), gettok_r()


Reads string from unlocked stream.

char** s
unsigned long* n
int delim
struct FILE* f
@see getdelim() for documentation


Returns domain of current host.

For example, if the fully-qualified hostname is "host.domain.example" then this SHOULD return "domain.example" however, it might not be the case; it depends on how the host machine is configured.

The nul / mutation semantics are tricky. Here is some safe copypasta:

char domain[254];
if (getdomainname(domain, sizeof(domain))) {
  strcpy(domain, "(none)");
On Linux this is the same as /proc/sys/kernel/domainname. However, we turn the weird "(none)" string into empty string.
char* name
receives output name, which is guaranteed to be complete and have a nul-terminator if this function return zero
unsigned long len
is size of name consider using DNS_NAME_MAX + 1 (254)
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if len is negative
@raise EFAULT if name is an invalid address
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if the underlying system call succeeded, but the returned hostname had a length equal to or greater than len in which case this error is raised and the buffer is modified, with as many bytes of hostname as possible excluding a nul-terminator


char* name
unsigned long len


Returns limit on number of open files.



Returns effective group ID of calling process.

unsigned int
group id


Returns program header at elf.phdr[i].

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
unsigned short i
is the program header index, starting at zero
struct Elf64_Phdr*
program header pointer, or null on error


Returns pointer to ELF section file content.

This function computes elf + sh_offset with safety checks.

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image data
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes of elf we can access
struct Elf64_Shdr* shdr
is from GetElfSectionHeaderAddress(), or null
pointer to section data within image, or null if
  1. shdr was null, or
  2. content wasn't contained within [elf,elf+mapsize), or
  3. an arithmetic overflow occurred


Returns section header object at elf.section[i].

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image data
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
unsigned short i
is the index of the section header
struct Elf64_Shdr*
pointer to section header within image, or null if
  1. i was a magic number, i.e. i >= SHN_LORESERVE, or
  2. e_shoff was zero (image has no section headers), or
  3. e_shentsize had fewer than the mandatory 60 bytes, or
  4. section header wasn't contained by [elf,elf+mapsize), or
  5. an arithmetic overflow occurred


struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
unsigned long mapsize
struct Elf64_Shdr* shdr


Returns section name string table.

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
double-nul terminated string list, or null on error


Returns pointer to ELF segment file content.

This function computes elf + p_offset with safety checks.

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image data
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes of elf we can access
struct Elf64_Phdr* phdr
is from GetElfProgramHeaderAddress(), or null
pointer to segment data within image, or null if
  1. phdr was null, or
  2. p_filesz was zero, or
  3. content wasn't contained within [elf,elf+mapsize), or
  4. an arithmetic overflow occurred


Returns strtab + i from elf string table.

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image data
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
const char* strtab
is double-nul string list from GetElfStringTable() which may be null, in which case only the !i name is valid
unsigned int i
is byte index into strtab where needed string starts or zero (no name) in which case empty string is always returned as a pointer to the read-only string literal, rather than in the elf image, since the elf spec permits an empty or absent string table section
a const nul-terminated string pointer, otherwise null if
  1. i was nonzero and strtab was null, or
  2. strtab+i wasn't inside [elf,elf+mapsize), or
  3. a nul byte wasn't present within [strtab+i,elf+mapsize), or
  4. an arithmetic overflow occurred


Returns pointer to elf string table.

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image data
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
const char* section_name
is usually ".strtab", ".dynstr", or null
pointer to string table within elf image, which should normally be a sequence of NUL-terminated strings whose first string is the empty string; otherwise NULL is returned, when either: (1) section_name is not found, (2) it did not have the SHT_STRTAB section type, (3) the section size was zero noting that the ELF spec does consider that legal, or lastly (4) an overflow or boundary violation occurred


Returns pointer to array of elf symbols.

This is a shortcut composing GetElfSymbolTable() and GetElfSectionAddress(), that can be used as follows:

Elf64_Xword i, n;
Elf64_Sym *st = GetElfSymbols(map, size, SHT_SYMTAB, &n);
for (i = 0; st && i < n; ++i) {
  // st[i] holds a symbol
The above code will iterate over the relocatable and/or statically-linked symbols defined by an ELF image.
struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image data
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
int section_type
unsigned long* out_count
optionally receives number of symbols
struct Elf64_Sym*
pointer to array of elf symbol array, otherwise null


Returns pointer to the elf section header for a symbol table.

The easiest way to get the symbol table is:

Elf64_Xword i, n;
Elf64_Sym *st = GetElfSymbols(map, size, SHT_SYMTAB, &n);
for (i = 0; st && i < n; ++i) {
  // st[i] holds a symbol
This API is more verbose than the GetElfSymbols() shortcut, however calling this the long way makes tricks like the following possible:

Elf64_Xword i, n;
Elf64_Shdr *sh = GetElfSymbolTable(map, size, SHT_SYMTAB, &n);
Elf64_Sym *st = GetElfSectionAddress(map, size, sh);
if (st) {
  for (i = sh->sh_info; i < n; ++i) {
    // st[i] holds a non-local symbol
Our code here only cares about STB_GLOBAL and STB_WEAK symbols however SHT_SYMTAB usually has countless STB_LOCAL entries too that must be skipped over. The trick is that the ELF spec requires local symbols be ordered before global symbols, and that the index dividing the two be stored to sh_info. So, if we start iterating there, then we've cleverly avoided possibly dozens of page faults!
struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image data
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
int section_type
unsigned long* out_count
optionally receives number of symbols
struct Elf64_Shdr*
pointer to symbol table section header, otherwise null


Returns effective user ID of calling process.

unsigned int
user id


const char*


Returns real group id of process.

This never fails. On Windows, which doesn't really have this concept, we return a hash of the username.

unsigned int
group id (always successful)


Returns successive entries in /etc/group database.

struct gr*


unsigned int gid
struct gr*


unsigned int gid
struct gr* gr
char* buf
unsigned long size
struct gr** res


const char* name
struct gr*


const char* name
struct gr* gr
char* buf
unsigned long size
struct gr** res


const char* user
unsigned int gid
unsigned int* groups
int* ngroups


Gets list of supplementary group IDs

int size
  • maximum number of items that can be stored in list
unsigned int* list
  • buffer to store output gid_t
-1 w/ EFAULT


void* a
unsigned int l
int af
struct hostent*


void* a
unsigned int l
int af
struct hostent* h
char* buf
unsigned long buflen
struct hostent** res
int* err


const char* name
struct hostent*


const char* name
int af
struct hostent*


const char* name
struct hostent* h
char* buf
unsigned long buflen
struct hostent** res
int* err


struct hostent*


Returns name of current host.

For example, if the fully-qualified hostname is "host.domain.example" then this SHOULD return "host" however that might not be the case; it depends on how the host machine is configured. It's fair to say if it has a dot, it's a FQDN, otherwise it's a node.

The nul / mutation semantics are tricky. Here is some safe copypasta:

char host[254];
if (gethostname(host, sizeof(host))) {
  strcpy(host, "localhost");
On Linux this is the same as /proc/sys/kernel/hostname.
char* name
receives output name, which is guaranteed to be complete and have a nul-terminator if this function return zero
unsigned long len
is size of name consider using DNS_NAME_MAX + 1 (254)
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if len is negative
@raise EFAULT if name is an invalid address
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if the underlying system call succeeded, but the returned hostname had a length equal to or greater than len in which case this error is raised and the buffer is modified, with as many bytes of hostname as possible excluding a nul-terminator


char* name
unsigned long len
int kind


char* name
unsigned long len


char* path
unsigned long size
const char*


Returns small number for HTTP header, or -1 if not found.

const char* str
unsigned long len


int h
const char*


Returns string describing HTTP reason phrase.

int code
const char*
@see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616
@see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6585


Gets network interface address list.

struct ifaddrs** out_ifpp
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see tool/viz/getifaddrs.c for example code


Returns path of executable interpreter.

Unlike program_executable_name which is designed to figure out the absolute path of the first argument passed to execve(), what we do here is probe things like /proc and sysctl() to figure out if we were launched by something like ape-loader, and then we return its path. If we can't determine that path, possibly because we're on XNU or OpenBSD, then we return -1 with an error code.

char* p
receives utf8 output
unsigned long n
is byte size of res buffer
p on success or null w/ errno if out of buf or error
@see program_invocation_short_name
@see program_invocation_name
@see program_executable_name


Describes IP address.

int c
const char*
@see CategorizeIp()


Retrieves last setitimer() value, correcting for remaining time.

int which
struct itimerval* curvalue
0 on success or -1 w/ errno


Reads line from stream, e.g.

char *line = NULL;
size_t linesize = 0;
while (getline(&line, &linesize, stdin) > 0) {
  printf("%s\n", line);
This function delegates to getdelim(), which provides further documentation. Concerning lines, please note the \n or \r\n are included in results, and can be removed with chomp().

When reading from the console on Windows in ICANON mode, the returned line will end with \r\n rather than \n.

char** linebuf
is the caller's buffer (in/out) which is extended automatically. *line may be NULL but only if *capacity is 0; NUL-termination is guaranteed FTMP
unsigned long* capacity
struct FILE* f
number of bytes read, including delim, excluding NUL, or -1 w/ errno on EOF or error; see ferror() and feof()
@see fgetln(), xgetline(), getdelim(), gettok_r()


Returns system load average.

double* a
should be array of 3 doubles
int n
should be 3
number of items placed in a or -1 w/ errno
@raise ENOSYS on metal


struct MagnumStr* ms
int x
const char*


struct FILE* f
struct mnt*


struct FILE* f
struct mnt* mnt
char* linebuf
int buflen
struct mnt*


unsigned int net
int type
struct netent*


const char* name
struct netent*


struct netent*


Obtains WIN32 magic path, e.g. GetTempPathA.

is address of ANSI path provider function
is output buffer
is output buffer size in bytes that's >0
eax is string length w/ NUL that's ≤ edx
rdi is rdi+edx


int nargc
char** nargv
const char* options


int nargc
char** nargv
const char* options
struct option* long_options
int* idx


int nargc
char** nargv
const char* options
struct option* long_options
int* idx


Returns details about remote end of connected socket.

int fd
struct sa* out_addr
unsigned int* inout_addrsize
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@see getsockname()


Returns process group id.

int pid


Returns process group id of calling process.

This function is equivalent to getpgid(0).



Returns process id.

This function does not need to issue a system call. The PID is tracked by a global variable which is updated at fork(). The only exception is when the process is vfork()'d in which case a system call shall be issued. This optimization helps make functions like _rand64() fork-safe, however it could lead to race conditions in programs that mix fork() with threads. In that case, apps should consider using sys_getpid().ax instead to force a system call.

On Linux, and only Linux, getpid() is guaranteed to equal gettid() for the main thread.

process id (always successful)


Returns parent process id.

parent process id (always successful)
@note slow on Windows; needs to iterate process tree


Returns nice value of thing.

Since -1 might be a valid return value for this API, it's necessary to clear errno beforehand and see if it changed, in order to truly determine if an error happened.

On Windows, there's only six priority classes. We define them as -16 (realtime), -10 (high), -5 (above), 0 (normal), 5 (below), 15 (idle) which are the only values that'll roundtrip getpriority/setpriority.

int which
can be one of:
  • PRIO_PROCESS is supported universally
  • PRIO_PGRP is supported on unix
  • PRIO_USER is supported on unix
unsigned int who
is the pid, pgid, or uid (0 means current)
value ∈ [-NZERO,NZERO) or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if which was invalid or unsupported
@raise EPERM if access to process was denied
@raise ESRCH if no such process existed
@see setpriority()


const char* name
struct p*


int num
struct p*


char* buf
unsigned long size
const char*


struct p*


Returns next entry in password database.

struct pw*
pointer to entry static memory, or NULL on EOF
@see setpwent()


Returns password database entry for user name.

This is essentially guaranteed to succeed if uid == getenv("USER"), since this implementation will generate an entry based on environ if /etc/passwd doesn't exist, or is fake (e.g. MacOS).

const char* name
struct pw*
pointer to passwd entry static memory, or NULL if not found


const char* name
struct pw* pw
char* buf
unsigned long size
struct pw** res


Returns password database entry for user id.

This is essentially guaranteed to succeed if uid == getuid(), since this implementation will generate an entry based on the environment if /etc/passwd doesn't exist, or is fake (e.g. MacOS).

unsigned int uid
struct pw*
pointer to passwd entry static memory, or NULL if not found


unsigned int uid
struct pw* pw
char* buf
unsigned long size
struct pw** res


Gets real, effective, and "saved" group ids.

unsigned int* real
receives real user id, or null to do nothing
unsigned int* effective
receives effective user id, or null to do nothing
unsigned int* saved
receives saved user id, or null to do nothing
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@see setresuid()


Gets real, effective, and "saved" user ids.

unsigned int* real
receives real user id, or null to do nothing
unsigned int* effective
receives effective user id, or null to do nothing
unsigned int* saved
receives saved user id, or null to do nothing
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@see setresuid()


Returns resource usage statistics.

int who
struct rusage* usage
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


char* s


const char* name
const char* prots
struct se*


const char* name
const char* prots
struct servent* se
char* buf
unsigned long buflen
struct servent** res


int port
const char* prots
struct se*


int port
const char* prots
struct servent* se
char* buf
unsigned long buflen
struct servent** res


struct servent*


char* path
unsigned long size
const char*


Creates session and sets the process group id.

int pid


Returns details about network interface kernel granted socket.

int fd
struct sa* out_addr
unsigned int* inout_addrsize
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@see getpeername()


Retrieves socket setting.

int fd
int level
int optname
can be SO_{REUSE{PORT,ADDR},KEEPALIVE,etc.} etc.
void* out_opt_optval
unsigned int* out_optlen
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@error ENOPROTOOPT for unknown (level,optname)
@error EINVAL if out_optlen is invalid somehow
@error ENOTSOCK if fd is valid but not a socket
@error EBADF if fd isn't valid
@error EFAULT if optval memory isn't valid
@see libc/sysv/consts.sh for tuning catalogue
@see setsockopt()


unsigned long


char** optionp
char** tokens
char** valuep


Returns name of symbol at address.

long addr


Returns current thread id.

On Linux, and Linux only, this is guaranteed to be equal to getpid() if this is the main thread. On NetBSD, gettid() for the main thread is always 1.

thread id greater than zero or -1 w/ errno


Returns system wall time in microseconds, e.g.

int64_t t;
char p[20];
struct tm tm;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
t = tv.tv_sec;
gmtime_r(&t, &tm);
iso8601(p, &tm);
printf("%s\n", p);
struct timeval* tv
points to timeval that receives result if non-null
struct timezone* tz
is completely ignored
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EFAULT if tv points to invalid memory
@see clock_gettime() for nanosecond precision
@see strftime() for string formatting


Returns real user id of process.

This never fails. On Windows, which doesn't really have this concept, we return a hash of the username.

unsigned int
user id (always successful)


struct utmpx*


struct utmpx* x
struct utmpx*


struct utmpx* x
struct utmpx*


Reads UTF-8 character from stream.

unsigned int
wide character or -1 on EOF or error


Reads UTF-8 character from stream.

unsigned int
wide character or -1 on EOF or error


Identifies microarchitecture of host processor.

short key
can be kX86ProcessorModelKey for host info
struct X86ProcessorModel*
@see https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/intel/cpuid
@see https://a4lg.com/tech/x86/database/x86-families-and-models.en.html


Returns comment of zip central directory.

const unsigned char* eocd


Returns comment of zip central directory.

const unsigned char* eocd
unsigned long


Returns offset of zip central directory.

const unsigned char* eocd
unsigned long


Returns number of records in zip central directory.

const unsigned char* eocd
unsigned long


Returns size of zip central directory.

const unsigned char* eocd
unsigned long


Returns compressed size in bytes from zip central directory header.

const unsigned char* z


Returns st_mode from ZIP central directory record.

const unsigned char* p


Returns offset of local file header.

const unsigned char* z


Extracts modified/access/creation timestamps from zip entry.

const unsigned char* cf
is pointer to central directory header for file
optionally receives last modified timestamp
optionally receives modified timestamp
optionally receives creation timestamp
int gmtoff
is seconds adjustment for legacy dos timestamps


Returns uncompressed size in bytes from zip central directory header.

const unsigned char* z


Locates End Of Central Directory record in ZIP file.

The ZIP spec says this header can be anywhere in the last 64kb. We search it backwards for the ZIP-64 "PK♠•" magic number. If that's not found, then we search again for the original "PK♣♠" magnum. The caller needs to check the first four bytes of the returned value to determine whether to use ZIP_CDIR_xxx() or ZIP_CDIR64_xxx() macros.

void* f
points to file memory
unsigned long n
is byte size of file
int* e
may receive error code when null is returned
pointer to EOCD64 or EOCD, otherwise null


Returns compressed size in bytes from zip local file header.

const unsigned char* z


Returns uncompressed size in bytes from zip local file header.

const unsigned char* z


Finds pathnames matching pattern.

For example:

glob_t g = {.gl_offs = 2};
glob("*.*", GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &g);
glob("../.*", GLOB_DOOFFS | GLOB_APPEND, NULL, &g);
g.gl_pathv[0] = "ls";
g.gl_pathv[1] = "-l";
execvp("ls", &g.gl_pathv[0]);
const char* pat
can have star wildcard see fnmatch()
int flags
int(*)() errfunc
struct glob_t* g
will receive matching entries and needs globfree()
0 on success or GLOB_NOMATCH, GLOB_NOSPACE on OOM, or GLOB_ABORTED on read error


Frees entries allocated by glob().

struct glob_t* g


Returns new socket with modern goodness enabled.

int family
int type
int protocol
_Bool isserver
struct timeval* timeout


Grants access to subordinate pseudoteletypewriter.

int fd
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if fd isn't open
@raise EINVAL if fd is valid but not associated with pty
@raise EACCES if pseudoterminal couldn't be accessed


Returns true if C0 or C1 control codes are present

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
int f
can have kControlWs, kControlC0, kControlC1 to forbid
index of first forbidden character or -1
@see VisualizeControlCodes()


struct mnt* mnt
const char* opt


Sorts array.

Runs in O (N lg N), both average and worst. While heapsort is faster than the worst case of quicksort, the BSD quicksort does median selection so that the chance of finding a data set that will trigger the worst case is nonexistent. Heapsort's only advantage over quicksort is that it requires little additional memory.

void* vbase
is base of array
unsigned long nmemb
is item count
unsigned long size
is item width
int(*)() compar
is a callback returning <0, 0, or >0
@see Knuth, Vol. 3, page 145.
@see heapsort_r()
@see mergesort()
@see qsort()


Sorts array w/ optional callback argument.

void* vbase
is base of array
unsigned long nmemb
is item count
unsigned long size
is item width
int(*)() compar
is a callback returning <0, 0, or >0
void* z
will optionally be passed as the third argument to cmp
@see heapsort()


const char* msg


Turns data into lowercase hex.

This routine always writes a nul terminator, even if n is zero. There's no failure condition for this function.

char* s
must have n*2+1 bytes
void* p
must have n bytes
unsigned long n
is byte length of p
pointer to nul byte in s


Computes Highway Hash.

highwayhash64 n=0                  121 nanoseconds
highwayhash64 n=8                   16 ns/byte         59,865 kb/s
highwayhash64 n=31                   4 ns/byte            222 mb/s
highwayhash64 n=32                   3 ns/byte            248 mb/s
highwayhash64 n=63                   2 ns/byte            387 mb/s
highwayhash64 n=64                   2 ns/byte            422 mb/s
highwayhash64 n=128                  1 ns/byte            644 mb/s
highwayhash64 n=256                  1 ns/byte            875 mb/s
highwayhash64 n=22851              721 ps/byte          1,354 mb/s
void* data
unsigned long size
const unsigned long* key
unsigned long


const char[53]


Generates Hilbert space-filling curve.

long n
long y
long x
@see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve
@see unhilbert()


int ecode
const char*


Returns euclidean distance.

double x
double y


Returns euclidean distance.

Max observed error is 1 ulp.

float x
float y


Returns euclidean distance.

long double x
long double y
long double


void* cd
char** in
unsigned long* inb
char** out
unsigned long* outb
unsigned long


void* cd


const char* to
const char* from


The identity() function.

first argument


Returns log₂𝑥 exponent part of double.

double x


Returns log₂𝑥 exponent part of double.

float x


Returns log₂𝑥 exponent part of double.

long double x


struct in6addr_any


struct in6addr_loopback


Inserts spaces before lines.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
unsigned long j
is number of spaces to use
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Converts dotted IPv4 address string to network order binary.

const char* s
unsigned int
@see inet_aton()


Converts dotted IPv4 address string to network order binary.

const char* s0


Converts IPv4 network address to array.

struct in in


Formats internet address to string.

int af
can be AF_INET or AF_INET6
void* src
is the binary-encoded address, e.g. &addr->sin_addr
char* dst
is the output string buffer
unsigned int size
needs to be 16+ for IPv4 and 46+ for IPv6
const char*
dst on success or NULL w/ errno


Converts internet address string to binary.

int af
can be AF_INET or AF_INET6
const char* src
is the ASCII-encoded address
void* dst
is where the binary-encoded net-order address goes
1 on success, 0 on src malformed, or -1 w/ errno


Decompresses raw deflate data.

This uses puff by default since it has a 2kb footprint. If zlib proper is linked, then we favor that instead, since it's faster.

void* out
unsigned long outsize
needs to be known ahead of time by some other means
void* in
unsigned long insize
0 on success or nonzero on failure


Initialize internal stream state for decompression using inflateBack() calls. The fields zalloc, zfree and opaque in strm must be initialized before the call. If zalloc and zfree are Z_NULL, then the default library- derived memory allocation routines are used. windowBits is the base two logarithm of the window size, in the range 8..15. window is a caller supplied buffer of that size. Except for special applications where it is assured that deflate was used with small window sizes, windowBits must be 15 and a 32K byte window must be supplied to be able to decompress general deflate streams.

See inflateBack() for the usage of these routines.

Z_OK on success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if any of the parameters are invalid, or Z_MEM_ERROR if the internal state could not be allocated.


Decentralized function for process initialization.

Modules may inject cheap data structure initialization code into this function using the .init.start and .init.end macros. That code can use the LODS and STOS instructions to initialize memory that's restricted to read-only after initialization by PIRO.

This is fast, since the linker is able to roll-up initialization for large codebases comprised of many modules, into a perfectly linear order. It also enables a common pattern we use, which we call “Referencing Is Initialization” (RII).

C/C++ code should favor using ordinary constructors, since under normal circumstances the compiler will clobber RDI and RSI which are granted special meanings within this function.

is argc (still callee saved)
is argv (still callee saved)
is envp (still callee saved)
is envp (still callee saved)
@note rdi is __init_bss_start (callee monotonic lockstep)
@note rsi is __init_rodata_start (callee monotonic lockstep)
@see .init.start & .init.end (libc/macros.h)
@see ape/ape.lds


Decentralized section for unpacked data structures.

Data in this section becomes read-only after initialization.

@see .piro.bss.init (libc/macros.h)
@see libc/runtime/piro.c
@see ape/ape.lds


Decentralized section for packed data structures & initializers.

@see .initro (libc/macros.h)
@see ape/ape.lds


const char* user
unsigned int gid


unsigned int seed
char* state
unsigned long size


void* element
void* pred


Tiny and reasonably fast sorting for ints.

int* A
unsigned long n
@see djbsort


Returns true if host seems legit.

This function may be called after ParseUrl() or ParseHost() has already handled things like percent encoding. There's currently no support for IPv6 and IPv7.

Here's examples of permitted inputs:

  • ""
  • localservice
  • hello.example
  • _hello.example
  • -hello.example
  • hi-there.example
Here's some examples of forbidden inputs:

  • ::1
  • 1.2.3
  • .hi.example
  • hi..example
const char* s
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen


Returns true if path seems legit.

  1. The substring "//" is disallowed.
  2. We won't serve hidden files (segment starts with '.'). The only exception is /.well-known/.
  3. We won't serve paths with segments equal to "." or "..".
It is assumed that the URI parser already took care of percent escape decoding as well as ISO-8859-1 decoding. The input needs to be a UTF-8 string. This function takes overlong encodings into consideration, so you don't need to call Underlong() beforehand.
const char* data
unsigned long size
if -1 implies strlen
@see IsReasonablePath()


Returns true if port seems legit.

Here's examples of permitted inputs:

  • ""
  • 0
  • 65535
Here's some examples of forbidden inputs:

  • -1
  • 65536
  • https
const char* s
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen


Returns true if IPv4 address is managed by AFRINIC.

unsigned int x


Returns nonzero if c is lower, alpha, or digit.

int c


Returns nonzero if c is upper or lower.

int c


Returns true if IPv4 address is anonymous proxy provider.

unsigned int x


Returns true if executable image is supported by APE Loader.

char* buf


Returns true if IPv4 address is managed by APNIC.

unsigned int x


Returns true if IPv4 address is managed by ARIN.

unsigned int x


Returns nonzero if c is ascii.

int c


Tells if file descriptor is a terminal.

int fd
is file descriptor
1 if is terminal, otherwise 0 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if fd isn't a valid file descriptor
@raise ENOTTY if fd is something other than a terminal
@raise EPERM if pledge() was used without tty


Returns nonzero if c is space or tab.

int c


Returns true if file descriptor is backed by character i/o.

This function is equivalent to:

struct stat st;
return stat(path, &st) != -1 && S_ISCHR(st.st_mode);
Except faster and with fewer dependencies.
int fd
@see isregularfile(), isdirectory(), issymlink(), fileexists()


Returns true if x is Cloudflare IPv4 address.

unsigned int x
@see https://www.cloudflare.com/ips/ (April 8, 2021)


Returns nonzero if c is C0 ASCII control code or DEL.

int c




Returns nonzero if c is decimal digit.

int c


Returns true if IP is owned by the U.S. Department of Defense.

unsigned int x


Returns true if elf is a 64-bit elf executable.

struct Elf64_Ehdr* elf
points to the start of the executable image
unsigned long mapsize
is the number of bytes past elf we can access
true if elf header looks legit


struct Elf64_Sym* sym


Returns true if file exists and is executable.

const char* path
@see access(exe, X_OK) which is more accurate on NT


Returns nonzero if c is printable ascii that isn't space.

int c


Returns true if IPv4 address is managed by LACNIC.

unsigned int x


Returns true if IPv4 address is used for localhost.

unsigned int x


Returns nonzero if c is lowercase alpha ascii character.

int c


Returns true if content-type 𝑡 has mime-type 𝑠.

const char* t
unsigned long n
const char* s


Returns true if IPv4 address is used for multicast.

unsigned int x


const char* p
unsigned long n


Returns nonzero if c is printable ascii including space.

int c


Returns true if IPv4 address is intended for private networks.

unsigned int x


Returns true if IPv4 address is Globally Reachable.

We intentionally omit TEST-NET here which can be used to simulate public Internet traffic using non-Internet IPs.

unsigned int x
true 92.4499% of the time
@see IANA IPv4 Special-Purpose Address Registry


Returns nonzero if c ∈ !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~

int c


Returns true if process is running under qemu-x86_64 or qemu-aarch64.



Returns true if path doesn't contain "." or ".." segments.

const char* data
unsigned long size
if -1 implies strlen
@see IsAcceptablePath()


Returns true if IPv4 address is managed by RIPE NCC.

unsigned int x


Determines if process is tainted.

This function returns 1 if process was launched as a result of an execve() call on a binary that had the setuid or setgid bits set. FreeBSD defines tainted as including processes that changed their effective user / group ids at some point.

always successful, 1 if yes, 0 if no


Returns nonzero if c is space, \t, \r, \n, \f, or \v.

int c
@see isblank()


Returns true if IPv4 address is intended for documentation.

unsigned int x
@see RFC5737


Returns true if buffer is most likely plaintext.

void* data
unsigned long size


Returns nonzero if c is uppercase alpha ascii character.

int c


Returns true if text is utf-8.

isutf8 n=0                  1 nanoseconds
isutf8 n=5                661 ps/byte          1,476 mb/s
isutf8 ascii n=22851       26 ps/byte             35 GB/s
isutf8 unicode n=3193     543 ps/byte          1,795 mb/s
This function considers all ASCII characters including NUL to be valid UTF-8. The conditions for something not being valid are:

  • Incorrect sequencing of 0300 (FIRST) and 0200 (CONT) chars
  • Thompson-Pike varint sequence not encodable as UTF-16
  • Overlong UTF-8 encoding
void* data
unsigned long size
if -1 implies strlen


Returns true if string is a valid cookie value (any ASCII excluding control char, whitespace, double quotes, comma, semicolon, and backslash).

const char* s
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen


Returns true if string is ASCII without delimiters.

const char* s
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen


Returns nonzero if c is lower, alpha, or digit.

unsigned int c


Returns nonzero if c is space or tab.

unsigned int c


Returns nonzero if c is control code.

This includes C0 or C1 control codes, in addition to the "LINE SEPARATOR" and "PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR" characters.

unsigned int c


Returns nonzero if c has property.

unsigned int c
unsigned int t
is number returned by wctype


Returns nonzero if c is decimal digit.

unsigned int c


Returns nonzero if c is printable and not a space.

unsigned int c


Indicates if current execution context is a worker task.

Setting this to true on things like the forked process of a web server is a good idea since it'll ask the C runtime to not pull magical stunts like attaching GDB to the process on crash.



Returns nonzero if c is printable.

unsigned int c


Returns nonzero if c is space character.

We define this as invisible characters which move the cursor. That means \t\r\n\f\v and unicodes whose category begins with Z but not ogham since it's not invisible and non-breaking spaces neither since they're not invisible to emacs users.

unsigned int c


Returns nonzero if c is ascii hex digit.

unsigned int c


Returns true if c is hexadecimal digit.

int c


Determines if ZIP EOCD record seems legit.

const unsigned char* p
unsigned long n
unsigned long i


Returns kZipOk if zip64 end of central directory header seems legit.

const unsigned char* p
unsigned long n
unsigned long i


Joins paths, e.g.

0    + 0    → 0
""   + ""   → ""
"a"  + 0    → "a"
"a"  + ""   → "a/"
0    + "b"  → "b"
""   + "b"  → "b"
"."  + "b"  → "./b"
"b"  + "."  → "b/."
"a"  + "b"  → "a/b"
"a/" + "b"  → "a/b"
"a"  + "b/" → "a/b/"
"a"  + "/b" → "/b"
char* buf
unsigned long size
const char* path
const char* other
joined path, which may be buf, path, or other, or null if (1) buf didn't have enough space, or (2) both path and other were null


struct StrList* sl
char** buf
unsigned long sep


unsigned short* s


Appends formatted string to buffer w/ kprintf, e.g.

char *b = 0;
kappendf(&b, "hello %d\n", 123);
char** b
const char* fmt
bytes appended or -1 if ENOMEM
@see appendz(b).i to get buffer length
@note O(1) amortized buffer growth
@see kprintf()


ibm cp437 unicode table w/ string literal safety

        ░▄██▒▄█ ▐██ ░░░     ▀▀████▒▀█▄
       ▐███▓██░ ██▌            ▀████▄■█▄
      ▐█▓███▀█░██▀   ░          ░▀█████▓▄
     ▐█▓██▀▄█▒██▀  ▄▄░  ▄▄▄ ░░░   ░▀████▒▄
    ▐████▀▄█■█▀      ▀▀             ░█████░
   ▐█▓█▀████▀          ░             ▐▓███▒
   █░███▀▀     ░░░    ▄█       ░░░    █████
  ▐█▓█░▀▀  ░░▄█▄▄▄▄▄  ▀▄ ▌▄▄▄░▄▄▄▄▄   ▐████░
  ▐███▌   ▄▀█████████▄ ▌▐▄████████▄   ▐▓███░
  ▐███░░░▀▄█▀▄▄████▄▀░  ▐████████▒ ▀   ░███░
  ░████░ ▓▀ ▄███████▀▌   ▀▄■████▀▀█▀   ██▀█
   ▓███░ ░▄▀▀░░░ ▀  ░░▌   ▄▀▀▄░░▀░▄▀▄ ▐██▀▄
   ░███░  ▄▓▓▄▄░▀▀█▀█ ▌░░  ▀█▀█▀▀     ▐██▀
 █▀▄▐██   ▀░░   ▄▀ ▐ █    ▀ ▄▄▄░     ░▀▄█▄▀█
 ▌▄  █▓ ▒      ░  █▄█▄▀▄▄▄███▄▀▄ ░░   ░ ▀  █▌
  █▌▄░▌      ░░░▄▀█▀███████▄▀▄▀▄▀▀▄▄▄  █▀█░▐
   ██▄     ░░░▄█▄▀██▄█■██████▄█▄█▄■▀█░  ▐░▐
    ▀██░   ░▄██████████████████▄█▄█ ░█ ░ ▄▀
    ▀▓█▄▓░░  ▒█▀█████████████████████▒ ██▀
     ▀███ ▓▒   ██████████████▀▀▀▀█▄▀ ░▄█▒
      ▀███ ▀█▄▀▄█████▀▀  ▓▓▓▄░   ▐  ░▄██
        ▀██ ▄███████▄████████▀░░   ░▄██
  ▄██▀▀▄ █▄▀▄██▒▒███████████▀▀▀▄░ ░███░
▄██▀▄▄░░▀▐▄████▄ █████▀▄░░█▀▄▀░░  ▄██░
█████▄▄▄███▀░█▌██▄▀▀█████▄▄░░░▄▄███▀██▄ ▄▀▀▀▄▄
 ▀██████▀■▄█▄▄ ░▀███████████████▓▓░░▄██▀▄████▄▄▀▄

█▀█ █  █▀█ █▀█ █▄▀ ▐▀█▀▌█▀█ █▀█ █▄ █ ▀█▀ █▀█ █▀▀
█▀▄ █  █ █ █   █ ▀▄  █  █▀▄ █ █ █ ▀█  █  █   ▀▀█
█▄█ █▄▌█▄█ █▄█ █  █  █  █ █ █▄█ █  █ ▄█▄ █▄█ █▄█

THERE WILL BE BLOCKS               march 01 2017
@see libc/str/str.h
@see kCp437i[]


Globally precomputed CPUID.

This module lets us check CPUID in 0.06ns rather than 51.00ns. If every piece of native software linked this module, then the world would be a much better place; since all the alternatives are quite toilsome.

@see www.felixcloutier.com/x86/cpuid


data structure for __dos2errno()

@see libc/sysv/dos2errno.sh for the numbers


struct kEmptyFd


const char[256]


const char[256]


const char[256]


const char[256]


const char[256]


const char[256]


const char[256]


Set of standard comma-separate HTTP headers that may span lines.

These headers may specified on multiple lines, e.g.

Allow: GET
Allow: POST
Is the same as:

Allow: GET, POST
Standard headers that aren't part of this set will be overwritten in the event that they're specified multiple times. For example,

Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Is the same as:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
This set exists to optimize header lookups and parsing. The existence of standard headers that aren't in this set is an O(1) operation. The repeatable headers in this list require an O(1) operation if they are not present, otherwise the extended headers list needs to be crawled.

Please note non-standard headers exist, e.g. Cookie, that may span multiple lines, even though they're not comma-delimited. For those headers we simply don't add them to the perfect hash table.

@note we choose to not recognize this grammar for kHttpConnection
@note grep '[A-Z][a-z]*".*":"' rfc2616
@note grep ':.*#' rfc2616
@see RFC7230 § 4.2


const char[256]


Sends signal to process.

The impact of this action can be terminating the process, or interrupting it to request something happen.

On Windows, signals are delivered between processes using shared memory files stored in C:\ProgramData\cosmo\sig\x\y.pid which hold the process signal mask. Any process that can access these files can signal a cosmo process. The targeting process will then notice that a signal has been added and delivers to any thread as soon as possible.

On Windows, the concept of a process group isn't fully implemented. Saying kill(0, sig) will deliver sig to all direct descendent processes. Saying kill(-pid, sig) will be the same as saying kill(pid, sig).

int pid
can be: >0 signals one process by id =0 signals all processes in current process group -1 signals all processes possible (except init) <-1 signals all processes in -pid process group
int sig
can be: >0 can be SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGKILL, SIGUSR1, etc. =0 checks both if pid exists and we can signal it
0 if something was accomplished, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ESRCH if pid couldn't be found
@raise EPERM if lacked permission to signal process
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play without proc promised
@raise EINVAL if the provided sig is invalid or unsupported


Sends signal to process group.

int pgrp
int sig


const unsigned short[12][2]


struct kNtIsInheritable


const char[3]


RII constant holding 'C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32' directory.

@note guarantees trailing slash if non-empty


RII constant holding 'C:/WINDOWS' directory.

@note guarantees trailing slash if non-empty


Timestamp of process start.

unsigned long
@see libc/runtime/winmain.greg.h
@see libc/crt/crt.S


const unsigned long[20]


struct IdName[10]


struct IdName[28]


struct X86ProcessorModel[65]


Mapping of enum XedChip -> bitset<enum XedIsaSet>.

See related APIs, e.g. xed_isa_set_is_valid_for_chip().

This information can be reproduced by building Xed and running the C preprocessor on xed-chip-features-table.c (see xed-chips.txt) which turns several thousand lines of non-evolving code into fifty. For example, 0x2800000ul was calculated as: 1UL<<(XED_ISA_SET_I86-64) | 1UL<<(XED_ISA_SET_LAHF-64).

const unsigned long[3][53]


const unsigned char[3][2]


Xed error code names.

const char[338]
@see XedError


const int[30]


Converts 32-bit integer to base64, the posix way.

long x
@see a64l() for inverse
@see EncodeBase64()


Returns absolute value of 𝑥.

long x


Adds new rule to Landlock ruleset.

int fd
enum rule_type rule_type
void* rule_attr
unsigned int flags
@error ENOSYS if Landlock isn't supported
@error EPERM if Landlock supported but SECCOMP BPF shut it down
@error EOPNOTSUPP if Landlock supported but disabled at boot time
@error EINVAL if flags not 0, or inconsistent access in the rule, i.e. landlock_path_beneath_attr::allowed_access is not a subset of the ruleset handled accesses
@error ENOMSG empty allowed_access
@error EBADF fd is not a file descriptor for current thread, or member of rule_attr is not a file descriptor as expected
@error EBADFD fd is not a ruleset file descriptor, or a member of rule_attr is not the expected file descriptor type
@error EPERM fd has no write access to the underlying ruleset
@error EFAULT rule_attr inconsistency


Create new Landlock filesystem sandboxing ruleset.

You may also use this function to query the current ABI version:

landlock_create_ruleset(0, 0, LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET_VERSION);
struct landlock_ruleset_attr* attr
unsigned long size
unsigned int flags
close exec file descriptor for new ruleset
@error ENOSYS if not running Linux 5.13+
@error EPERM if pledge() or seccomp bpf shut it down
@error EOPNOTSUPP Landlock supported but disabled at boot
@error EINVAL unknown flags, or unknown access, or too small size
@error E2BIG attr or size inconsistencies
@error EFAULT attr or size inconsistencies
@error ENOMSG empty landlock_ruleset_attr::handled_access_fs


Enforces Landlock ruleset on calling thread.

int fd
unsigned int flags
@error EOPNOTSUPP if Landlock supported but disabled at boot time
@error EINVAL if flags isn't zero
@error EBADF if fd isn't file descriptor for the current thread
@error EBADFD if fd is not a ruleset file descriptor
@error EPERM if fd has no read access to underlying ruleset, or current thread is not running with no_new_privs, or it doesn’t have CAP_SYS_ADMIN in its namespace
@error E2BIG if the maximum number of stacked rulesets is reached for current thread


Changes mode of pathname, w/o dereferencing symlinks.

const char* pathname
unsigned int mode
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see chown() which dereferences symbolic links
@see /etc/passwd for user ids
@see /etc/group for group ids


Changes owner and/or group of pathname, w/o dereferencing symlinks.

const char* pathname
unsigned int uid
is user id, or -1u to not change
unsigned int gid
is group id, or -1u to not change
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see chown() which dereferences symbolic links
@see /etc/passwd for user ids
@see /etc/group for group ids


unsigned short* p


Divides integers yielding numerator and denominator.

long num
long den
struct retval


Returns len(str(x)) where x is a signed 64-bit integer.

long x
unsigned int


Returns decimal string length of int64 w/ thousands separators.

long x
unsigned int


Returns len(str(x)) where x is an unsigned 64-bit integer.

unsigned long x
unsigned int


Returns decimal string length of uint64 w/ thousands separators.

unsigned long x
unsigned int


Computes similarity between two strings.

const char* s0
const char* s1


void* key
void* base
unsigned long* nelp
unsigned long width
int(*)() compar


Returns natural logarithm of absolute value of gamma function.

double x


Returns natural logarithm of absolute value of Gamma function.

double x
int* signgamp


float x


Returns natural logarithm of absolute value of Gamma function.

float x
int* signgamp


Creates hard filesystem link.

This allows two names to point to the same file data on disk. They can only be differentiated by examining the inode number.

int olddirfd
const char* oldpath
int newdirfd
const char* newpath
int flags
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EROFS if either path is under /zip/...


Asks system to accept incoming connections on socket.

The socket() and bind() functions need to be called beforehand. Once this function is called, accept() is used to wait for connections. Using this on connectionless sockets will allow it to receive packets on a designated address.

int fd
int backlog
0 on success or -1 w/ errno


struct lconv*


Locks file.

int fd
int op
long size
@cancelationpoint when op is F_LOCK


Calculates log₁₀𝑥.

float x


double x


float x


long double x
long double


Loads previously saved processor state.

points to the jmp_buf
is returned by setjmp() invocation (coerced nonzero)
@see gclongjmp()
@see siglongjmp()


Sorting algorithm for longs that doesn't take long.

"What disorder is this? Give me my long sort!"
                          -Lord Capulet
long* A
unsigned long n


Rounds to integer in current rounding mode.

The floating-point exception FE_INEXACT is raised if the result is different from the input.

double x


Rounds to integer in current rounding mode.

The floating-point exception FE_INEXACT is raised if the result is different from the input.

float x


Rounds to integer in current rounding mode.

The floating-point exception FE_INEXACT is raised if the result is different from the input.

long double x


Rounds 𝑥 to nearest integer, away from zero.

double x


Rounds 𝑥 to nearest integer, away from zero.

float x


long double x


void* key
void* base
unsigned long* nelp
unsigned long width
int(*)() compar


Changes current position of file descriptor, e.g.

int fd = open("hello.bin", O_RDONLY);
lseek(fd, 100, SEEK_SET);  // set position to 100th byte
read(fd, buf, 8);          // read bytes 100 through 107
This function may be used to inspect the current position:

int64_t pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
You may seek past the end of file. If a write happens afterwards then the gap leading up to it will be filled with zeroes. Please note that lseek() by itself will not extend the physical medium.

If dup() is used then the current position will be shared across multiple file descriptors. If you seek in one it will implicitly seek the other too.

The current position of a file descriptor is shared between both processes and threads. For example, if an fd is inherited across fork(), and both the child and parent want to read from it, then changes made by one are observable to the other.

The pread() and pwrite() functions obfuscate the need for having global shared file position state. Consider using them, since it helps avoid the gotchas of this interface described above.

This function is supported by all OSes within our support vector and our unit tests demonstrate the behaviors described above are consistent across platforms.

int fd
is a number returned by open()
long offset
is 0-indexed byte count w.r.t. whence
int whence
can be one of:
  • SEEK_SET: Sets the file position to offset [default]
  • SEEK_CUR: Sets the file position to position + offset
  • SEEK_END: Sets the file position to filesize + offset
new position relative to beginning, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ESPIPE if fd is a pipe, socket, or fifo
@raise EBADF if fd isn't an open file descriptor
@raise EINVAL if resulting offset would be negative
@raise EINVAL if whence isn't valid


Returns information about file, w/o traversing symlinks.

const char* pathname
struct stat* st


Changes file timestamps, the legacy way.

const char* filename
struct timeval* tv


void* data
const unsigned char*


Decompresses LZ4 file.

We assume (1) the file is mmap()'d or was copied into into memory beforehand; and (2) folks handling untrustworthy data shall place 64kb of guard pages on the ends of each buffer, see mapanon(). We don't intend to support XXHASH; we recommend folks needing checks against data corruption consider crc32c(), or gzip since it's the best at file recovery. Dictionaries are supported; by convention, they are passed in the ≤64kb bytes preceding src.

void* dest
void* src
pointer to end of decoded data, similar to mempcpy()
@see _mapanon(), lz4check()


Returns the uncompressed content size for a compressed LZ4 block, without actually decompressing it.

void* blockdata
unsigned long blocksize
unsigned long
@see lz4cpy()


Precomputes magic numbers for unsigned division by constant.

The returned divisor may be passed to __magic_div() to perform unsigned integer division way faster than normal division e.g.

assert(77 / 7 == __magicu_div(77, __magicu_get(7)));
unsigned int d
is intended divisor, which must not be zero
struct magu
magic divisor (never zero)


unsigned long x
unsigned int


Creates coroutine gadget, e.g.

ucontext_t uc;
uc.uc_link = 0;
uc.uc_stack.ss_sp = NewCosmoStack();
uc.uc_stack.ss_size = GetStackSize();
makecontext(&uc, exit, 1, 42);
Is equivalent to:

The safest way to allocate stack memory is to use NewCosmoStack() and GetStackSize(), which will mmap() a fresh region of memory per a link time configuration, mprotect() some guard pages at the bottom, poison them if ASAN is in play, and then tell the OS that it's stack memory. If that's overkill for your use case, then you could potentially pass stacks as small as 1024 bytes; however they need to come from a stack allocation Cosmo granted to your main process and threads. It needn't be aligned, since this function takes care of that automatically. The address selected shall be uc_stack.ss_ip + uc_stack.ss_size and all the action happens beneath that address.

On AMD64 and ARM64 you may pass up to six long integer args, and up to six vectors (e.g. double, floats, __m128i, uint8x16_t). Thou shall not call code created by Microsoft compilers, even though this should work perfectly fine on Windows, as it is written in the System V ABI, which specifies your parameters are always being passed in registers.

struct ucontext_t* uc
stores processor state; the caller must have:
  1. initialized it using getcontext(uc)
  2. allocated new values for uc->uc_stack
  3. specified a successor context in uc->uc_link
void* func
is the function to call when uc is activated; when func returns, control is passed to uc->uc_link, which if null will result in pthread_exit() being called
int argc
is effectively ignored (see notes above)
@see setcontext(), getcontext(), swapcontext()


unsigned int x
unsigned int y
unsigned long


Creates directory and parent components.

This function is similar to mkdir() except it iteratively creates parent directories and it won't fail if the directory already exists.

const char* path
is a UTF-8 string, preferably relative w/ forward slashes
unsigned int mode
can be, for example, 0755
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@raise EEXIST if named file already exists as non-directory
@raise ENOTDIR if directory component in path existed as non-directory
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if symlink-resolved path length exceeds PATH_MAX
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if component in path exists longer than NAME_MAX
@raise EROFS if parent directory is on read-only filesystem
@raise ENOSPC if file system or parent directory is full
@raise EACCES if write permission was denied on parent directory
@raise EACCES if search permission was denied on component in path
@raise ENOENT if path is an empty string
@raise ELOOP if loop was detected resolving components of path


struct mallinfo*
struct mallinfo


Allocates uninitialized memory.

Returns a pointer to a newly allocated chunk of at least n bytes, or null if no space is available, in which case errno is set to ENOMEM on ANSI C systems.

If n is zero, malloc returns a minimum-sized chunk. (The minimum size is 32 bytes on 64bit systems.) It should be assumed that zero bytes are possible access, since that'll be enforced by MODE=asan.

Note that size_t is an unsigned type, so calls with arguments that would be negative if signed are interpreted as requests for huge amounts of space, which will often fail. The maximum supported value of n differs across systems, but is in all cases less than the maximum representable value of a size_t.

unsigned long n
new memory, or NULL w/ errno


void(*)() handler
void* arg


Releases freed memory back to system.

unsigned long n
specifies bytes of memory to leave available
1 if it actually released any memory, else 0


Returns the number of bytes you can actually use in an allocated chunk, which may be more than you requested (although often not) due to alignment and minimum size constraints.

You can use this many bytes without worrying about overwriting other allocated objects. This is not a particularly great programming practice. malloc_usable_size can be more useful in debugging and assertions, for example:

p = malloc(n)
assert(malloc_usable_size(p) >= 256)
void* p
is address of allocation
unsigned long
total number of bytes
@see dlmalloc_usable_size()


int param_number
int value


  • kNtMemReserve
  • kNtMemReplacePlaceholder
  • kNtMemLargePages


Returns Shannon entropy of array.

This gives you an idea of the density of information. Cryptographic random should be in the ballpark of 7.9 whereas plaintext will be more like 4.5.

const char* p
is treated as binary octets
unsigned long n
should be at least 1000
number between 0 and 8


Allocates aligned memory.

Returns a pointer to a newly allocated chunk of n bytes, aligned in accord with the alignment argument. The alignment argument shall be rounded up to the nearest two power and higher 2 powers may be used if the allocator imposes a minimum alignment requirement.

unsigned long align
is alignment in bytes, coerced to 1+ w/ 2-power roundup
unsigned long bytes
is number of bytes needed, coerced to 1+
rax is memory address, or NULL w/ errno
@see valloc(), pvalloc()


Compares memory case-insensitively.

memcasecmp n=0                     992 picoseconds
memcasecmp n=1                       1 ns/byte            590 mb/s
memcasecmp n=2                       1 ns/byte            843 mb/s
memcasecmp n=3                       1 ns/byte            885 mb/s
memcasecmp n=4                       1 ns/byte            843 mb/s
memcasecmp n=5                       1 ns/byte            820 mb/s
memcasecmp n=6                       1 ns/byte            770 mb/s
memcasecmp n=7                       1 ns/byte            765 mb/s
memcasecmp n=8                     206 ps/byte          4,724 mb/s
memcasecmp n=9                     220 ps/byte          4,428 mb/s
memcasecmp n=15                    617 ps/byte          1,581 mb/s
memcasecmp n=16                    124 ps/byte          7,873 mb/s
memcasecmp n=17                    155 ps/byte          6,274 mb/s
memcasecmp n=31                    341 ps/byte          2,860 mb/s
memcasecmp n=32                     82 ps/byte         11,810 mb/s
memcasecmp n=33                    100 ps/byte          9,743 mb/s
memcasecmp n=80                     53 ps/byte         18,169 mb/s
memcasecmp n=128                    49 ps/byte         19,890 mb/s
memcasecmp n=256                    45 ps/byte         21,595 mb/s
memcasecmp n=16384                  42 ps/byte         22,721 mb/s
memcasecmp n=32768                  40 ps/byte         24,266 mb/s
memcasecmp n=131072                 40 ps/byte         24,337 mb/s
void* p
void* q
unsigned long n
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Copies at most N bytes from SRC to DST until 𝑐 is encountered.

This is little-known C Standard Library approach, dating back to the Fourth Edition of System Five, for copying a C strings to fixed-width buffers, with added generality.

For example, strictly:

char buf[16];
CHECK_NOTNULL(memccpy(buf, s, '\0', sizeof(buf)));
Or unstrictly:

if (!memccpy(buf, s, '\0', sizeof(buf))) strcpy(buf, "?");
Are usually more sensible than the following:

char cstrbuf[16];
snprintf(cstrbuf, sizeof(cstrbuf), "%s", CSTR);
void* dst
void* src
int c
is search character and is masked with 255
unsigned long n
DST + idx(c) + 1, or NULL if 𝑐 ∉ 𝑠₀․․ₙ₋₁
@note DST and SRC can't overlap


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

void* s
is memory to search
int c
is search byte which is masked with 255
unsigned long n
is byte length of p
is pointer to first instance of c or NULL if not found


Returns pointer to first instance of character in range.

void* s
int c
unsigned long n


Compares memory byte by byte.

memcmp n=0                           2 nanoseconds
memcmp n=1                           2 ns/byte            357 mb/s
memcmp n=2                           1 ns/byte            530 mb/s
memcmp n=3                           1 ns/byte            631 mb/s
𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗰𝗺𝗽 n=4                           1 ns/byte            849 mb/s
memcmp n=5                         816 ps/byte          1,195 mb/s
memcmp n=6                         888 ps/byte          1,098 mb/s
memcmp n=7                         829 ps/byte          1,176 mb/s
𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗰𝗺𝗽 n=8                         773 ps/byte          1,261 mb/s
memcmp n=9                         629 ps/byte          1,551 mb/s
memcmp n=15                        540 ps/byte          1,805 mb/s
𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗰𝗺𝗽 n=16                        211 ps/byte          4,623 mb/s
memcmp n=17                        268 ps/byte          3,633 mb/s
memcmp n=31                        277 ps/byte          3,524 mb/s
memcmp n=32                        153 ps/byte          6,351 mb/s
memcmp n=33                        179 ps/byte          5,431 mb/s
memcmp n=79                        148 ps/byte          6,576 mb/s
𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗰𝗺𝗽 n=80                         81 ps/byte             11 GB/s
memcmp n=128                        76 ps/byte             12 GB/s
memcmp n=256                        60 ps/byte             15 GB/s
memcmp n=16384                      51 ps/byte             18 GB/s
memcmp n=32768                      51 ps/byte             18 GB/s
memcmp n=131072                     52 ps/byte             18 GB/s
void* a
void* b
unsigned long n
an integer that's (1) equal to zero if a is equal to b, (2) less than zero if a is less than b, or (3) greater than zero if a is greater than b


Creates anonymous file.

const char* name
is used for the /proc/self/fd/FD symlink
unsigned int flags
@raise ENOSYS if not RHEL8+


Memfrob implements a crypto algorithm proven to be unbreakable, without meeting its requirements concerning secrecy or length.

void* buf
unsigned long size


Prints memory mappings.

int fd


Copies memory.

memmove n=0                        661 picoseconds
memmove n=1                        661 ps/byte          1,476 mb/s
memmove n=2                        330 ps/byte          2,952 mb/s
memmove n=3                        330 ps/byte          2,952 mb/s
memmove n=4                        165 ps/byte          5,904 mb/s
memmove n=7                        141 ps/byte          6,888 mb/s
memmove n=8                         82 ps/byte             11 GB/s
memmove n=15                        44 ps/byte             21 GB/s
memmove n=16                        41 ps/byte             23 GB/s
memmove n=31                        32 ps/byte             29 GB/s
memmove n=32                        31 ps/byte             30 GB/s
memmove n=63                        21 ps/byte             45 GB/s
memmove n=64                        15 ps/byte             61 GB/s
memmove n=127                       13 ps/byte             73 GB/s
memmove n=128                       31 ps/byte             30 GB/s
memmove n=255                       20 ps/byte             45 GB/s
memmove n=256                       19 ps/byte             49 GB/s
memmove n=511                       16 ps/byte             56 GB/s
memmove n=512                       17 ps/byte             54 GB/s
memmove n=1023                      18 ps/byte             52 GB/s
memmove n=1024                      13 ps/byte             72 GB/s
memmove n=2047                       9 ps/byte             96 GB/s
memmove n=2048                       9 ps/byte             98 GB/s
memmove n=4095                       8 ps/byte            112 GB/s
memmove n=4096                       8 ps/byte            109 GB/s
memmove n=8191                       7 ps/byte            124 GB/s
memmove n=8192                       7 ps/byte            125 GB/s
memmove n=16383                      7 ps/byte            134 GB/s
memmove n=16384                      7 ps/byte            134 GB/s
memmove n=32767                     13 ps/byte             72 GB/s
memmove n=32768                     13 ps/byte             72 GB/s
memmove n=65535                     13 ps/byte             68 GB/s
memmove n=65536                     14 ps/byte             67 GB/s
memmove n=131071                    14 ps/byte             65 GB/s
memmove n=131072                    14 ps/byte             64 GB/s
memmove n=262143                    15 ps/byte             63 GB/s
memmove n=262144                    15 ps/byte             63 GB/s
memmove n=524287                    15 ps/byte             61 GB/s
memmove n=524288                    15 ps/byte             61 GB/s
memmove n=1048575                   15 ps/byte             61 GB/s
memmove n=1048576                   15 ps/byte             61 GB/s
memmove n=2097151                   19 ps/byte             48 GB/s
memmove n=2097152                   27 ps/byte             35 GB/s
memmove n=4194303                   28 ps/byte             33 GB/s
memmove n=4194304                   28 ps/byte             33 GB/s
memmove n=8388607                   28 ps/byte             33 GB/s
memmove n=8388608                   28 ps/byte             33 GB/s
DST and SRC may overlap.
void* dst
is destination
void* src
is memory to copy
unsigned long n
is number of bytes to copy


void* dst
void* src
unsigned long n


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

void* s
is memory to search
int c
is search byte which is masked with 255
unsigned long n
is byte length of p
is pointer to first instance of c or NULL if not found


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

void* s
is memory to search
int c
is search byte which is masked with 65535
unsigned long n
is number of char16_t elements in s
is pointer to first instance of c or NULL if not found


Sets memory.

memset n=0                         992 picoseconds
memset n=1                         992 ps/byte            984 mb/s
memset n=2                         330 ps/byte          2,952 mb/s
memset n=3                         330 ps/byte          2,952 mb/s
memset n=4                         165 ps/byte          5,904 mb/s
memset n=7                          94 ps/byte         10,333 mb/s
memset n=8                         124 ps/byte          7,872 mb/s
memset n=15                         66 ps/byte         14,761 mb/s
memset n=16                         62 ps/byte         15,745 mb/s
memset n=31                         32 ps/byte         30,506 mb/s
memset n=32                         20 ps/byte         47,236 mb/s
memset n=63                         26 ps/byte         37,198 mb/s
memset n=64                         20 ps/byte         47,236 mb/s
memset n=127                        23 ps/byte         41,660 mb/s
memset n=128                        12 ps/byte         75,578 mb/s
memset n=255                        18 ps/byte         53,773 mb/s
memset n=256                        12 ps/byte         75,578 mb/s
memset n=511                        17 ps/byte         55,874 mb/s
memset n=512                        12 ps/byte         75,578 mb/s
memset n=1023                       16 ps/byte         58,080 mb/s
memset n=1024                       11 ps/byte         86,375 mb/s
memset n=2047                        9 ps/byte            101 gb/s
memset n=2048                        8 ps/byte            107 gb/s
memset n=4095                        8 ps/byte            113 gb/s
memset n=4096                        8 ps/byte            114 gb/s
memset n=8191                        7 ps/byte            126 gb/s
memset n=8192                        7 ps/byte            126 gb/s
memset n=16383                       7 ps/byte            133 gb/s
memset n=16384                       7 ps/byte            131 gb/s
memset n=32767                      14 ps/byte         69,246 mb/s
memset n=32768                       6 ps/byte            138 gb/s
memset n=65535                      15 ps/byte         62,756 mb/s
memset n=65536                      15 ps/byte         62,982 mb/s
memset n=131071                     18 ps/byte         52,834 mb/s
memset n=131072                     15 ps/byte         62,023 mb/s
memset n=262143                     15 ps/byte         61,169 mb/s
memset n=262144                     16 ps/byte         61,011 mb/s
memset n=524287                     16 ps/byte         60,633 mb/s
memset n=524288                     16 ps/byte         57,902 mb/s
memset n=1048575                    16 ps/byte         60,405 mb/s
memset n=1048576                    16 ps/byte         58,754 mb/s
memset n=2097151                    16 ps/byte         59,329 mb/s
memset n=2097152                    16 ps/byte         58,729 mb/s
memset n=4194303                    16 ps/byte         59,329 mb/s
memset n=4194304                    16 ps/byte         59,262 mb/s
memset n=8388607                    16 ps/byte         59,530 mb/s
memset n=8388608                    16 ps/byte         60,205 mb/s
void* p
is memory address
int c
is masked with 255 and used as repeated byte
unsigned long n
is byte length


Sets wide memory.

unsigned short* p
unsigned short c
unsigned long n
unsigned short*


Sorts array.

void* base
unsigned long nmemb
is item count
unsigned long size
is item width
int(*)() cmp
is a callback returning <0, 0, or >0
@see mergesort_r()
@see heapsort()
@see qsort()


Sorts array w/ optional callback argument.

void* base
is base of array
unsigned long nmemb
is item count
unsigned long size
is item width
int(*)() cmp
is a callback returning <0, 0, or >0
void* z
will optionally be passed as the third argument to cmp
@see mergesort()


Tells you which pages are resident in memory.

void* addr
unsigned long length
unsigned char* vec


unsigned long x
unsigned int


Creates directory a.k.a. folder.

mkdir o               →  0
mkdir o/yo/yo/yo      → -1 w/ ENOENT
if o/yo is file       → -1 w/ ENOTDIR
if o/yo/yo/yo is dir  → -1 w/ EEXIST
if o/yo/yo/yo is file → -1 w/ EEXIST
const char* path
is a UTF-8 string, preferably relative w/ forward slashes
unsigned int mode
can be, for example, 0755
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@raise EEXIST if named file already exists
@raise ENOTDIR if directory component in path existed as non-directory
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if symlink-resolved path length exceeds PATH_MAX
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if component in path exists longer than NAME_MAX
@raise EROFS if parent directory is on read-only filesystem
@raise ENOSPC if file system or parent directory is full
@raise EACCES if write permission was denied on parent directory
@raise EACCES if search permission was denied on component in path
@raise ENOENT if a component within path didn't exist
@raise ENOENT if path is an empty string
@raise ELOOP if loop was detected resolving components of path
@see makedirs() which is higher-level
@see mkdirat() for modern call


Creates directory a.k.a. folder.

int dirfd
is normally AT_FDCWD but if it's an open directory and path is relative, then path becomes relative to dirfd
const char* path
is a UTF-8 string, preferably relative w/ forward slashes
unsigned int mode
is permissions bits, which is usually 0755
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EEXIST if named file already exists
@raise EBADF if path is relative and dirfd isn't AT_FDCWD or valid
@raise ENOTDIR if directory component in path existed as non-directory
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if symlink-resolved path length exceeds PATH_MAX
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if component in path exists longer than NAME_MAX
@raise EROFS if parent directory is on read-only filesystem
@raise ENOSPC if file system or parent directory is full
@raise EACCES if write permission was denied on parent directory
@raise EACCES if search permission was denied on component in path
@raise ENOENT if a component within path didn't exist
@raise ENOENT if path is an empty string
@raise ELOOP if loop was detected resolving components of path
@see makedirs()


Creates temporary directory, e.g.

char path[] = "/tmp/foo.XXXXXX";
char* template
must end with XXXXXX which will be replaced with random text on success (and not modified on error)
pointer to template on success, or NULL w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if template didn't end with XXXXXX


Creates filesystem inode.

const char* path
unsigned int mode
is octal mode, e.g. 0600; needs to be or'd with one of: S_IFDIR: directory S_IFIFO: named pipe S_IFREG: regular file S_IFSOCK: named socket S_IFBLK: block device (root has authorization) S_IFCHR: character device (root has authorization)
unsigned long dev
it's complicated
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Creates temporary file name and file descriptor, e.g.

char path[] = "/tmp/foo.XXXXXX";
int fd = mkostemp(path, O_CLOEXEC);
printf("%s is opened as %d\n", path, fd);
char* template
is mutated to replace last six X's with rng
unsigned int flags
open file descriptor r + w exclusive or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if template didn't end with XXXXXX
@see openatemp() for one temp roller to rule them all
@see mkostemps() if you need a suffix
@see mkstemp() if you don't need flags
@see mktemp() if you don't need an fd
@see tmpfd() if you don't need a path


Creates temporary file name and file descriptor, e.g.

char path[] = "/tmp/foo.XXXXXX";
int fd = mkostemp(path, O_CLOEXEC);
printf("%s is opened as %d\n", path, fd);
char* template
is mutated to replace last six X's with rng
int suffixlen
unsigned int flags
open file descriptor r + w exclusive or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if template didn't end with XXXXXX
@see openatemp() for one temp roller to rule them all
@see mkstemp() if you don't need suffix/flags
@see mkstemps() if you don't need flags
@see mkostemp() if you don't need suffix
@see mktemp() if you don't need an fd
@see tmpfd() if you don't need a path


Creates temporary file name and file descriptor, e.g.

char path[] = "/tmp/foo.XXXXXX";
int fd = mkstemp(path);
printf("%s is opened as %d\n", path, fd);
char* template
is mutated to replace last six X's with rng
open file descriptor r + w exclusive or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if template didn't end with XXXXXX
@see openatemp() for one temp roller to rule them all
@see mkostemp() if you you need a O_CLOEXEC, O_APPEND, etc.
@see mkstemps() if you you need a suffix
@see mktemp() if you don't need an fd
@see tmpfd() if you don't need a path


Creates temporary file name and file descriptor, e.g.

char path[] = "/tmp/foo.XXXXXX.txt";
int fd = mkstemps(path, 4);
printf("%s is opened as %d\n", path, fd);
char* template
is mutated to replace last six X's with rng
int suffixlen
may be nonzero to permit characters after the "XXXXXX"
open file descriptor r + w exclusive or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if template (less the suffixlen region) didn't end with the string "XXXXXXX"
@see mkostemp() if you you need a O_CLOEXEC, O_APPEND, etc.
@see openatemp() for one temp roller to rule them all
@see mkstemp() if you don't need suffixlen
@see mktemp() if you don't need an fd
@see tmpfd() if you don't need a path


Allocates thread-local storage memory for new thread.

struct CosmoTib** out_tib
buffer that must be released with free()


Returns fractional part of 𝑥.

double x
double* iptr


float x
float* iptr


Mounts file system.

The following flags may be specified:

  • MS_RDONLY (mount read-only)
  • MS_NOSUID (don't honor S_ISUID bit)
  • MS_NODEV (disallow special files)
  • MS_NOEXEC (disallow program execution)
  • MS_SYNCHRONOUS (writes are synced at once)
  • MS_NOATIME (do not update access times)
  • MS_REMOUNT (tune existing mounting)
The following flags may also be used, but could be set to zero at runtime if the underlying kernel doesn't support them.

  • MNT_ASYNC (xnu, freebsd, openbsd, netbsd)
  • MNT_RELOAD (xnu, freebsd, openbsd, netbsd)
  • MS_STRICTATIME (linux, xnu)
  • MS_RELATIME (linux, netbsd)
  • MNT_SNAPSHOT (xnu, freebsd)
  • MS_MANDLOCK (linux)
  • MS_DIRSYNC (linux)
  • MS_NODIRATIME (linux)
  • MS_BIND (linux)
  • MS_MOVE (linux)
  • MS_REC (linux)
  • MS_SILENT (linux)
  • MS_POSIXACL (linux)
  • MS_UNBINDABLE (linux)
  • MS_PRIVATE (linux)
  • MS_SLAVE (linux)
  • MS_SHARED (linux)
  • MS_KERNMOUNT (linux)
  • MS_I_VERSION (linux)
  • MS_LAZYTIME (linux)
  • MS_ACTIVE (linux)
  • MS_NOUSER (linux)
  • MS_RMT_MASK (linux)
  • MNT_SUIDDIR (freebsd)
  • MNT_NOCLUSTERR (freebsd)
  • MNT_NOCLUSTERW (freebsd)
Some example values for the type parameter:

  • "nfs"
  • "vfat"
  • "tmpfs"
  • "iso8601"
const char* source
const char* target
const char* type
unsigned long flags
void* data


Synchronize memory mapping changes to disk.

Without this, there's no guarantee memory is written back to disk. Particularly on RHEL5, OpenBSD, and Windows NT.

void* addr
needs to be 4096-byte page aligned
unsigned long size
int flags
needs MS_ASYNC or MS_SYNC and can have MS_INVALIDATE
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINTR if we needed to block and a signal was delivered instead
@raise EINVAL if MS_SYNC and MS_ASYNC were both specified
@raise EINVAL if unknown flags were passed


Generates random integer on [0, 2^64)-interval.

This uses the Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator.

unsigned long
@see smt19937(), Smt19937()


const char[76]


Computes 512-bit product of 256-bit and 256-bit numbers.

Instructions: 88 Total Cycles: 36 Total uOps: 120 uOps Per Cycle: 3.33 IPC: 2.44 Block RThroughput: 20.0

receives 8 quadword result
is left hand side which must have 4 quadwords
is right hand side which must have 4 quadwords
@note words are host endian while array is little endian


Computes 768-bit product of 384-bit and 384-bit numbers.

Instructions: 152 Total Cycles: 65 Total uOps: 260 uOps Per Cycle: 4.00 IPC: 2.34 Block RThroughput: 43.3

receives 8 quadword result
is left hand side which must have 4 quadwords
is right hand side which must have 4 quadwords
@note words are host endian while array is little endian


Computes 1024-bit product of 512-bit and 512-bit numbers.

Instructions: 260 Total Cycles: 98 Total uOps: 452 uOps Per Cycle: 4.61 IPC: 2.65 Block RThroughput: 75.3

receives 16 quadword result
is left hand side which must have 8 quadwords
is right hand side which must have 8 quadwords
@note words are host endian while array is little endian


const char[67]


const char* s


const char* s


const char* s
long double


Sleeps for relative amount of time.

struct timespec* req
is the duration of time we should sleep
struct timespec* rem
if non-null will be updated with the remainder of unslept time when -1 w/ EINTR is returned otherwise rem is undefined
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if req->tv_nsec ∉ [0,1000000000)
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINTR if a signal was delivered and rem is updated
@raise EFAULT if req is NULL or req / rem is a bad pointer
@raise ENOSYS on bare metal
@see clock_nanosleep()


Rounds to nearest integer.

double x


Rounds to nearest integer.

float x


Rounds to nearest integer.

long double x
long double


int mask
const char* name
struct tmp* loc
struct tmp*


double x
double y


float x
float y


long double x
long double y
long double


double x
long double y


float x
long double y


long double x
long double y
long double


Walks file tree.

const char* dirpath
int(*)() fn
int fd_limit
int flags
0 on success, -1 on error, or non-zero fn result
@see examples/walk.c for example


Changes process priority.

int delta
is added to current priority w/ clamping
new priority, or -1 w/ errno
@see Linux claims ioprio_set() is tuned automatically by this


Tunes sync system call availability.

If this value is set to 0x5453455454534146, then the system calls sync(), fsync(), and fdatasync() system calls will do nothing and return success. This is intended to be used for things like making things like Python unit tests go faster because fsync is extremely slow and using tmpfs requires root privileges.

unsigned long


unsigned short* s


const unsigned char* cp
unsigned int


const unsigned char* cp
unsigned long


const unsigned char* msg
int msglen
struct ns_msg* handle


const unsigned char* msg
const unsigned char* eom
const unsigned char* src
char* dst
unsigned long dstsiz


struct ns_msg* handle
enum section section
int rrnum
struct ns_rr* rr


unsigned int s
unsigned char* cp


unsigned long l
unsigned char* cp


const unsigned char* ptr
const unsigned char* eom
enum section section
int count


const char[82]


_Atomic unsigned int* once
void(*)() f


_Atomic unsigned int* once
void(*)() farg
void* arg


_Atomic unsigned int* once
void(*)() farg
void* arg


_Atomic unsigned int* once
void(*)() f


int clock
struct result


Translates function call from code built w/ MS-style compiler.

This wraps WinMain() and callback functions passed to Win32 API. Please note an intermediary jump slot is needed to set %rax.

is function address
@note slower than __sysv2nt
@see NT2SYSV() macro


Arithmetic overflow handler.

This function is provided weakly, so that programs which depend on this library may define it themselves. This default implementation will print a message to standard error and raise SIGTRAP. A custom implementation may return from this function, in which case the op shall have -fwrapv i.e. signed two's complement behavior.

@see -ftrapv


Opens file.

This is equivalent to saying:

int fd = openat(AT_FDCWD, file, flags, ...);
const char* file
specifies filesystem path to open
int flags
file descriptor, or -1 w/ errno
@see openat() for further documentation


Opens unique temporary file with maximum generality.

This function is similar to mkstemp() in that it does two things:

  1. Generate a unique filename by mutating template
  2. Return a newly opened file descriptor to the name
Exclusive secure access is assured even if /tmp is being used on a UNIX system like Super Dimensional Fortress or CPanel where multiple hostile adverserial users may exist on a single multi-tenant system.

The substring XXXXXX is replaced with 30 bits of base32 entropy and a hundred retries are attempted in the event of collisions. The XXXXXXX pattern must be present at the end of the supplied template string.

If the generated filename needs to have a file extension (rather than ending with random junk) then this API has the helpful suffixlen to specify exactly how long that suffix in the template actually is. For example if the template is "/tmp/notes.XXXXXX.txt" then suffixlen should be 4.

The flags O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL are always set and don't need to be specified by the caller. It's a good idea to pass O_CLOEXEC and some applications may want O_APPEND. Cosmopolitan also offers O_UNLINK which will ensure the created file will delete itself on close similar to calling unlink() after this function on template which is mutated on success, except O_UNLINK will work right when running on Windows and it's polyfilled automatically on UNIX.

The mode parameter should usually be 0600 to ensure owner-only read/write access. However it may be useful to set this to 0700 when creating executable files. Please note that sometimes /tmp is mounted by system administrators as noexec. It's also permissible to pass 0 here, since the 0600 bits are always set implicitly.

### Examples

Here's an example of how to replicate the functionality of tmpfile() which creates an unnamed temporary file as an stdio handle, which is guaranteed to either not have a name (unlinked on UNIX), or shall be deleted once closed (will perform kNtFileFlagDeleteOnClose on WIN32)

char path[] = "/tmp/XXXXXX";
int fd = openatemp(AT_FDCWD, path, 0, O_UNLINK, 0);
FILE *tmp = fdopen(fd, "w+");
Here's an example of how to do mktemp() does, where a temporary file name is generated with pretty good POSIX and security best practices

char path[PATH_MAX+1];
const char *tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR");
strlcpy(path, tmpdir ? tmpdir : "/tmp", sizeof(path));
strlcat(path, "/notes.XXXXXX.txt", sizeof(path));
close(openatemp(AT_FDCWD, path, 4, O_UNLINK, 0));
printf("you can use %s to store your notes\n", path);
int dirfd
is open directory file descriptor, which is ignored if template is an absolute path; or AT_FDCWD to specify getcwd
char* template
is a pathname relative to current directory by default, that needs to have "XXXXXX" at the end of the string; this memory must be mutable and should be owned by the calling thread; it will be modified (only on success) to return the generated filename
int suffixlen
may be nonzero to permit characters after the "XXXXXX"
int flags
could have O_APPEND, O_CLOEXEC, O_UNLINK, O_SYNC, etc.
int mode
is conventionally 0600, for owner-only non-exec access
exclusive open file descriptor for file at the generated path stored to template, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if template (less the suffixlen region) didn't end with the string "XXXXXXX"
@raise EINVAL if suffixlen was negative or too large


const char[87]


const char[85]


const char[86]


Opens new pseudo teletypewriter.

int* mfd
receives controlling tty rw fd on success
int* sfd
receives subordinate tty rw fd on success
char* name
struct linux* tio
may be passed to tune a century of legacy behaviors
struct winsize* wsz
may be passed to set terminal display dimensions
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@params flags is usually O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY


Parse IPv4 network address.

For example, a router address might be in which case the IP address word 0x0a0a0a01 would be returned, whose CIDR would be 24. That means your IP address is on a network with 24 bits which converts to a netmask 0xffffff00 by using 1u << (32 - res.cidr). You may specify the IP address portion as an integer. As an example, the value 168430081/1 would be the same as

const char* s
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
struct c
ip is uint32 IPv4 address, or -1 on failure
cidr is number of bits in network, on interval [1,32]; it defaults to 32; if the return ip is -1 then cidr is undefined


Parses Content-Length header.

const char* s
unsigned long n
-1 on invalid or overflow, otherwise >=0 value


Parses X-Forwarded-For.

This header is used by reverse proxies. For example:

The port is optional and will be set to zero if absent.
const char* s
is input data
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned int* ip
receives last/right ip on success if not NULL
unsigned short* port
receives port on success if not NULL
0 on success or -1 on failure
@see RFC7239's poorly designed Forwarded header


Parses HTTP Host header.

The input is ISO-8859-1 which is transcoded to UTF-8. Therefore we assume percent-encoded bytes are expressed as UTF-8. Returned values might contain things like NUL characters, C0, and C1 control codes. UTF-8 isn't checked for validity and may contain overlong values. Absent can be discerned from empty by checking if the pointer is set.

This function turns an HTTP header HOST[:PORT] into two strings, one for host and the other for port. You may then call IsAcceptableHost() and IsAcceptablePort() to see if they are valid values. After that a function like sscanf() can be used to do the thing you likely thought this function would do.

This function doesn't initialize h since it's assumed this will be called conditionally after ParseRequestUri() if the host is absent. Fields unrelated to authority won't be impacted by this function.

const char* s
is value like or foo.example:80
unsigned long n
is byte length and -1 implies strlen
struct Url* h
is needs to be initialized by caller
memory backing UrlView needing free


Converts HTTP method to word encoding.

For example, ParseHttpMethod("GET", -1) will return kHttpGet.

const char* str
unsigned long len
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long
word encoded method, or 0 if invalid


Parses HTTP Range request header.

Here are some example values:

Range: bytes=0-                 (everything)
Range: bytes=0-499              (first 500 bytes)
Range: bytes=500-999            (second 500 bytes)
Range: bytes=-500               (final 500 bytes)
Range: bytes=0-0,-1             (first and last and always)
Range: bytes=500-600,601-999    (overlong but legal)
const char* p
unsigned long n
long resourcelength
long* out_start
long* out_length


Parse IPv4 host address.

const char* s
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
-1 on failure, otherwise 32-bit host-order unsigned integer
@see ParseCidr()


Parses HTTP POST key-value params.

These are similar to the parameters found in a Request-URI, except usually submitted via an HTTP POST request. We translate + into space. The mime type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

This parser is charset agnostic. Returned values might contain things like NUL characters, NUL, control codes, and non-canonical encodings. Absent can be discerned from empty by checking if the pointer is set.

There's no failure condition for this routine. This is a permissive parser that doesn't impose character restrictions beyond what is necessary for parsing.

const char* s
is value like foo=bar&x=y&z
unsigned long n
is byte length and -1 implies strlen
struct params* h
must be zeroed by caller and this appends if reused
UrlView memory with same n needing free (h.p needs free too)


Parses the arguments to pledge() into a bitmask.

const char* promises
unsigned long* out
receives the integral promises mask, which zero is defined as the set of all promises, and -1 is defined as the empty set of promises, which is equivalent to promises being an empty string
unsigned long current
0 on success, or -1 if invalid


Parses URL.

This parser is charset agnostic. Percent encoded bytes are decoded for all fields (with the exception of scheme). Returned values might contain things like NUL characters, spaces, control codes, and non-canonical encodings. Absent can be discerned from empty by checking if the pointer is set.

There's no failure condition for this routine. This is a permissive parser. This doesn't normalize path segments like . or .. so use IsAcceptablePath() to check for those. No restrictions are imposed beyond that which is strictly necessary for parsing. All the s that is provided will be consumed to the one of the fields. Strict conformance is enforced on some fields more than others, like scheme, since it's the most non-deterministically defined field of them all.

Please note this is a URL parser, not a URI parser. Which means we support everything the URI spec says we should do except for the things we won't do, like tokenizing path segments into an array and then nesting another array beneath each of those for storing semicolon parameters. So this parser won't make SIP easy. What it can do is parse HTTP URLs and most URIs like s:opaque, better in fact than most things which claim to be URI parsers.

const char* s
is value like /hi?x=y&z or http://a.example/hi#x
unsigned long n
is byte length and -1 implies strlen
struct Url* h
is assumed to be uninitialized
int f
is flags which may have:
  • FLAGS_PLUS to turn + into space in query params
  • FLAGS_LATIN1 to transcode ISO-8859-1 input into UTF-8
memory backing UrlView needing free (and h.params.p too)
@see URI Generic Syntax RFC3986 RFC2396
@see EncodeUrl()


const char* path
int name


Closes stream created by popen().

This function may be interrupted or cancelled, however it won't actually return until the child process has terminated. Thus we always release the resource, and errors are purely advisory.

struct FILE* f
termination status of subprocess, or -1 w/ ECHILD
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise ECHILD if child pid didn't exist
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered


Writes error messages to standard error.

const char* thing


Creates file-less file descriptors for interprocess communication.

int* pipefd
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@raise EFAULT if pipefd is NULL or an invalid address
@raise EMFILE if RLIMIT_NOFILE is exceedde
@see pipe2()


Creates file-less file descriptors for interprocess communication.

This function offers atomic operation on all supported platforms except for XNU and RHEL5 where it's polyfilled.

int* pipefd
is used to return (reader, writer) file descriptors
int flags
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno and pipefd isn't modified
@params flags may contain O_CLOEXEC, O_NONBLOCK, or the non-POSIX packet mode flag O_DIRECT, which is EINVAL on MacOS / OpenBSD
@raise EINVAL if flags has invalid or unsupported bits
@raise EFAULT if pipefd doesn't point to valid memory
@raise EMFILE if process RLIMIT_NOFILE has been reached
@raise ENFILE if system-wide file limit has been reached


Changes root mount.

const char* new_root
const char* put_old
@raise ENOSYS on non-Linux


const double ax
const int df


Checks status on multiple file descriptors at once.

Servers that need to handle an unbounded number of client connections should just create a separate thread for each client. poll() isn't a scalable i/o solution on any platform.

One of the use cases for poll() is to quickly check if a number of file descriptors are valid. The canonical way to do this is to set events to 0 which prevents blocking and causes only the invalid, hangup, and error statuses to be checked.

On XNU, the POLLHUP and POLLERR statuses aren't checked unless either POLLIN, POLLOUT, or POLLPRI are specified in the events field. Cosmo will however polyfill the checking of POLLNVAL on XNU with the events doesn't specify any of the above i/o events.

When XNU and BSD OSes report POLLHUP, they will always set POLLIN too when POLLIN is requested, even in cases when there isn't unread data.

Your poll() function will check the status of all file descriptors before returning. This function won't block unless none of the fds had had any reportable status.

The impact shutdown() will have on poll() is a dice roll across OSes.

struct pollfd* fds
unsigned long nfds
int timeout_ms
if 0 means don't wait and negative waits forever
number of fds whose revents field has been set to a nonzero number, 0 if the timeout elapsed without events, or -1 w/ errno
fds[𝑖].revents is always zero initializaed and then will be populated with POLL{IN,OUT,PRI,HUP,ERR,NVAL} if something was determined about the file descriptor
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINVAL if nfds exceeded RLIMIT_NOFILE
@raise ENOMEM on failure to allocate memory
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered


Returns number of bits set in integer.

unsigned long x
unsigned long


Advises kernel about memory intentions, the POSIX way.

void* addr
unsigned long len
int advice
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if advice isn't valid or supported by system
@raise EINVAL on Linux if addr/length isn't page size aligned with respect to getpagesize()
@raise ENOMEM on Linux if addr/length overlaps unmapped regions


Allocates aligned memory, the POSIX way.

Allocates a chunk of n bytes, aligned in accord with the alignment argument. Differs from memalign() only in that it:

  1. Assigns the allocated memory to *pp rather than returning it
  2. Fails and returns EINVAL if the alignment is not a power of two
  3. Fails and returns ENOMEM if memory cannot be allocated
void** pp
receives pointer, only on success
unsigned long alignment
must be 2-power multiple of sizeof(void *)
unsigned long bytes
is number of bytes to allocate
return 0 or EINVAL or ENOMEM w/o setting errno
@see memalign()


Opens new pseudo teletypewriter.

int flags
fd of master pty, or -1 w/ errno
file descriptor, or -1 w/ errno
@params flags is usually O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY


Add chdir() action to spawn.

ANONYMOUS-STRUCT** file_actions
was initialized by posix_spawn_file_actions_init()
const char* path
will be safely copied
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ENOMEM if insufficient memory was available


Add a close action to object.

ANONYMOUS-STRUCT** file_actions
was initialized by posix_spawn_file_actions_init()
int fildes
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ENOMEM if we require more vespene gas
@raise EBADF if fildes is negative


Add a dup2 action to object.

ANONYMOUS-STRUCT** file_actions
was initialized by posix_spawn_file_actions_init()
int fildes
int newfildes
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EBADF if 'fildes' or newfildes is negative
@raise ENOMEM if insufficient memory was available


Add fchdir() action to spawn.

ANONYMOUS-STRUCT** file_actions
int fildes
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ENOMEM if insufficient memory was available
@raise EBADF if fildes is negative


Add an open action to object.

ANONYMOUS-STRUCT** file_actions
was initialized by posix_spawn_file_actions_init()
int fildes
is what open() result gets duplicated to
const char* path
will be safely copied
int oflag
unsigned int mode
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ENOMEM if insufficient memory was available
@raise EBADF if fildes is negative


Destroys posix_spawn() file actions list.

This function is safe to call multiple times.

ANONYMOUS-STRUCT** file_actions
was initialized by posix_spawn_file_actions_init()
0 on success, or errno on error


Initializes posix_spawn() file actions list.

File actions get applied in the same order as they're registered.

ANONYMOUS-STRUCT** file_actions
will need posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy()
0 on success, or errno on error


Destroys posix_spawn() attributes object.

This function is safe to call multiple times.

was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
0 on success, or errno on error


Gets posix_spawn() flags.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
short* flags
0 on success, or errno on error


Gets process group id associated with attributes.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
int* pgroup
receives the result on success
0 on success, or errno on error


Gets resource limit for spawned process.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
int resource
struct rlimit* rlim
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if resource is invalid or unsupported by host
@raise ENOENT if resource is absent


Gets scheduler parameter.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
struct schedparam* schedparam
receives the result
0 on success, or errno on error


Gets scheduler policy that'll be used for spawned process.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
int* schedpolicy
receives the result
0 on success, or errno on error


Retrieves which signals will be restored to SIG_DFL.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
unsigned long* sigdefault
0 on success, or errno on error


Gets signal mask for sigprocmask() in child process.

The signal mask is applied to the child process in such a way that signal handlers from the parent process can't get triggered in the child process.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
unsigned long* sigmask
0 on success, or errno on error


Initialize posix_spawn() attributes object with default values.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
needs to be passed to posix_spawnattr_destroy() later
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ENOMEM if we require more vespene gas


Sets posix_spawn() flags.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
short flags
may have any of the following
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if flags has invalid bits


Specifies process group into which child process is placed.

Setting pgroup to zero will ensure newly created processes are placed within their own brand new process group.

You also need to pass POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP to posix_spawnattr_setflags() for it to take effect.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
int pgroup
is the process group id, or 0 for self
0 on success, or errno on error


Sets resource limit on spawned process.

You also need to pass POSIX_SPAWN_SETRLIMIT_NP to posix_spawnattr_setflags() for it to take effect.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
int resource
struct rlimit* rlim
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if resource is invalid


Specifies scheduler parameter override for spawned process.

You also need to pass POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDPARAM to posix_spawnattr_setflags() for it to take effect.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
struct schedparam* schedparam
receives the result
0 on success, or errno on error


Specifies scheduler policy override for spawned process.

You also need to pass POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDULER to posix_spawnattr_setflags() for it to take effect.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
was initialized by posix_spawnattr_init()
int schedpolicy
0 on success, or errno on error


Specifies which signals should be restored to SIG_DFL.

This routine isn't necessary in most cases, since posix_spawn() by default will try to avoid vfork() race conditions by tracking what signals have a handler function and then resets them automatically within the child process, before applying the child's signal mask. This function may be used to ensure the SIG_IGN disposition will not propagate across execve in cases where this process explicitly set the signals to SIG_IGN earlier (since posix_spawn() will not issue O(128) system calls just to be totally pedantic about that).

You also need to pass POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF to posix_spawnattr_setflags() for it to take effect.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
const unsigned long* sigdefault
0 on success, or errno on error


Specifies signal mask for sigprocmask() in child process.

You also need to pass POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK to posix_spawnattr_setflags() for it to take effect.

struct _posix_spawna** attr
const unsigned long* sigmask
0 on success, or errno on error


Spawns process the POSIX way w/ PATH search.

int* pid
is non-NULL and will be set to child pid in parent
const char* path
of executable is PATH searched unless it contains a slash
ANONYMOUS-STRUCT** file_actions
char** argv
char** envp
0 on success or error number on failure


Checks status on multiple file descriptors at once.

This function is the same as saying:

sigset_t old;
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, sigmask, &old);
poll(fds, nfds, timeout);
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, old, 0);
Except it happens atomically when the kernel supports doing that. On kernels such as XNU and NetBSD which don't, this wrapper will fall back to using the example above. If you need ironclad assurances of signal mask atomicity, then consider using pselect() which Cosmo Libc guarantees to be atomic on all supported platforms.

Servers that need to handle an unbounded number of client connections should just create a separate thread for each client. poll(), ppoll() and select() aren't scalable i/o solutions on any platform.

On Windows it's only possible to poll 64 file descriptors at a time; it's a limitation imposed by WSAPoll(). Cosmopolitan Libc's ppoll() polyfill can go higher in some cases; for example, It's possible to poll 64 sockets and 64 pipes/terminals at the same time. Furthermore, elements whose fd field is set to a negative number are ignored and will not count against this limit.

One of the use cases for poll() is to quickly check if a number of file descriptors are valid. The canonical way to do this is to set events to 0 which prevents blocking and causes only the invalid, hangup, and error statuses to be checked.

On XNU, the POLLHUP and POLLERR statuses aren't checked unless either POLLIN, POLLOUT, or POLLPRI are specified in the events field. Cosmo will however polyfill the checking of POLLNVAL on XNU with the events doesn't specify any of the above i/o events.

When XNU and BSD OSes report POLLHUP, they will always set POLLIN too when POLLIN is requested, even in cases when there isn't unread data.

struct pollfd* fds
unsigned long nfds
struct ts* timeout
if null will block indefinitely
const unsigned long* sigmask
may be null in which case no mask change happens
number of fds whose revents field has been set to a nonzero number, 0 if the timeout elapsed without events, or -1 w/ errno
fds[𝑖].revents is always zero initializaed and then will be populated with POLL{IN,OUT,PRI,HUP,ERR,NVAL} if something was determined about the file descriptor
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINVAL if nfds exceeded RLIMIT_NOFILE
@raise ENOMEM on failure to allocate memory
@raise EINVAL if *timeout is invalid
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered


Reads from file at offset.

This function never changes the current position of fd.

int fd
is something open()'d earlier, noting pipes might not work
void* buf
is copied into, cf. copy_file_range(), sendfile(), etc.
unsigned long size
is always saturated to 0x7ffff000 automatically
long offset
is bytes from start of file at which read begins
[1..size] bytes on success, 0 on EOF, or -1 w/ errno; with exception of size==0, in which case return zero means no error
@raise ESPIPE if fd isn't seekable
@raise EINVAL if offset is negative
@raise EBADF if fd isn't an open file descriptor
@raise EIO if a complicated i/o error happened
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered instead
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@see pwrite(), write()


Formats and writes text to stdout.

Cosmopolitan supports most of the standard formatting behaviors described by man 3 printf, in addition to the following

  • %jjd, %jjx, etc. are {,u}int128_t (cosmopolitan only)
  • %'d or %,d may be used to insert thousands separators. The prior is consistent with C; the latter is consistent with Python.
  • %m inserts strerror(errno) into the formatted output. This is consistent with glibc, musl, and uclibc.
  • %hs converts UTF-16/UCS-2 → UTF-8, which can be helpful on Windows. Formatting (e.g. %-10hs) will use monospace display width rather than string length or codepoint count.
  • %ls (or %Ls) converts UTF-32 → UTF-8. Formatting (e.g. %-10ls) will use monospace display width rather than string length.
  • The %#s and %#c alternate forms display values using the standard IBM standard 256-letter alphabet. Using %#.*s to specify length will allow true binary (i.e. with NULs) to be formatted.
  • The %'s and %'c alternate forms are Cosmopolitan extensions for escaping string literals for C/C++ and Python. The outer quotation marks can be added automatically using %`s. If constexpr format strings are used, we can avoid linking cescapec() too.
  • The backtick modifier (%`s and %`c) and repr() directive (%r) both ask the formatting machine to represent values as real code rather than using arbitrary traditions for displaying values. This means it implies the quoting modifier, wraps the value with {,u,L}['"] quotes, displays NULL as "NULL" rather than "(null)".
const char* fmt
@see __fmt() for intuitive reference documentation
@see {,v}{,s{,n},{,{,x}as},f,d}printf


Prints list of deferred operations on shadow stack.



Prints to stderr all memory mappings that exist according to WIN32.

The high and size parameters may optionally be specified so that memory mappings which overlap [high,high+size) will get printed in ANSI bold red text.

const char* high
unsigned long size


Supplies argv[0] the GNU way.

If argv[0] isn't supplied, this value will be null.

@see program_invocation_short_name
@see GetProgramExecutableName()


Checks status on multiple file descriptors at once.

This function is the same as saying:

sigset_t old;
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, sigmask, &old);
select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout);
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, old, 0);
Except it happens atomically. Unlike ppoll() Cosmo guarantees this is atomic on all supported platforms.
int nfds
is the number of the highest file descriptor set in these bitsets by the caller, plus one; this value can't be greater than FD_SETSIZE which Cosmopolitan currently defines as 1024 because fd_set has a static size
struct old_exceptfds* readfds
may be used to be notified when you can call read() on a file descriptor without it blocking; this includes when data is is available to be read as well as eof and error conditions
struct old_exceptfds* writefds
may be used to be notified when write() may be called on a file descriptor without it blocking
struct old_exceptfds* exceptfds
may be used to be notified of exceptional conditions such as out-of-band data on a socket; it is equivalent to POLLPRI in the revents of poll()
struct timespec* timeout
if null will block indefinitely
const unsigned long* sigmask
may be null in which case no mask change happens
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered


Registers fork() handlers.

Parent and child functions are called in the same order they're registered. Prepare functions are called in reverse order.

Here's an example of how pthread_atfork() can be used:

static struct {
  pthread_once_t once;
  pthread_mutex_t lock;
  // data structures...
} g_lib;

static void lib_wipe(void) {
  pthread_mutex_init(&g_lib.lock, 0);

static void lib_lock(void) {

static void lib_unlock(void) {

static void lib_setup(void) {
  pthread_atfork(lib_lock, lib_unlock, lib_wipe);

static void lib_init(void) {
  pthread_once(&g_lib.once, lib_setup);

void lib(void) {
  // do stuff...
void(*)() prepare
is run by fork() before forking happens
void(*)() parent
is run by fork() after forking happens in parent process
void(*)() child
is run by fork() after forking happens in childe process
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ENOMEM if we require more vespene gas


Destroys pthread attributes.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
0 on success, or errno on error


Gets thread detachable attribute.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
int* detachstate
is set to one of the following
0 on success, or error on failure


Returns size of protected region at bottom of thread stack.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
unsigned long* guardsize
will be set to guard size in bytes
0 on success, or errno on error


Returns thread inherit schedule attribute.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
int* inheritsched


Gets thread scheduler parameter attribute.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
struct sched_param* param


Gets thread scheduler policy attribute

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
int* policy


Gets contention scope attribute.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
int* contentionscope
0 on success, or errno on error


Returns configuration for thread signal stack.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
void** stackaddr
will be set to signal stack address
unsigned long* stacksize
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_attr_setsigaltstacksize_np()


Returns size of thread signal stack.

This defaults to zero, which means that cosmo won't allocate a managed signal stack for newly created threads.

struct pthread_attr_t* a
unsigned long* stacksize
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_attr_setsigaltstacksize_np()


Gets signal mask on thread attributes object.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
is the thread attributes object
unsigned long* sigmask
will receive the output signal mask on success, or null if a simple presence check is desired
0 on success, errno on error, or PTHREAD_ATTR_NO_SIGMASK_NP if there wasn't any signal mask present in attr


Returns configuration for thread stack.

This is a getter for a configuration attribute. By default, zeros are returned. If pthread_attr_setstack() was called earlier, then this'll return those earlier supplied values.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
void** stackaddr
will be set to stack address in bytes
unsigned long* stacksize
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_attr_setstacksize()


Returns size of thread stack.

This defaults to GetStackSize().

struct pthread_attr_t* a
unsigned long* x
will be set to stack size in bytes
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_attr_setstacksize()


Sets thread detachable attribute, e.g.

pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
pthread_create(0, &attr, func, 0);
struct pthread_attr_t* attr
int detachstate
can be one of
0 on success, or error on failure
@raises EINVAL if detachstate is invalid


Sets size of protected region at bottom of thread stack.

Cosmopolitan sets this value to sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) by default.

You may set guardsize to disable the stack guard feature and gain a slight performance advantage by avoiding mprotect() calls. Note that it could make your code more prone to silent unreported corruption.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
unsigned long guardsize
contains guard size in bytes, which is implicitly rounded up to sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE), or zero to disable
0 on success, or errno on error


Sets thread scheduler inheritance attribute, e.g.

pthread_t id;
pthread_attr_t attr;
struct sched_param pri = {sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER)};
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_OTHER);
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &pri);
pthread_create(&id, &attr, func, 0);
pthread_join(id, 0);
struct pthread_attr_t* attr
int inheritsched
may be one of:
  • PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED to enable rescheduling
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL on bad value


Sets thread scheduler parameter attribute, e.g.

pthread_t id;
pthread_attr_t attr;
struct sched_param pri = {sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER)};
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_OTHER);
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &pri);
pthread_create(&id, &attr, func, 0);
pthread_join(id, 0);
struct pthread_attr_t* attr
struct sched_param* param
specifies priority on scheduling policies that need it
@see pthread_attr_setschedpolicy()
@see sched_get_priority_min()
@see sched_get_priority_max()
@see sched_setparam()


Sets thread scheduler policy attribute, e.g.

pthread_t id;
pthread_attr_t attr;
struct sched_param pri = {sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER)};
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_OTHER);
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &pri);
pthread_create(&id, &attr, func, 0);
pthread_join(id, 0);
struct pthread_attr_t* attr
int policy
may be one of:
  • SCHED_OTHER the default policy
  • SCHED_FIFO for real-time scheduling (usually needs root)
  • SCHED_RR for round-robin scheduling (usually needs root)
  • SCHED_IDLE for lowest effort (Linux and FreeBSD only)
  • SCHED_BATCH for "batch" style execution of processes if supported (Linux), otherwise it's treated as SCHED_OTHER
@see sched_setscheduler()


Sets contention scope attribute.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
int contentionscope
may be one of:
  • PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM to fight the system for resources
  • PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS to fight familiar threads for resources
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ENOTSUP if contentionscope isn't supported on host OS
@raise EINVAL if contentionscope was invalid


Defines user-owned signal stack for thread.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
void* stackaddr
unsigned long stacksize


Defines size of cosmo-owned signal stack for thread.

The sigaltstack() function is useful for writing robust programs that can recover from the occasional thread having a stack overflow rather than having the entire process crash. To use it normally, sigaltstack needs to be called at the start of each thread with a unique piece of memory. However this is challenging to do *correctly* without support from the POSIX threads runtime, since canceled or crashed threads may need to execute on the signal stack during pthread_exit() which would prevent a thread-local storage key destructor from free()'ing it.

By default pthread_create() will not install a sigaltstack() on newly created threads. If this function is called, on the attributes object that gets passed to pthread_create(), then it'll use malloc() to make a stack for the thread using the size you specify here. The threading runtime will also free that memory safely after complete termination.

pthread_t id;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setguardsize(&attr, getpagesize());
pthread_attr_setsigaltstacksize_np(&attr, stacksize);
pthread_create(&id, &attr, func, 0);
pthread_join(id, 0);
Try using a size of sysconf(_SC_SIGSTKSZ). If you want the smallest size possible, then sysconf(_SC_MINSIGSTKSZ) + 2048 is probably the smallest value that can reasonably expected to work with pthread_exit

struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_ONSTACK;
sa.sa_sigaction = on_crash_signal;
sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, 0);
Please note that in order for this to work, your handlers for signals such as SIGSEGV and SIGBUS need to use SA_ONSTACK in your sa_flags.
struct pthread_attr_t* a
unsigned long stacksize
contains stack size in bytes, or 0 to disable
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if stacksize is less than sysconf(_SC_MINSIGSTKSZ)


Sets signal mask on thread attributes object.

For example, to spawn a thread that won't interfere with signals:

pthread_t id;
sigset_t mask;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setsigmask_np(&attr, &mask);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
pthread_create(&id, &attr, Worker, 0);
struct pthread_attr_t* attr
is the thread attributes object
const unsigned long* sigmask
will be copied into attributes, or if it's null, then the existing signal mask presence on the object will be cleared
0 on success, or errno on error


Configures custom allocated stack for thread, e.g.

pthread_t id;
pthread_attr_t attr;
char *stk = NewCosmoStack();
pthread_attr_setstack(&attr, stk, GetStackSize());
pthread_create(&id, &attr, func, 0);
pthread_join(id, 0);
Your stack must have at least PTHREAD_STACK_MIN bytes, which Cosmpolitan Libc defines as GetStackSize(). It's a link-time constant used by Actually Portable Executable that's 128 kb by default. See libc/runtime/stack.h for docs on your stack limit since the APE ELF phdrs are the one true source of truth here.

Cosmpolitan Libc runtime magic (e.g. ftrace) and memory safety (e.g. kprintf) assumes that stack sizes are two-powers and are aligned to that two-power. Conformance isn't required since we say caveat emptor to those who don't maintain these invariants please consider using NewCosmoStack(), which is always perfect or use mmap(0, GetStackSize() << 1, ...) for a bigger stack.

Unlike pthread_attr_setstacksize(), this function permits just about any parameters and will change the values and allocation as needed to conform to the mandatory requirements of the host operating system even if it doesn't meet the stricter needs of Cosmopolitan Libc userspace libraries. For example with malloc allocations, things like page size alignment, shall be handled automatically for compatibility with existing codebases.

The same stack shouldn't be used for two separate threads. Use fresh stacks for each thread so that ASAN can be much happier.

struct pthread_attr_t* attr
void* stackaddr
is address of stack allocated by caller, and may be NULL in which case default behavior is restored
unsigned long stacksize
is size of caller allocated stack
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if parameters were unacceptable
@see pthread_attr_setstacksize()


Defines minimum stack size for thread.

struct pthread_attr_t* a
unsigned long stacksize
contains stack size in bytes
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if stacksize is less than PTHREAD_STACK_MIN


Destroys barrier.

struct pthread_barrier_t* barrier
0 on success, or error on failure
@raise EINVAL if threads are still inside the barrier


Initializes barrier.

struct pthread_barrier_t* barrier
const char* attr
may be null
unsigned int count
is how many threads need to call pthread_barrier_wait() before the barrier is released, which must be greater than zero
0 on success, or error number on failure
@raise EINVAL if count isn't greater than zero


Waits for all threads to arrive at barrier.

When the barrier is broken, the state becomes reset to what it was when pthread_barrier_init() was called, so that the barrior may be used again in the same way.

Unlike pthread_cond_timedwait() this function is not a cancelation point. It is not needed to have cleanup handlers on block cancels.

struct pthread_barrier_t* barrier
0 on success, PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD to one lucky thread which was the last arrival, or an errno on error
@raise EINVAL if barrier is used incorrectly


Destroys barrier attributes.

char* attr
0 on success, or error on failure


Gets barrier process sharing.

const char* attr
int* pshared
is set to one of the following
0 on success, or error on failure


Initializes barrier attributes.

char* attr
0 on success, or error on failure


Sets barrier process sharing.

char* attr
int pshared
can be one of
0 on success, or error on failure
@raises EINVAL if pshared is invalid


struct _pthread_cleanup_buffer* cb
void(*)() routine
void* arg


Wakes all threads waiting on condition, e.g.

pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// ...
This function has no effect if there aren't any threads currently waiting on the condition.
struct pthread_cond_t* cond
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_cond_signal
@see pthread_cond_wait


Destroys condition.

struct pthread_cond_t* cond
0 on success, or error number on failure
@raise EINVAL if threads are still waiting on condition


Initializes condition variable.

struct pthread_cond_t* cond
struct pthread_condattr_t* attr
may be null
0 on success, or error number on failure


Wakes at least one thread waiting on condition, e.g.

pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// ...
This function has no effect if there aren't any threads currently waiting on the condition.
struct pthread_cond_t* cond
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_cond_broadcast
@see pthread_cond_wait


Waits for condition, e.g.

pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// ...
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &lock);
struct pthread_cond_t* cond
struct pthread_mutex_t* mutex
needs to be held by thread when calling this function
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ECANCELED if calling thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EPERM if mutex is PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK and the lock isn't owned by the current thread
@see pthread_cond_timedwait
@see pthread_cond_broadcast
@see pthread_cond_signal


Destroys condition attributes.

struct pthread_condattr_t* attr
0 on success, or error on failure


Gets clock on condition variable attributes.

struct pthread_condattr_t* attr
int* clock
will be set to one of
  • CLOCK_REALTIME (default)
0 on success, or error on failure


Gets condition process sharing.

struct pthread_condattr_t* attr
int* pshared
is set to one of the following
0 on success, or error on failure


Initializes condition attributes.

struct pthread_condattr_t* attr
0 on success, or error on failure


Sets clock for condition variable.

struct pthread_condattr_t* attr
int clock
can be one of
  • CLOCK_REALTIME (default)
0 on success, or error on failure
@raises EINVAL if clock is invalid


Sets condition process sharing.

struct pthread_condattr_t* attr
int pshared
can be one of
0 on success, or error on failure
@raises EINVAL if pshared is invalid


Garbage collects POSIX threads runtime.

Let's say you want to run a memory leak detector. You can say:

while (!pthread_orphan_np())
To wait until all threads have exited.
0 on success, or errno on error


Delays execution for brief moment.

void* symbol
may be used to strace names of static locks
int backoff
should start at zero and be feed back in
new value for backoff


Compares thread ids;

unsigned long t1
unsigned long t2
nonzero if equal, otherwise zero


Gets name of thread registered with system, e.g.

char name[64];
pthread_getname_np(thread, name, sizeof(name));
If the thread doesn't have a name, then empty string is returned. This implementation guarantees buf is always modified, even on error, and will always be nul-terminated. If size is 0 then this function returns 0. Your buf is also chomped to remove newlines.
unsigned long thread
char* name
unsigned long size
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ERANGE if size wasn't large enough, in which case your result will still be returned truncated if possible
@raise ENOSYS on MacOS, Windows, and FreeBSD


Gets most recently set scheduling of thread.

unsigned long thread
int* policy
struct sched_param* param


Returns thread id of current POSIX thread.



Returns system thread id of POSIX thread.

unsigned long thread
int* out_tid
0 on success, or errno on error


Waits for thread to terminate.

Multiple threads joining the same thread is undefined behavior. If a deferred or masked cancelation happens to the calling thread either before or during the waiting process then the target thread will not be joined. Calling pthread_join() on a non-joinable thread, e.g. one that's been detached, is undefined behavior. If a thread attempts to join itself, then the behavior is undefined.

unsigned long thread
void** value_ptr
if non-null will receive pthread_exit() argument if the thread called pthread_exit(), or PTHREAD_CANCELED if pthread_cancel() destroyed the thread instead
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ECANCELED if calling thread was cancelled in masked mode


Allocates TLS slot.

This function creates a thread-local storage registration, that will apply to all threads. The new identifier is written to key, and it can be passed to the pthread_setspecific() and pthread_getspecific() functions to set and get its associated value. Each thread will have its key value initialized to zero upon creation. It is also possible to use pthread_key_delete() to unregister a key.

If dtor is non-null, then it'll be called upon pthread_exit() when the key's value is nonzero. The key's value is set to zero before it is called. The ordering of multiple destructor calls is unspecified. The same key can be destroyed PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS times, in cases where it gets set again by a destructor.

unsigned int* key
is set to the allocated key on success
void(*)() dtor
specifies an optional destructor callback
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EAGAIN if PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX keys exist


Deletes TLS slot.

This function should only be called if all threads have finished using the key registration. If a key is used after being deleted then the behavior is undefined. If k was not registered by the pthread_key_create() function then the behavior is undefined.

unsigned int k
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if key is invalid


Sends signal to thread.

unsigned long thread
int sig
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ESRCH if tid was valid but no such thread existed
@raise EAGAIN if RLIMIT_SIGPENDING was exceeded
@raise EINVAL if sig wasn't a legal signal
@raise EPERM if permission was denied


Destroys mutex.

Destroying a mutex that's currently locked or being waited upon, will result in undefined behavior.

struct pthread_mutex_t* mutex
0 on success, or error number on failure


Initializes mutex, e.g.

pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL);
pthread_mutex_init(&lock, &attr);
// ...
struct pthread_mutex_t* mutex
struct pthread_mutexattr_t* attr
may be null
0 on success, or error number on failure


Locks mutex.

Here's an example of using a normal mutex:

pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// do work...
Cosmopolitan permits succinct notation for normal mutexes:

pthread_mutex_t lock = {0};
// do work...
Here's an example of the proper way to do recursive mutexes:

pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
pthread_mutex_init(&lock, &attr);
// do work...
This function does nothing in vfork() children.

You can debug locks the acquisition of locks by building your program with cosmocc -mdbg and passing the --strace flag to your program. This will cause a line to be logged each time a mutex or spin lock is locked or unlocked. When locking, this is printed after the lock gets acquired. The entry to the lock operation will be logged too but only if the lock couldn't be immediately acquired. Lock logging works best when mutex refers to a static variable, in which case its name will be printed in the log.

struct __fds_lock_obj* mutex
0 on success, or error number on failure
@see pthread_spin_lock()


Attempts acquiring lock.

Unlike pthread_mutex_lock() this function won't block and instead returns an error immediately if the lock couldn't be acquired.

struct pthread_mutex_t* mutex
0 if lock was acquired, otherwise an errno
@raise EAGAIN if maximum number of recursive locks is held
@raise EBUSY if lock is currently held in read or write mode
@raise EINVAL if mutex doesn't refer to an initialized lock
@raise EDEADLK if mutex is PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK and the current thread already holds this mutex


Releases mutex.

This function does nothing in vfork() children.

struct __fds_lock_obj* mutex
0 on success or error number on failure
@raises EPERM if in error check mode and not owned by caller


Destroys mutex attr.

struct pthread_mutexattr_t* attr
0 on success, or error number on failure


Gets mutex process sharing.

struct pthread_mutexattr_t* attr
int* pshared
is set to one of the following
0 on success, or error on failure


Gets mutex type.

struct pthread_mutexattr_t* attr
int* type
will be set to one of these on success
0 on success, or error on failure


Initializes mutex attr.

struct pthread_mutexattr_t* attr
0 on success, or error number on failure


Sets mutex process sharing.

struct pthread_mutexattr_t* attr
int pshared
can be one of
0 on success, or error on failure
@raises EINVAL if pshared is invalid


Sets mutex type.

struct pthread_mutexattr_t* attr
int type
can be one of
0 on success, or error on failure
@raises EINVAL if type is invalid


Ensures initialization function is called exactly once, e.g.

static void *g_factory;

static void InitFactory(void) {
  g_factory = expensive();

void *GetFactory(void) {
  static pthread_once_t once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
  pthread_once(&once, InitFactory);
  return g_factory;
If multiple threads try to initialize at the same time, then only a single one will call init and the other threads will block until the winner has returned from the init function.
struct pthread_once_t* once
void(*)() init
0 on success, or errno on error


Destroys read-write lock.

struct pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock
0 on success, or error number on failure
@raise EINVAL if any threads still hold the lock


Initializes read-write lock.

struct pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock
const char* attr
may be null
0 on success, or error number on failure


Acquires read lock on read-write lock.

struct pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock
0 on success, or errno on error


Attempts acquiring read lock on read-write lock.

struct pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock
0 if lock was acquired, otherwise an errno
@raise EBUSY if lock is currently held in write mode
@raise EAGAIN if maximum number of read locks are held
@raise EINVAL if rwlock doesn't refer to an initialized r/w lock


Attempts acquiring write lock on read-write lock.

struct pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock
0 if lock was acquired, otherwise an errno
@raise EBUSY if lock is currently held in read or write mode
@raise EINVAL if rwlock doesn't refer to an initialized r/w lock


Unlocks read-write lock.

struct pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EINVAL if lock is in a bad state


Acquires write lock on read-write lock.

struct pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock
0 on success, or errno on error


Destroys read-write lock attributes.

char* attr
0 on success, or error on failure


Gets read-write lock process sharing.

const char* attr
int* pshared
is set to one of the following
  • PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED (unsupported)
0 on success, or error on failure


Initializes read-write lock attributes.

char* attr
0 on success, or error on failure


Sets read-write lock process sharing.

char* attr
int pshared
can be one of
  • PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED (unsupported)
0 on success, or error on failure
@raises EINVAL if pshared is invalid


Returns current POSIX thread.

unsigned long


Sets cancelation strategy.

int type
may be one of:
int* oldtype
optionally receives old value
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ENOTSUP on Windows if asynchronous
@raise EINVAL if type has bad value
@see pthread_cancel() for docs


Registers custom name of thread with system, e.g.

void *worker(void *arg) {
  pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "justine");
  return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  pthread_t id;
  pthread_create(&id, 0, worker, 0);
  pthread_join(id, 0);
ProTip: The htop software is good at displaying thread names.
unsigned long thread
const char* name
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ERANGE if length of name exceeded system limit, in which case the name may have still been set with os using truncation
@raise ENOSYS on Windows and AMD64-XNU
@see pthread_getname_np()


Changes scheduling of thread, e.g.

struct sched_param p = {sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER)};
pthread_setschedparam(thread, SCHED_OTHER, &p);
unsigned long thread
int policy
may be one of:
  • SCHED_OTHER the default policy
  • SCHED_FIFO for real-time scheduling (usually needs root)
  • SCHED_RR for round-robin scheduling (usually needs root)
  • SCHED_IDLE for lowest effort (Linux and FreeBSD only)
  • SCHED_BATCH for "batch" style execution of processes if supported (Linux), otherwise it's treated as SCHED_OTHER
struct sched_param* param
@raise ENOSYS on XNU, Windows, OpenBSD
@raise EPERM if not authorized to use scheduler in question (e.g. trying to use a real-time scheduler as non-root on Linux) or possibly because pledge() was used and isn't allowing this
@see sched_get_priority_min()
@see sched_get_priority_max()
@see sched_setscheduler()


Sets scheduler parameter on thread.

unsigned long thread
int prio


Examines and/or changes blocked signals on current thread.

int how
const unsigned long* set
unsigned long* old
0 on success, or errno on error


Destroys spin lock.

struct pthread_spinlock_t* spin
0 on success, or errno on error


Initializes spin lock.

struct pthread_spinlock_t* spin
int pshared
is ignored, since this implementation always permits multiple processes to operate on the same spin locks
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_spin_destroy
@see pthread_spin_lock


Acquires spin lock, e.g.

pthread_spinlock_t lock;
pthread_spin_init(&lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE);
// do work...
This function has undefined behavior when spin wasn't intialized or was destroyed, and if the lock is already held by the calling thread.

You can debug locks the acquisition of locks by building your program with cosmocc -mdbg and passing the --strace flag to your program. This will cause a line to be logged each time a mutex or spin lock is locked or unlocked. When locking, this is printed after the lock gets acquired. The entry to the lock operation will be logged too but only if the lock couldn't be immediately acquired. Lock logging works best when mutex refers to a static variable, in which case its name will be printed in the log.

struct pthread_spinlock_t* spin
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_spin_trylock
@see pthread_spin_unlock
@see pthread_spin_init


Acquires spin lock if available.

This function has undefined behavior when spin wasn't intialized, was destroyed, or if the lock's already held by the calling thread.

struct pthread_spinlock_t* spin
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise EBUSY if lock is already held


Releases spin lock.

Calling this function when the lock isn't held by the calling thread has undefined behavior.

struct pthread_spinlock_t* spin
0 on success, or errno on error
@see pthread_spin_lock


Yields current thread's remaining timeslice to operating system.

0 on success, or error number on failure


Traces process.

This API is terrible. Consider using sys_ptrace().

int request
can be PTRACE_xxx
@note de facto linux only atm


Gets name subordinate pseudoteletypewriter.

int fd
static string path on success, or NULL w/ errno


Gets name subordinate pseudoteletypewriter.

int fd
char* buf
unsigned long size
0 on success, or errno on error


Writes byte to stdout.

int c
c (as unsigned char) if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes byte to stdout.

int c
c (as unsigned char) if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes string w/ trailing newline to stdout.

const char* s
non-negative number on success, or EOF on error with errno set and the ferror(stdout) state is updated


Writes string w/ trailing newline to stdout.

const char* s
non-negative number on success, or EOF on error with errno set and the ferror(stdout) state is updated


struct utmpx* p
struct utmpx*


Writes wide character to stream.

int wc
struct FILE* f
unsigned int
wc if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes wide character to stdout.

int wc
unsigned int
wc if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes wide character to stdout.

int wc
unsigned int
wc if written or -1 w/ errno


Writes to file at offset.

This function never changes the current position of fd.

int fd
is something open()'d earlier, noting pipes might not work
void* buf
is copied from, cf. copy_file_range(), sendfile(), etc.
unsigned long size
is always saturated to 0x7ffff000 automatically
long offset
is bytes from start of file at which write begins, which can exceed or overlap the end of file, in which case your file will be extended
[1..size] bytes on success, or -1 w/ errno; noting zero is impossible unless size was passed as zero to do an error check
@see pread(), write()


Sorts array.

This implementation uses the Quicksort routine from Bentley & McIlroy's "Engineering a Sort Function", 1992, Bell Labs.

This version differs from Bentley & McIlroy in the following ways:

  1. The partition value is swapped into a[0] instead of being stored out of line.
  2. The swap function can swap 32-bit aligned elements on 64-bit platforms instead of swapping them as byte-aligned.
  3. It uses David Musser's introsort algorithm to fall back to heapsort(3) when the recursion depth reaches 2*lg(n + 1). This avoids quicksort's quadratic behavior for pathological input without appreciably changing the average run time.
  4. Tail recursion is eliminated when sorting the larger of two subpartitions to save stack space.
void* a
is base of array
unsigned long n
is item count
unsigned long es
is item width
int(*)() cmp
is a callback returning <0, 0, or >0
@see mergesort()
@see heapsort()
@see qsort_r()
@see djbsort()


Sorts array w/ optional callback parameter.

void* a
is base of array
unsigned long n
is item count
unsigned long es
is item width
int(*)() cmp
is a callback returning <0, 0, or >0
void* arg
is passed to callback
@see qsort()


Exits process faster.

int code


int* A
unsigned long n


long* A
unsigned long n


Sends signal to self.

This is basically the same as:

pthread_kill(pthread_self(), sig);
Note SIG_DFL still results in process death for most signals.

POSIX defines raise() errors as returning non-zero and makes setting errno optional. Every platform we've tested in our support vector returns -1 with errno on error (like a normal system call).

int sig
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if sig is invalid


Returns 31-bit linear congruential pseudorandom number, e.g.

int x = rand();
assert(x >= 0);
This function always returns a positive number. If srand() isn't called, then it'll return the same sequence each time your program runs. Faster and more modern alternatives exist to this function.

This function is not thread safe in the sense that multiple threads might simultaneously generate the same random values.

@note this function does well on bigcrush and practrand
@note this function is not intended for cryptography
@see lemur64(), _rand64(), rdrand()




Returns pointer to first instance of character.

void* s
int c
is search byte which is masked with 255
is pointer to first instance of c


Returns pointer to first instance of character in range.

void* s
int c


Retrieves 64-bits of hardware random data from RDRAND instruction.

If RDRAND isn't available (we check CPUID and we also disable it automatically for microarchitectures where it's slow or buggy) then we try getrandom(), ProcessPrng(), or sysctl(KERN_ARND). If those aren't available then we try /dev/urandom and if that fails, we try getauxval(AT_RANDOM), and if not we finally use RDTSC and getpid().

unsigned long
@note this function could block a nontrivial time on old computers
@note this function is indeed intended for cryptography
@note this function takes around 300 cycles
@see rngset(), rdseed(), _rand64()


Retrieves 64-bits of true random data from RDSEED instruction.

If RDSEED isn't available, we'll try RDRAND (which we automatically disable for microarchitectures where it's known to be slow or buggy). If RDRAND isn't available then we try getrandom(), ProcessPrng(), or sysctl(KERN_ARND). If those aren't available then we try /dev/urandom and if that fails, we use RDTSC and getpid().

unsigned long
@note this function could block a nontrivial time on old computers
@note this function is indeed intended for cryptography
@note this function takes around 800 cycles
@see rngset(), rdrand(), _rand64()


Reads data from file descriptor.

This function changes the current file position. For documentation on file position behaviors and gotchas, see the lseek() function. This function may be used on socket file descriptors, including on Windows.

int fd
is something open()'d earlier
void* buf
is copied into, cf. copy_file_range(), sendfile(), etc.
unsigned long size
is always saturated to 0x7ffff000 automatically
[1..size] bytes on success, 0 on EOF, or -1 w/ errno; with exception of size==0, in which case return zero means no error
@raise EBADF if fd is negative or not an open file descriptor
@raise EBADF if fd is open in O_WRONLY mode
@raise EFAULT if size is nonzero and buf points to bad memory
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play without the stdio promise
@raise EIO if low-level i/o error happened
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered instead
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise ENOTCONN if fd is a socket and it isn't connected
@raise ECONNRESET if socket peer forcibly closed connection
@raise ETIMEDOUT if socket transmission timeout occurred
@raise EAGAIN if O_NONBLOCK is in play and read needs to block, or SO_RCVTIMEO is in play and the time interval elapsed
@raise ENOBUFS is specified by POSIX
@raise ENXIO is specified by POSIX


Reads single keystroke or control sequence from character device.

When reading ANSI UTF-8 text streams, characters and control codes are oftentimes encoded as multi-byte sequences. This function knows how long each sequence is, so that each read consumes a single thing from the underlying file descriptor, e.g.

"a"               ALFA
"\316\261"        ALPHA
"\e[38;5;202m"    ORANGERED
"\e[A"            UP
"\e\e[A"          ALT-UP
"\001"            CTRL-ALFA
"\e\001"          ALT-CTRL-ALFA
"\eOP"            PF1
"\000"            NUL
"\e]rm -rf /\e\\" OSC
"\302\233A"       UP
"\300\200"        NUL
This routine generalizes to ascii, utf-8, chorded modifier keys, function keys, color codes, c0/c1 control codes, cursor movement, mouse movement, etc.

Userspace buffering isn't required, since ANSI escape sequences and UTF-8 are decoded without peeking. Noncanonical overlong encodings can cause the stream to go out of sync. This function recovers such events by ignoring continuation bytes at the beginning of each read.

int fd
char* p
is guaranteed to receive a NUL terminator if n>0
unsigned long n
number of bytes read (helps differentiate "\0" vs. "")
@see examples/ttyinfo.c
@see ANSI X3.64-1979
@see ISO/IEC 6429
@see FIPS-86
@see ECMA-48


Reads symbolic link.

This does *not* nul-terminate the buffer.

int dirfd
is normally AT_FDCWD but if it's an open directory and file is a relative path, then file is opened relative to dirfd
const char* path
must be a symbolic link pathname
char* buf
will receive symbolic link contents, and won't be modified unless the function succeeds (with the exception of no-malloc nt) and this buffer will *not* be nul-terminated
unsigned long bufsiz
number of bytes written to buf, or -1 w/ errno; if the return is equal to bufsiz then truncation may have occurred
@raise EINVAL if path isn't a symbolic link
@raise ENOENT if path didn't exist
@raise ENOTDIR if parent component existed that's not a directory
@raise ENOTDIR if base component ends with slash and is not a dir
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if symlink-resolved path length exceeds PATH_MAX
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if component in path exists longer than NAME_MAX
@raise EBADF on relative path when dirfd isn't open or AT_FDCWD
@raise ELOOP if a loop was detected resolving parent components


const char* prompt
char* buf
unsigned long bufsiz
int flags


Reads data to multiple buffers.

This is the same thing as read() except it has multiple buffers. This yields a performance boost in situations where it'd be expensive to stitch data together using memcpy() or issuing multiple syscalls. This wrapper is implemented so that readv() calls where iovlen<2 may be passed to the kernel as read() instead. This yields a 100 cycle performance boost in the case of a single small iovec.

It's possible for file write request to be partially completed. For example, if the sum of iov lengths exceeds 0x7ffff000 then bytes beyond that will be ignored. This is a Linux behavior that Cosmo polyfills across platforms.

int fd
struct iovec* iov
int iovlen
number of bytes actually read, or -1 w/ errno


Generates number on [0,1]-real-interval, e.g.

double x = _real1(lemur64())
unsigned long x
@see lemur64(), mt19937()


Generates number on [0,1)-real-interval, e.g.

double x = _real2(lemur64())
unsigned long x
@see lemur64(), mt19937()


Generates number on (0,1)-real-interval, e.g.

double x = _real3(lemur64())
unsigned long x
@see lemur64(), mt19937()


Allocates / resizes / frees memory, e.g.

Returns a pointer to a chunk of size n that contains the same data as does chunk p up to the minimum of (n, p's size) bytes, or null if no space is available.

If p is NULL, then realloc() is equivalent to malloc().

If p is not NULL and n is 0, then realloc() shrinks the allocation to zero bytes. The allocation isn't freed and still continues to be a uniquely allocated piece of memory. However it should be assumed that zero bytes can be accessed, since that's enforced by MODE=asan.

The returned pointer may or may not be the same as p. The algorithm prefers extending p in most cases when possible, otherwise it employs the equivalent of a malloc-copy-free sequence.

Please note that p is NOT free()'d should realloc() fail, thus:

if ((p2 = realloc(p, n2))) {
  p = p2;
} else {
if n is for fewer bytes than already held by p, the newly unused space is lopped off and freed if possible.

The old unix realloc convention of allowing the last-free'd chunk to be used as an argument to realloc is not supported.

void* p
is address of current allocation or NULL
unsigned long n
is number of bytes needed
rax is result, or NULL w/ errno w/o free(p)
@see dlrealloc()


Resizes the space allocated for p to size n, only if this can be done without moving p (i.e., only if there is adjacent space available if n is greater than p's current allocated size, or n is less than or equal to p's size). This may be used instead of plain realloc if an alternative allocation strategy is needed upon failure to expand space, for example, reallocation of a buffer that must be memory-aligned or cleared. You can use realloc_in_place to trigger these alternatives only when needed.

void* p
is address of current allocation
unsigned long n
is number of bytes needed
rax is result, or NULL w/ errno
@see dlrealloc_in_place()


Manages array memory, the BSD way.

void* ptr
may be NULL for malloc() behavior
unsigned long nmemb
may be 0 for free() behavior; shrinking is promised too
unsigned long itemsize
new address or NULL w/ errno and ptr is NOT free()'d


Returns absolute pathname.

This function removes /./ and /../ components. If any individual path component is a symbolic link, then it'll be resolved. Any slash characters that repeat (e.g. //) will collapse into one (i.e. /)

This implementation is consistent with glibc, in that "//" becomes "/" unlike Musl Libc, which considers that special (not sure why?) This is the only change Cosmopolitan Libc made vs. Musl's realpath() aside from also being permissive about backslashes, to help Windows.

const char* filename
is the path that needs to be resolved
char* resolved
needs PATH_MAX bytes, or NULL to use malloc()
resolved path, or NULL w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if filename is NULL
@raise ENOENT if filename is an empty string
@raise ENOMEM if resolved is NULL and malloc() failed
@raise ENOENT if filename didn't exist
@raise ENOTDIR if directory component existed that's not a directory
@raise ENOTDIR if base component ends with slash and is not a dir
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if filename resolution exceeded PATH_MAX
@raise ELOOP if too many symlinks were encountered


Reboots system.

The howto argument may be one of the following:

  • RB_SW_SUSPEND (linux and windows only)
  • RB_KEXEC (linux only)
  • RB_ENABLE_CAD (linux only)
  • RB_DISABLE_CAD (linux only)
There's an implicit sync() operation before the reboot happens. This can be prevented by or'ing howto with RB_NOSYNC. Setting this option will also prevent apps on Windows from having time to close themselves.
int howto


Receives data from network socket.

Calling recv(fd, p, n, 0) is equivalent to read(fd, p, n).

Unlike files where the OS tries very hard to fulfill the entire requested size before returning, read operations on sockets aim to return as quickly as possible. For example, if 10 bytes are requested and a packet comes in with only 5 bytes, then recv() will most likely return those 5 bytes before waiting longer. The MSG_WAITALL flag may be passed when waiting longer is desired. In that case, short reads should only be possible when the connection status changes or the receive operation is interrupted by a signal.

int fd
is the file descriptor returned by socket()
void* buf
is where received network data gets copied
unsigned long size
is the byte capacity of buf
int flags
number of bytes received, 0 on remote close, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINTR if signal handler was called instead
@raise EINVAL if unknown bits were passed in flags
@raise EINVAL if flag isn't supported by host operating system
@raise EINVAL if MSG_WAITALL and MSG_PEEK were both passed
@raise EBADF if fd is an invalid file descriptor
@raise EAGAIN if MSG_DONTWAIT was passed and no data was available
@raise EAGAIN if O_NONBLOCK is in play and no data was available
@restartable (unless SO_RCVTIMEO on Linux or Windows)


Receives data from network.

This function blocks unless MSG_DONTWAIT is passed. In that case, the non-error EWOULDBLOCK might be returned. It basically means we didn't wait around to learn an amount of bytes were written that we know in advance are guaranteed to be atomic.

int fd
is the file descriptor returned by socket()
void* buf
is where received network data gets copied
unsigned long size
is the byte capacity of buf
int flags
struct sa* opt_out_srcaddr
receives the binary ip:port of the data's origin
unsigned int* opt_inout_srcaddrsize
is srcaddr capacity which gets updated
number of bytes received, 0 on remote close, or -1 w/ errno
@restartable (unless SO_RCVTIMEO on Linux or Windows)


Sends a message from a socket.

Note: Ancillary data currently isn't polyfilled across platforms.

int fd
is the file descriptor returned by socket()
struct msg2* msg
is a pointer to a struct msghdr containing all the allocated
   buffers where to store incoming data.
int flags
number of bytes received, or -1 w/ errno
@restartable (unless SO_RCVTIMEO)


Returns remainder of dividing 𝑥 by 𝑦.

double x
double y


Returns remainder of dividing 𝑥 by 𝑦.

long double x
long double y
long double


Deletes "file" or empty directory associtaed with name.

const char* name
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@see unlink() and rmdir() which this abstracts


void* element


Computes remainder and part of quotient.

double x
double y
int* quo


Computes remainder and part of quotient.

float x
float y
int* quo


Computes remainder and part of quotient.

long double x
long double y
int* quo
long double


Moves file the Unix way.

This is generally an atomic operation with the file system, since all it's doing is changing a name associated with an inode. However, that means rename() doesn't permit your oldpathname and newpathname to be on separate file systems, in which case this returns EXDEV. That's also the case on Windows.

const char* oldpathname
const char* newpathname
0 on success or -1 w/ errno


Renames files relative to directories.

This is generally an atomic operation with the file system, since all it's doing is changing a name associated with an inode. However, that means rename() doesn't permit your oldpathname and newpathname to be on separate file systems, in which case this returns EXDEV. That's also the case on Windows.

int olddirfd
is normally AT_FDCWD but if it's an open directory and oldpath is relative, then oldpath become relative to dirfd
const char* oldpath
int newdirfd
is normally AT_FDCWD but if it's an open directory and newpath is relative, then newpath become relative to dirfd
const char* newpath
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EROFS if either path is under /zip/...


Atomically increments all signed bytes in array, without overflowing.

Under the token bucket model, operations are denied by default unless tokens exist to allow them. This function must be called periodically from a single background thread to replenish the buckets with tokens. For example, this function may be called once per second which allows one operation per second on average with bursts up to 127 per second. This policy needn't be applied uniformly. For example, you might find out that a large corporation funnels all their traffic through one ip address, so you could replenish their tokens multiple times a second.

_Atomic unsigned long* w
is word array that aliases byte token array
unsigned long n
is number of 64-bit words in w array


const char* name
int class
int type
unsigned char* dest
int len


const char* name
const char* domain
int class
int type
unsigned char* dest
int len


Moves standard i/o stream to beginning of file.

Like fseek(), this function can be used to restore a stream from the EOF state, without reopening it.

struct FILE* f


Rounds to integer in current rounding mode.

The floating-point exception FE_INEXACT is raised if the result is different from the input.

double x


Rounds to integer in current rounding mode.

The floating-point exception FE_INEXACT is raised if the result is different from the input.

float x


Thirteen byte decompressor.

points to output buffer
points to uint8_t {len₁,byte₁}, ..., {0,0}
@mode long,legacy,real


Routine to activate additional VESA functionality if the user holds down a magic key, when booting from bare metal.

CF = 0 if we decided to set a new video mode, CF = 1 otherwise


Deletes empty directory.

const char* path
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Recursively removes file or directory.

const char* path
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Fills memory with random bytes, e.g.

char buf[512];
rngset(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, 0);
If reseed is zero then the internal PRNG is disabled and bytes are simply copied in little-endian order from the seed function. If seed is NULL then the reseed parameter is used as the seed value for the internal PRNG. If seed!=NULL and reseed>8 then reseed is the number of bytes after which the seed() function should be called again, to freshen up the PRNG.

The main advantage of this generator is that it produces data at 13 gigabytes per second since Vigna's Algorithm vectorizes better than alternatives, going even faster than xorshift.

void* b
unsigned long n
unsigned long(*)() seed
unsigned long reseed
original buf


Rounds 𝑥 to nearest integer, away from zero.

double x


Rounds 𝑥 to nearest integer, away from zero.

float x


void* buf
int bufl


double* r_ent
double* r_chisq
double* r_mean
double* r_montepicalc
double* r_scc


int binmode


Accumulates resource statistics in y to x.

struct rusage* x
struct rusage* y


Returns 𝑥 × 2ʸ.

double x
double y


float x
float fn


Returns 𝑥 × 2ʸ.

double x
long n


Returns 𝑥 × 2ʸ.

float x
long n


long double x
long n
long double


Returns 𝑥 × 2ʸ.

double x
int n


Returns 𝑥 × 2ʸ.

float x
int n


Returns 𝑥 × 2ʸ.

long double x
int n
long double


const char* path
struct dirent*** res
int(*)() sel
int(*)() cmp


Standard input decoder.

const char* fmt
@see libc/fmt/vcscanf.h


Returns maximum sched_param::sched_priority for policy.

int policy
priority, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ENOSYS on XNU, Windows, OpenBSD
@raise EINVAL if policy is invalid


Returns minimum sched_param::sched_priority for policy.

int policy
priority, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ENOSYS on XNU, Windows, OpenBSD
@raise EINVAL if policy is invalid


Returns ID of CPU on which thread is currently scheduled.

This function is supported on the following platforms:

  • x86-64 - Linux: rdtsc - FreeBSD: rdtsc - Windows: win32 - OpenBSD: unsupported - NetBSD: unsupported - MacOS: unsupported
  • aarch64 - Linux: syscall - FreeBSD: syscall - MacOS: supported
cpu number on success, or -1 w/ errno


Gets scheduler policy parameter.

int pid
struct p* param
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ENOSYS on XNU, Windows, OpenBSD


Gets scheduler policy for pid.

int pid
is the id of the process whose scheduling policy should be queried. Setting pid to zero means the same thing as getpid(). This applies to all threads associated with the process. Linux is special; the kernel treats this as a thread id (noting that getpid() == gettid() is always the case on Linux for the main thread) and will only take effect for the specified tid.
scheduler policy, or -1 w/ errno
@error ESRCH if pid not found
@error EPERM if not permitted
@error EINVAL if pid is negative on Linux


Returns round-robin SCHED_RR quantum for pid.

int pid
is id of process (where 0 is same as getpid())
struct timespec* tp
receives output interval
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@error ENOSYS if not Linux or FreeBSD
@error EFAULT if tp memory is invalid
@error EINVAL if invalid pid
@error ESRCH if could not find pid


Sets scheduler policy parameter.

int pid
struct sched_param* param
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ENOSYS on XNU, Windows, OpenBSD


Sets scheduling policy of process, e.g.

struct sched_param p = {sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_OTHER)};
LOGIFNEG1(sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_OTHER, &p));
Processes with numerically higher priority values are scheduled before processes with numerically lower priority values.
int pid
is the id of the process whose scheduling policy should be changed. Setting pid to zero means the same thing as getpid(). This applies to all threads associated with the process. Linux is special; the kernel treats this as a thread id (noting that getpid() == gettid() is always the case on Linux for the main thread) and will only take effect for the specified tid.
int policy
specifies the kernel's timesharing strategy.

The policy must have one of:

  • SCHED_OTHER (or SCHED_NORMAL) for the default policy
  • SCHED_RR for real-time round-robin scheduling
  • SCHED_FIFO for real-time first-in first-out scheduling
  • SCHED_BATCH for "batch" style execution of processes if supported (Linux), otherwise it's treated as SCHED_OTHER
  • SCHED_IDLE for running very low priority background jobs if it's supported (Linux), otherwise this is SCHED_OTHER. Pledging away scheduling privilege is permanent for your process; if a subsequent attempt is made to restore the SCHED_OTHER policy then this system call will EPERM (but on older kernels like RHEL7 this isn't the case). This policy isn't available on old Linux kernels like RHEL5, where it'll raise EINVAL.
The policy may optionally bitwise-or any one of:

  • SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK will cause the scheduling policy to be automatically reset to SCHED_NORMAL upon fork() if supported; otherwise this flag is polyfilled as zero, so that it may be safely used (without having to check if the o/s is Linux).
struct sched_param* param
must be set to the scheduler parameter, which should be greater than or equal to sched_get_priority_min(policy) and less than or equal to sched_get_priority_max(policy). Linux allows the static priority range 1 to 99 for the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR policies, and the priority 0 is used for the remaining policies. You should still consider calling the function, because on NetBSD the correct priority might be -1.
the former scheduling policy of the specified process. If this function fails, then the scheduling policy is not changed, and -1 w/ errno is returned.
@raise ENOSYS on XNU, Windows, OpenBSD
@raise EPERM if not authorized to use scheduler in question (e.g. trying to use a real-time scheduler as non-root on Linux) or possibly because pledge() was used and isn't allowing this
@raise EINVAL if param is NULL
@raise EINVAL if policy is invalid
@raise EINVAL if param has value out of ranges defined by policy


Tunes Linux security policy.

This system call was first introduced in Linux 3.17. We polyfill automatically features like SECCOMP_SET_MODE_STRICT, for kernels dating back to 2.6.23, whenever possible.

unsigned int operation
unsigned int flags
void* args
@raise ENOSYS on non-Linux.


Returns environment variable, securely.

This is the same as getenv() except it'll return null if current process is a setuid / setgid program.

const char* name
is environment variable key name, which may not be null


unsigned short* s
unsigned short*


Checks status on multiple file descriptors at once.

int nfds
struct fd_set* readfds
may be used to be notified when you can call read() on a file descriptor without it blocking; this includes when data is is available to be read as well as eof and error conditions
struct fd_set* writefds
may be used to be notified when write() may be called on a file descriptor without it blocking
struct fd_set* exceptfds
may be used to be notified of exceptional conditions such as out-of-band data on a socket; it is equivalent to POLLPRI in the revents of poll()
struct timeval* timeout
may be null which means to block indefinitely; cosmo's implementation of select() never modifies this parameter which is how most platforms except Linux work which modifies it to reflect elapsed time, noting that POSIX permits either behavior therefore portable code should assume that timeout memory becomes undefined
@raise E2BIG if we exceeded the 64 socket limit on Windows
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered


Closes named semaphore.

Calling sem_close() on a semaphore not created by sem_open() has undefined behavior. Using sem after calling sem_close() from either the current process or forked processes sharing the same address is also undefined behavior. If any threads in this process or forked children are currently blocked on sem then calling sem_close() has undefined behavior.

struct sem_t* sem
was created with sem_open()
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Returns semaphore value.

struct sem_t* sem
was created by sem_init()
int* sval
receives output value
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Initializes unnamed semaphore.

Calling sem_init() on an already initialized semaphore is undefined.

struct sem_t* sem
should make its way to sem_destroy() if this succeeds
int pshared
if semaphore may be shared between processes, provided sem is backed by mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED) memory
unsigned int value
is initial count of semaphore
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if value exceeds SEM_VALUE_MAX


Initializes and opens named semaphore.

This function tracks open semaphore objects within a process. When a process calls sem_open() multiple times with the same name, then the same shared memory address will be returned, unless it was unlinked.

const char* name
is arbitrary string that begins with a slash character
int oflag
can have any of:
  • O_CREAT to create the named semaphore if it doesn't exist, in which case two additional arguments must be supplied
  • O_EXCL to raise EEXIST if semaphore already exists
struct sem_t*
semaphore object which needs sem_close(), or SEM_FAILED w/ errno
@raise ENOSPC if file system is full when name would be O_CREATed
@raise EINVAL if oflag has bits other than O_CREAT | O_EXCL
@raise EINVAL if value is negative or exceeds SEM_VALUE_MAX
@raise EEXIST if O_CREAT|O_EXCL is used and semaphore exists
@raise EACCES if we didn't have permission to create semaphore
@raise EACCES if recreating open semaphore pending an unlink
@raise EMFILE if process RLIMIT_NOFILE has been reached
@raise ENFILE if system-wide file limit has been reached
@raise ENOMEM if we require more vespene gas
@raise EINTR if signal handler was called


Locks semaphore.

struct sem_t* sem
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ECANCELED if calling thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered instead
@raise EDEADLK if deadlock was detected
@raise EINVAL if sem is invalid


Sends data to network socket.

Calling send(fd, p, n, 0) is equivalent to write(fd, p, n).

On Windows, calling send() or write() on a socket in O_NONBLOCK mode will block. This is done for many reasons. First, most UNIX OSes have a similar behavior, due to how little code checks the return status of write(). Secondly, WIN32 has bugs that prevent us from canceling an overlapped WSASend() operation safely. Programs that want to avoid send() blocking should call poll() beforehand with the POLLOUT flag to test when the socket can safely be written without blocking. It's also possible to pass MSG_DONTWAIT via flags in which case send() will do this for you automatically.

int fd
is the file descriptor returned by socket()
void* buf
is the data to send, which we'll copy if necessary
unsigned long size
is the byte-length of buf
int flags
number of bytes transmitted, or -1 w/ errno
@restartable (unless SO_SNDTIMEO on Linux or Windows)


Sends a message on a socket.

int fd
is the file descriptor returned by socket()
struct msghdr* msg
is a pointer to a struct msghdr containing all the required
   parameters (the destination address, buffers, ...)
int flags
number of bytes transmitted, or -1 w/ errno
@restartable (unless SO_RCVTIMEO)


Sends data over network.

This function blocks unless MSG_DONTWAIT is passed. In that case, the non-error EWOULDBLOCK might be returned. It basically means we didn't wait around to learn an amount of bytes were written that we know in advance are guaranteed to be atomic.

int fd
is the file descriptor returned by socket()
void* buf
is the data to send, which we'll copy if necessary
unsigned long size
is the byte-length of buf
int flags
struct sa* opt_addr
is a binary ip:port destination override, which is mandatory for UDP if connect() wasn't called
unsigned int addrsize
is the byte-length of addr's true polymorphic form
number of bytes transmitted, or -1 w/ errno
@restartable (unless SO_SNDTIMEO on Linux or Windows)


Sets buffer on stdio stream.

struct FILE* f
char* buf


Sets buffer on stdio stream.

struct FILE* f
char* buf
may optionally be non-NULL to set the stream's underlying buffer, which the stream will own, but won't free
unsigned long size
is ignored if buf is NULL


Sets machine context.

struct ucontext_t* uc
-1 on error w/ errno, otherwise won't return unless sent back
@see swapcontext()
@see makecontext()
@see getcontext()


Sets effective group ID.

unsigned int egid
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if euid not in legal range
@raise EPERM if lack privileges


Copies variable to environment.

const char* name
const char* value
int overwrite
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno and environment is unchanged
@raise EINVAL if name is empty or contains '='
@raise ENOMEM if out of memory
@see putenv(), getenv()


Sets effective user ID.

unsigned int euid
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if euid not in legal range
@raise EPERM if lack privileges


Sets user id of current process for file system ops.

unsigned int gid
previous filesystem gid


Sets user id of current process for file system ops.

unsigned int uid
previous filesystem uid


Sets group id of current process.

unsigned int gid
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if gid not in legal range
@raise EPERM if lack privileges


Rewinds to beginning of group database.



Sets list of supplementary group IDs.

On recent versions of Linux only, it's possible to say:

setgroups(0, NULL);
Which will cause subsequent calls to EPERM.
unsigned long size
number of items in list
const unsigned int* list
input set of gid_t to set
-1 w/ EFAULT


int x


Schedules delivery of one-shot or intermittent interrupt signal, e.g.

Raise SIGALRM every 1.5s:

          &(struct sigaction){.sa_handler = OnSigalrm},
          &(const struct itimerval){{1, 500000},
                                    {1, 500000}},
Single-shot alarm to interrupt connect() after 50ms:

          &(struct sigaction){.sa_handler = OnSigalrm,
                              .sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND},
          &(const struct itimerval){{0, 0}, {0, 50000}},
if (connect(...) == -1 && errno == EINTR) { ... }
Disarm existing timer:

setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &(const struct itimerval){0}, NULL);
If the goal is to use alarms to interrupt blocking i/o routines, e.g. read(), connect(), etc. then it's important to install the signal handler using sigaction() rather than signal(), because the latter sets the SA_RESTART flag.

Timers are not inherited across fork.

int which
struct itimerval* newvalue
specifies the interval ({0,0} means one-shot) and duration ({0,0} means disarm) in microseconds ∈ [0,999999] and if this parameter is NULL, we'll polyfill getitimer() behavior
struct itimerval* oldvalue
0 on success or -1 w/ errno


Saves cpu state.

points to jmp_buf
rax 0 when set and !0 when longjmp'd
@assume system five nexgen32e abi conformant
@note code built w/ microsoft abi compiler can't call this
@see longjmp(), gclongjmp()


const char* key


Puts stream in line-buffering mode.

struct FILE* f


int cat
const char* name


const char* name
const char* mode
struct FILE*


Changes process group for process.

int pid
is process id (may be zero for current process)
int pgid
is process group id (may be zero for current process)
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Sets the process group ID.



Sets nice value of thing.

On Windows, there's only six priority classes. We define them as -16 (realtime), -10 (high), -5 (above), 0 (normal), 5 (below), 15 (idle) which are the only values that'll roundtrip getpriority/setpriority.

int which
can be one of:
  • PRIO_PROCESS is supported universally
  • PRIO_PGRP is supported on unix
  • PRIO_USER is supported on unix
unsigned int who
is the pid, pgid, or uid, 0 meaning current
int value
∈ [-NZERO,NZERO) which is clamped automatically
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if which was invalid or unsupported
@error EACCES if value lower that RLIMIT_NICE
@error EACCES on Linux without CAP_SYS_NICE
@raise EPERM if access to process was denied
@raise ESRCH if the process didn't exist
@see getpriority()


int stayopen


Rewinds global handle to password database.

@see getpwent()


Sets real and/or effective group ids.

unsigned int rgid
is real group id or -1 to leave it unchanged
unsigned int egid
is effective group id or -1 to leave it unchanged
0 on success or -1 w/ errno


Sets real, effective, and "saved" group ids.

unsigned int real
sets real group id or -1 to do nothing
unsigned int effective
sets effective group id or -1 to do nothing
unsigned int saved
sets saved group id or -1 to do nothing
@see setresuid(), getauxval(AT_SECURE)
@raise ENOSYS on Windows NT


Sets real, effective, and "saved" user ids.

unsigned int real
sets real user id or -1 to do nothing
unsigned int effective
sets effective user id or -1 to do nothing
unsigned int saved
sets saved user id or -1 to do nothing
@see setresgid(), getauxval(AT_SECURE)
@raise ENOSYS on Windows NT


Sets real and/or effective user ids.

unsigned int ruid
is real user id or -1 to leave it unchanged
unsigned int euid
is effective user id or -1 to leave it unchanged
0 on success or -1 w/ errno


int stayopen


Creates session and sets the process group id.

new session id, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EPERM if already the leader


Modifies socket settings.

Basic usage:

int yes = 1;
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(yes));
int fd
int level
can be SOL_SOCKET, SOL_IP, SOL_TCP, etc.
int optname
can be SO_{REUSE{PORT,ADDR},KEEPALIVE,etc.} etc.
void* optval
unsigned int optlen
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@error ENOPROTOOPT for unknown (level,optname)
@error EINVAL if optlen is invalid somehow
@error ENOTSOCK if fd is valid but not a socket
@error EBADF if fd isn't valid
@error EFAULT if optval memory isn't valid
@see libc/sysv/consts.sh for tuning catalogue
@see getsockopt()


char* state


Changes time.

struct timeval* tv
struct timezone* tz


Sets user id of current process.

unsigned int uid
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if uid not in legal range
@raise EAGAIN on temporary failure
@raise EAGAIN change would cause RLIMIT_NPROC to be exceeded
@raise EPERM if lack privileges




Tunes buffering settings for an stdio stream.

struct FILE* f
char* buf
may optionally be non-NULL to set the stream's underlying buffer which the caller still owns and won't free, otherwise the existing buffer is used
int mode
may be _IOFBF, _IOLBF, or _IONBF
unsigned long size
is ignored if buf is NULL
0 on success or -1 on error


Performs Intel® AVX2™ optimized SHA-1 update.

This implementation is based on the previous SSSE3 release: Visit http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/ and refer to improving-the-performance-of-the-secure-hash-algorithm-1/

Updates 20-byte SHA-1 record at start of 'state', from 'input', for even number of 'blocks' consecutive 64-byte blocks.

void sha1_transform_avx2(struct sha1_state *state,
                         const uint8_t *input,
                         int blocks);
points to output digest
points to input data
is number of 64-byte blocks to process
@see X86_HAVE(SHA)


Performs Intel® SHA-NI™ optimized SHA-1 update.

The function takes a pointer to the current hash values, a pointer to the input data, and a number of 64 byte blocks to process. Once all blocks have been processed, the digest pointer is updated with the resulting hash value. The function only processes complete blocks, there is no functionality to store partial blocks. All message padding and hash value initialization must be done outside the update function.

The indented lines in the loop are instructions related to rounds processing. The non-indented lines are instructions related to the message schedule.

void sha1_transform_ni(uint32_t digest[static 5],
                       const void *data,
                       uint32_t numBlocks);
points to output digest
points to input data
is number of 64-byte blocks to process
@see X86_HAVE(SHA)


Performs Intel® SHA-NI™ optimized SHA-256 update.

The function takes a pointer to the current hash values, a pointer to the input data, and a number of 64 byte blocks to process. Once all blocks have been processed, the digest pointer is updated with the resulting hash value. The function only processes complete blocks, there is no functionality to store partial blocks. All message padding and hash value initialization must be done outside the update function.

The indented lines in the loop are instructions related to rounds processing. The non-indented lines are instructions related to the message schedule.

void sha256_transform_ni(uint32_t digest[static 8],
                         const void *data,
                         int32_t numBlocks);
points to output digest
points to input data
is number of blocks to process
@see X86_HAVE(SHA)


Opens POSIX named memory object.

const char* name
should begin with a / and shouldn't contain subsequent slash characters, and furthermore shouldn't exceed NAME_MAX, for maximum portability; POSIX defines it as opening a multi-process object and leaves all other names implementation defined; and we choose (in this implementation) to define those names as meaning the same thing while not imposing any length limit; cosmo always feeds your name through BLAKE2B to create a .sem file existing under /dev/shm if available, otherwise it will go under /tmp
int oflag
unsigned int mode
open file descriptor, or -1 w/ errno


Returns filesystem pathname of named semaphore.

const char* name
is name of semaphore which should begin with slash
char* buf
is temporary storage with at least 78 bytes
pointer to file system path
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if constructed path would exceed size


Disables sends or receives on a socket, without closing.

int fd
is the open file descriptor for the socket
int how
0 on success or -1 on error


Restores thread to state before signal.

rdi points
to ucontext_t with machine state


Installs handler for kernel interrupt to thread, e.g.:

void GotCtrlC(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *arg) {
  ucontext_t *ctx = arg;
struct sigaction sa = {.sa_sigaction = GotCtrlC,
                       .sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND|SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO};
CHECK_NE(-1, sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL));
The following flags are supported across platforms:

  • SA_SIGINFO: Causes the siginfo_t and ucontext_t parameters to be passed. void *ctx actually refers to struct ucontext *. This not only gives you more information about the signal, but also allows your signal handler to change the CPU registers. That's useful for recovering from crashes. If you don't use this attribute, then signal delivery will go a little faster.
  • SA_RESTART: Enables BSD signal handling semantics. Normally i/o entrypoints check for pending signals to deliver. If one gets delivered during an i/o call, the normal behavior is to cancel the i/o operation and return -1 with EINTR in errno. If you use the SA_RESTART flag then that behavior changes, so that any function that's been annotated with @restartable will not return EINTR and will instead resume the i/o operation. This makes coding easier but it can be an anti-pattern if not used carefully, since poor usage can easily result in latency issues. It also requires one to do more work in signal handlers, so special care needs to be given to which C library functions are @asyncsignalsafe.
  • SA_RESETHAND: Causes signal handler to be single-shot. This means that, upon entry of delivery to a signal handler, it's reset to the SIG_DFL handler automatically. You may use the alias SA_ONESHOT for this flag, which means the same thing.
  • SA_NODEFER: Disables the reentrancy safety check on your signal handler. Normally that's a good thing, since for instance if your SIGSEGV signal handler happens to segfault, you're going to want your process to just crash rather than looping endlessly. But in some cases it's desirable to use SA_NODEFER instead, such as at times when you wish to longjmp() out of your signal handler and back into your program. This is only safe to do across platforms for non-crashing signals such as SIGCHLD and SIGINT. Crash handlers should use Xed instead to recover execution, because on Windows a SIGSEGV or SIGTRAP crash handler might happen on a separate stack and/or a separate thread. You may use the alias SA_NOMASK for this flag, which means the same thing.
  • SA_NOCLDWAIT: Changes SIGCHLD so the zombie is gone and you can't call wait() anymore; similar but may still deliver the SIGCHLD.
  • SA_NOCLDSTOP: Lets you set SIGCHLD handler that's only notified on exit/termination and not notified on SIGSTOP, SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU, or SIGCONT.
Here's an example of the most professional way to handle signals in an i/o event loop. It's generally a best practice to have signal handlers do the fewest number of things possible. The trick is to have your signals work hand-in-glove with the EINTR errno. This obfuscates the need for having to worry about @asyncsignalsafe.

static volatile bool gotctrlc;

void OnCtrlC(int sig) {
  gotctrlc = true;

int main() {
  size_t got;
  ssize_t rc;
  char buf[1];
  struct sigaction oldint;
  struct sigaction saint = {.sa_handler = GotCtrlC};
  if (sigaction(SIGINT, &saint, &oldint) == -1) {
  for (;;) {
    rc = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf));
    if (rc == -1) {
      if (errno == EINTR) {
        if (gotctrlc) {
      } else {
    if (!(got = rc)) {
    for (;;) {
      rc = write(1, buf, got);
      if (rc != -1) {
        assert(rc == 1);
      } else if (errno != EINTR) {
  sigaction(SIGINT, &oldint, 0);
Please note that you can't do the above if you use SA_RESTART. Since the purpose of SA_RESTART is to restart i/o operations whose docs say that they're @restartable and read() is one such function. Here's some even better news: if you don't install any signal handlers at all, then your i/o calls will never be interrupted!

Here's an example of the most professional way to recover from SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, and SIGILL.

void ContinueOnCrash(void);

void SkipOverFaultingInstruction(struct ucontext *ctx) {
  struct XedDecodedInst xedd;
  xed_decoded_inst_zero_set_mode(&xedd, XED_MACHINE_MODE_LONG_64);
  xed_instruction_length_decode(&xedd, (void *)ctx->uc_mcontext.rip, 15);
  ctx->uc_mcontext.rip += xedd.length;

void OnCrash(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *vctx) {
  struct ucontext *ctx = vctx;
  ContinueOnCrash();  // reinstall here in case *rip faults

void ContinueOnCrash(void) {
  struct sigaction sa = {.sa_handler = OnSigSegv,
                         .sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESETHAND};
  sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, 0);
  sigaction(SIGFPE, &sa, 0);
  sigaction(SIGILL, &sa, 0);

int main() {
  // ...
You may also edit any other CPU registers during the handler. For example, you can use the above technique so that division by zero becomes defined to a specific value of your choosing!

Please note that Xed isn't needed to recover from SIGTRAP which can be raised at any time by embedding DebugBreak() or asm("int3") in your program code. Your signal handler will automatically skip over the interrupt instruction, assuming your signal handler returns.

The important signals supported across all platforms are:

  • SIGINT: When you press Ctrl-C this signal gets broadcasted to your process session group. This is the normal way to terminate console applications.
  • SIGQUIT: When you press CTRL-\ this signal gets broadcasted to your process session group. This is the irregular way to kill an application in cases where maybe your SIGINT handler is broken although, Cosmopolitan Libc ShowCrashReports() should program it such as to attach a debugger to the process if possible, or else show a crash report. Also note that in New Technology you should press CTRL+BREAK rather than CTRL+\ to get this signal.
  • SIGHUP: This gets sent to your non-daemon processes when you close your terminal session.
  • SIGTERM is what the kill command sends by default. It's the choice signal for terminating daemons.
  • SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 can be anything you want. Their default action is to kill the process. By convention SIGUSR1 is usually used by daemons to reload the config file.
  • SIGCHLD is sent when a process terminates and it takes a certain degree of UNIX mastery to address sanely.
  • SIGALRM is invoked by setitimer() and alarm(). It can be useful for interrupting i/o operations like connect().
  • SIGTRAP: This happens when an INT3 instruction is encountered.
  • SIGILL happens on illegal instructions, e.g. UD2.
  • SIGABRT happens when you call abort().
  • SIGFPE happens when you divide ints by zero, among other things.
  • SIGSEGV and SIGBUS indicate memory access errors and they have inconsistent semantics across platforms like FreeBSD.
  • SIGWINCH is sent when your terminal window is resized.
  • SIGXCPU and SIGXFSZ may be raised if you run out of resources, which can happen if your process, or the parent process that spawned your process, happened to call setrlimit(). Doing this is a wonderful idea.
Signal handlers should avoid clobbering global variables like errno because most signals are asynchronous, i.e. the signal handler might be called at any assembly instruction. If something like a SIGCHLD handler doesn't save / restore the errno global when calling wait, then any i/o logic in the main program that checks errno will most likely break. This is rare in practice, since systems usually design signals to favor delivery from cancelation points before they block however that's not guaranteed.
int sig
struct copy* act
struct copy* oldact
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@see xsigaction() for a much better api


Adds signal to set.

unsigned long* set
int sig
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if 1 ≤ sig ≤ NSIG isn't the case


Bitwise ANDs two signal sets.

unsigned long* set
const unsigned long* x
const unsigned long* y
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Returns population count of signal set.

const unsigned long* set
value greater than or equal to zero


Removes signal from set.

unsigned long* set
int sig
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raises EINVAL if 1 ≤ sig ≤ NSIG isn't the case


Removes all signals from set.

unsigned long* set
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Fills up signal set.

unsigned long* set
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Configures process to ignore signal.

int sig


Tunes whether signal can interrupt restartable system calls.

int sig
int flag


Determines if signal set is empty.

const unsigned long* set
1 if empty, 0 if non-empty, or -1 w/ errno


Returns true if signal is member of set.

const unsigned long* set
int sig
1 if set, 0 if not set, or -1 w/ errno
@raises EINVAL if 1 ≤ sig ≤ NSIG isn't the case


Loads previously saved processor state.

points to the jmp_buf
is returned by setjmp() invocation (coerced nonzero)
@see gclongjmp()
@see siglongjmp()


Installs kernel interrupt handler, e.g.

void GotCtrlC(int sig) { ... }
CHECK_NE(SIG_ERR, signal(SIGINT, GotCtrlC));
int sig
void(*)() func
old signal handler on success or SIG_ERR w/ errno
@note this function has BSD semantics, i.e. SA_RESTART
@see sigaction() which has more features and docs


Return mantissa of 𝑥 scaled to range [1,2).

double x


Return mantissa of 𝑥 scaled to range [1,2).

float x


Return mantissa of 𝑥 scaled to range [1,2).

long double x
long double


Bitwise ORs two signal sets.

unsigned long* set
const unsigned long* x
const unsigned long* y
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Determines the blocked pending signals

unsigned long* pending
is where the bitset of pending signals is returned, which may not be null
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EFAULT if pending points to invalid memory


Changes signal blocking state of calling thread, e.g.:

sigset_t neu,old;
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &neu, &old);
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old, NULL);
int how
const unsigned long* opt_set
unsigned long* opt_out_oldset
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EFAULT if set or oldset is bad memory
@raise EINVAL if how is invalid


Sends signal to process, with data.

The impact of this action can be terminating the process, or interrupting it to request something happen.

int pid
can be: >0 signals one process by id =0 signals all processes in current process group -1 signals all processes possible (except init) <-1 signals all processes in -pid process group
int sig
can be: >0 can be SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGKILL, SIGUSR1, etc. =0 checks both if pid exists and we can signal it
union value value
0 if something was accomplished, or -1 w/ errno
@note this isn't supported on OpenBSD


Saves caller CPU state and signal mask.

points to jmp_buf
if non-zero will cause mask to be saved
eax 0 when set and !0 when longjmp'd


Waits for signal synchronously, w/ timeout.

This function does not change the thread signal mask. Signals that aren't masked, which aren't in set, will be handled normally, in which case this function will raise EINTR.

This function silently ignores attempts to synchronously wait for SIGTHR which is used internally by the POSIX threads implementation.

const unsigned long* set
is signals for which we'll be waiting
struct linux* opt_info
if not null shall receive info about signal
struct timespec* opt_timeout
is relative deadline and null means wait forever
signal number on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINTR if an asynchronous signal was delivered instead
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINVAL if nanoseconds parameter was out of range
@raise EAGAIN if timeout elapsed
@raise ENOSYS on XNU, OpenBSD, and Metal
@raise EFAULT if invalid memory was supplied


Waits for signal synchronously.

See sigtimedwait() for further details.

const unsigned long* mask
int* out_sig
shall receive signal number
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINTR if an asynchronous signal was delivered instead
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise ENOSYS on OpenBSD, XNU, and Metal
@see sigtimedwait()


Waits for signal synchronously.

See sigtimedwait() for further details.

const unsigned long* mask
struct siginfo_t* si
signal number on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINTR if an asynchronous signal was delivered instead
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise ENOSYS on OpenBSD, XNU, and Metal
@see sigtimedwait()


Returns sine of 𝑥.

double x
@note should take ~5ns


Returns sine and cosine of 𝑥.

double x
double* sin
double* cos
@note should take ~10ns


Returns sine and cosine of y.

This is a fast sincosf implementation. Worst-case ULP is 0.5607, maximum relative error is 0.5303 * 2^-23. A single-step range reduction is used for small values. Large inputs have their range reduced using fast integer arithmetic.

float y
float* sinp
float* cosp
@raise EDOM if y is an infinity


Returns sine and cosine of 𝑥.

long double x
long double* sin
long double* cos


Returns sine of y.

This is a fast sinf implementation. The worst-case ULP is 0.5607 and the maximum relative error is 0.5303 * 2^-23. A single-step range reduction is used for small values. Large inputs have their range reduced using fast integer arithmetic.

float y
@raise EDOM and FE_INVALID if y is an infinity


Returns hyperbolic sine of 𝑥.

sinh(x) = (exp(x) - 1/exp(x))/2
        = (exp(x)-1 + (exp(x)-1)/exp(x))/2
        = x + x^3/6 + o(x^5)
float x


Returns sine of 𝑥.

long double x
long double


Represents size as readable string.

char* p
is output buffer
unsigned long x
unsigned long b
should be 1024 or 1000
pointer to nul byte


Converts size string to long.

The following unit suffixes may be used

  • k or K for kilo (multiply by 𝑏¹)
  • m or M for mega (multiply by 𝑏²)
  • g or G for giga (multiply by 𝑏³)
  • t or T for tera (multiply by 𝑏⁴)
  • p or P for peta (multiply by 𝑏⁵)
  • e or E for exa (multiply by 𝑏⁶)
If a permitted alpha character is supplied, then any additional characters after it (e.g. kbit, Mibit, TiB) are ignored. Spaces before the integer are ignored, and overflows will be detected.

Negative numbers are permissible, as well as a leading + sign. To tell the difference between an error return and -1 you must clear errno before calling and test whether it changed.

const char* s
is non-null nul-terminated input string
long b
is multiplier which should be 1000 or 1024
size greater than or equal 0 or -1 on error
@error EINVAL if error is due to bad syntax
@error EOVERFLOW if error is due to overflow


Encodes signed integer to array.

uleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        10𝑐         3𝑛𝑠
zleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        13𝑐         4𝑛𝑠
sleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        16𝑐         5𝑛𝑠
uleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        18𝑐         6𝑛𝑠
zleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        18𝑐         6𝑛𝑠
sleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        24𝑐         8𝑛𝑠
zleb64 INT64_MIN    l:        13𝑐         4𝑛𝑠
sleb64 INT64_MIN    l:        16𝑐         5𝑛𝑠
zleb128 INT64_MIN   l:        19𝑐         6𝑛𝑠
sleb128 INT64_MIN   l:        24𝑐         8𝑛𝑠
char* p
is output array
long x
is number
p + i


Sorts array.

void* base
points to an array to sort in-place
unsigned long count
is the item count
unsigned long width
is the size of each item
int(*)() cmp
is a callback returning <0, 0, or >0
@see smoothsort_r()
@see qsort()


const char[86]


Sorts array.

void* base
points to an array to sort in-place
unsigned long count
is the item count
unsigned long width
is the size of each item
int(*)() cmp
is a callback returning <0, 0, or >0
void* arg
will optionally be passed as the third argument to cmp
@see smoothsort()
@see qsort()


Initializes mt[NN] with small seed value.

unsigned long seed
@see mt19937(), Smt19937()


Initializes mt[NN] with array.

unsigned long* K
is the array for initializing keys
unsigned long n
is its length
@see mt19937(), smt19937()


Formats string to buffer.

char* buf
unsigned long count
const char* fmt
number of bytes written, excluding the NUL terminator; or, if the output buffer wasn't passed, or was too short, then the number of characters that *would* have been written is returned
@see __fmt() and printf() for detailed documentation


Converts sockaddr (Linux/Windows) → sockaddr_bsd (XNU/BSD).

void* addr
unsigned int addrsize
union sockaddr_storage_bsd* out_addr
unsigned int* out_addrsize


Converts sockaddr_bsd (XNU/BSD) → sockaddr (Linux/Windows).

union sockaddr_storage_bsd* addr
unsigned int addrsize
union sockaddr_storage_linux* out_addr
unsigned int* inout_addrsize


Creates new system resource for network communication, e.g.

int family
can be AF_UNIX, AF_INET, AF_INET6, etc.
int type
can be SOCK_STREAM (for TCP), SOCK_DGRAM (e.g. UDP), or SOCK_RAW (IP) so long as IP_HDRINCL was passed to setsockopt(); and additionally, may be or'd with SOCK_NONBLOCK, SOCK_CLOEXEC
int protocol
socket file descriptor or -1 w/ errno
@raise EAFNOSUPPORT if family isn't supported by system or platform
@see libc/sysv/consts.sh


Creates bidirectional pipe, e.g.

int sv[2];
socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv);
int family
should be AF_UNIX or synonymously AF_LOCAL
int type
can be SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM and additionally, may be or'd with SOCK_NONBLOCK, SOCK_CLOEXEC
int protocol
int* sv
a vector of 2 integers to store the created sockets
0 if success, -1 in case of error
@see libc/sysv/consts.sh


struct StrList* sl


Transfers data to/from pipe.

int infd
long* opt_in_out_inoffset
may be specified if infd isn't a pipe and is used as both an input and output parameter for pread() behavior
int outfd
long* opt_in_out_outoffset
may be specified if outfd isn't a pipe and is used as both an input and output parameter for pwrite() behavior
unsigned long uptobytes
unsigned int flags
number of bytes transferred, 0 on input end, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if infd or outfd aren't open files or append-only
@raise ENOTSUP if infd or outfd is a zip file descriptor
@raise ESPIPE if an offset arg was specified for a pipe fd
@raise EINVAL if offset was given for non-seekable device
@raise EINVAL if file system doesn't support splice()
@raise EFAULT if one of the pointers memory is bad
@raise EINVAL if flags is invalid
@raise ENOSYS if not Linux 5.9+
@see copy_file_range() for file ↔ file
@see sendfile() for seekable → socket


Formats string to buffer that's hopefully large enough.

char* buf
const char* fmt
@see __fmt() and printf() for detailed documentation
@see snprintf() for same w/ buf size param


Returns square root of 𝑥.

double x


Returns square root of 𝑥.

float x


Returns square root of 𝑥.

long double x
long double


Seeds random number generator that's used by rand().

unsigned int seed


long seed


unsigned int seed


String decoder.

const char* str
const char* fmt
@see libc/fmt/vcscanf.h (for docs and implementation)


Calls function on different stack.

is arg1
is arg2
is arg3
is arg4
is func
is stack
%rax is res


Canary for -fstack-protector.

This global is referenced by synthetic code generated by GCC. The -mstack-protector-guard=global flag might need to be passed.

@note this value is protected by piro


Prints initial part of fatal message.

const char* file
int line
@note this is support code for __check_fail(), __assert_fail(), etc.


Returns true if s has prefix.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated string
const char* prefix
is also NUL-terminated


Returns true if s has prefix.

const unsigned short* s
is a NUL-terminated string
const unsigned short* prefix
is also NUL-terminated


Checks if string starts with prefix, case insensitively.

const char* s
const char* prefix


Returns information about file.

This function is equivalent to:

struct stat st;
fstatat(AT_FDCWD, path, &st, 0);
const char* path
struct stat* st
@see fstatat() for further documentation


struct statvfs* sv
struct statfs* sf


Returns information about filesystem.

const char* path
struct statvfs* sv
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@note consider using statfs()


Changes time, the old fashioned way.

const long* t


Copies bytes from 𝑠 to 𝑑 until a NUL is encountered.

char* d
const char* s
pointer to nul byte
@note 𝑑 and 𝑠 can't overlap


Prepares static search buffer.

  1. If SRC is too long, it's truncated and *not* NUL-terminated.
  2. If SRC is too short, the remainder is zero-filled.
char* dst
is output buffer
const char* src
is a nul-terminated string
unsigned long dstlen
is size of dst buffer
pointer to first nul-terminator, otherwise dest + stride
@see strncpy()
@see memccpy()
@see strlcpy()


System call logging enabled state.

If Cosmopolitan was compiled with the SYSDEBUG macro (this is the default behavior, except in tiny and release modes) then __strace shall control whether or not system calls are logged to fd 2. If it's greater than zero, syscalls are logged. Otherwise, they're aren't.

By convention, functions wishing to disable syscall tracing for a short time period should say:

void foo() {
This way you still have some flexibility to force syscall tracing, by setting __strace to a higher number like 2 or 200. Even though under normal circumstances, __strace should only be either zero or one.


Compares NUL-terminated strings ascii case-insensitively.

const char* a
is first non-null nul-terminated string pointer
const char* b
is second non-null nul-terminated string pointer
is <0, 0, or >0 based on tolower(uint8_t) comparison


Compares NUL-terminated UCS-2 strings case-insensitively.

const unsigned short* l
const unsigned short* r
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint16_t comparison


Searches for substring case-insensitively.

const char* haystack
is the search area, as a NUL-terminated string
const char* needle
is the desired substring, also NUL-terminated
pointer to first substring within haystack, or NULL
@note this implementation goes fast in practice but isn't hardened against pathological cases, and therefore shouldn't be used on untrustworthy data
@see strstr()


Appends 𝑠 to 𝑑.

char* d
const char* s


Appends 𝑠 to 𝑑.

unsigned short* d
const unsigned short* s
unsigned short*


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated string
int c
is masked with 255 as byte to search for
pointer to first instance of c or NULL if not found noting that if c is NUL we return pointer to terminator


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

const unsigned short* s
int c
unsigned short*


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

If c is not found then a pointer to the nul byte is returned.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated string
int c
is masked with 255 as byte to search for
pointer to first instance of c, or pointer to NUL terminator if c is not found


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

const unsigned short* s
int c
unsigned short*


Compares NUL-terminated strings.

const char* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
const char* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Compares NUL-terminated UCS-2 strings.

const unsigned short* l
const unsigned short* r
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint16_t comparison


Compares strings in the C locale.

const char* p
const char* q


Copies bytes from 𝑠 to 𝑑 until a NUL is encountered.

char* d
const char* s
original dest
@note 𝑑 and 𝑠 can't overlap


Copies NUL-terminated UCS-2 or UTF-16 string.

𝑑 and 𝑠 must not overlap unless 𝑑 ≤ 𝑠.

unsigned short* d
is dination memory
const unsigned short* s
is a NUL-terminated 16-bit string
unsigned short*
original d


Returns prefix length, consisting of chars not in reject. a.k.a. Return index of first byte that's in charset.

const unsigned short* s
const unsigned short* reject
is nul-terminated character set
unsigned long
@see strspn(), strtok_r()


Allocates new copy of string.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated byte string
new string or NULL w/ errno
@error ENOMEM


Converts errno value to descriptive sentence.

int x
const char*
non-null rodata string or null if not found


Converts errno value to symbolic name.

int x
const char*
non-null rodata string or null if not found


Returns string describing err.

The application shall not modify the string returned.

int err
@see strerror_r()


Converts errno value to string.

int err
is error number or zero if unknown
char* buf
unsigned long size
0 on success, or errno on error
@raise ERANGE if insufficient buffer was available, in which case a nul-terminated string is still copied to buf


char* s
unsigned long n
const char* fmt


char* s
unsigned long n
struct __global_locale* loc
const char* fmt


Jumbles up string.

char* s


char* s
unsigned long n
const char* f
struct tm* tm
unsigned long


char* s
unsigned long n
const char* f
struct tm* tm
struct __global_locale* loc
unsigned long


Removes file extension.

char* s
is mutated


Removes file extensions.

char* s
is mutated


Appends string, the BSD way.

Appends src to string dst of size dsize (unlike strncat, dsize is the full size of dst, not space left). At most dsize-1 characters will be copied. Always NUL terminates (unless dsize <= strlen(dst)). Returns strlen(src) + MIN(dsize, strlen(initial dst)). If retval >= dsize, truncation occurred.

char* dst
const char* src
unsigned long dsize
unsigned long


Copies string, the BSD way.

Copy string src to buffer dst of size dsize. At most dsize-1 chars will be copied. Always NUL terminates (unless dsize == 0). Returns strlen(src); if retval >= dsize, truncation occurred.

char* dst
const char* src
unsigned long dsize
unsigned long


Returns length of NUL-terminated utf-16 string.

const unsigned short* s
is non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
unsigned long
number of shorts (excluding NUL)


Compares NUL-terminated strings case-insensitively w/ limit.

const char* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
const char* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
unsigned long n
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Compares NUL-terminated UCS-2 strings case-insensitively w/ limit.

const unsigned short* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated char16 string pointer
const unsigned short* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated char16 string pointer
unsigned long n
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Appends at most 𝑛 bytes from 𝑠 to 𝑑.

char* d
const char* s
unsigned long n
@note 𝑑 and 𝑠 can't overlap


Appends at most 𝑛 shorts from 𝑠 to 𝑑.

unsigned short* d
const unsigned short* s
unsigned long n
unsigned short*
@note 𝑑 and 𝑠 can't overlap


Compares NUL-terminated strings w/ limit.

const char* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
const char* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
unsigned long n
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Compares NUL-terminated UCS-2 strings w/ limit.

const unsigned short* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated char16 string pointer
const unsigned short* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated char16 string pointer
unsigned long n
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Prepares static search buffer.

  1. If SRC is too long, it's truncated and *not* NUL-terminated.
  2. If SRC is too short, the remainder is zero-filled.
char* dst
is output buffer
const char* src
is a nul-terminated string
unsigned long dstlen
is size of dst buffer
@see stpncpy()
@see strlcpy()
@see memccpy()


Allocates new copy of string, with byte limit.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated byte string
unsigned long n
if less than strlen(s) will truncate the string
new string or NULL w/ errno
@error ENOMEM


Returns monospace display width of UTF-8 string.

  • Control codes are discounted
  • ANSI escape sequences are discounted
  • East asian glyphs, emoji, etc. count as two
const char* s
is NUL-terminated string
unsigned long n
is max bytes to consider
unsigned long o
is offset for doing tabs
monospace display width


Returns monospace display width of UTF-16 or UCS-2 string.

const unsigned short* p
unsigned long n
unsigned long o


Returns pointer to first byte matching any in accept, or NULL.

const char* s
const char* accept


Returns pointer to first byte matching any in accept, or NULL.

const unsigned short* s
const unsigned short* accept
unsigned short*


const char* s
const char* f
struct tm* tm


Searches for last instance of character in string.

const char* s
is NUL-terminated string to search
int c
is treated as unsigned char
address of last c in s, or NULL if not found


Searches for last instance of char16_t in string.

const unsigned short* s
is NUL-terminated char16_t string to search
int c
is treated as char16_t
unsigned short*
address of last c in s, or NULL if not found


Tokenizes string.

This works by mutating the caller's pointer and the string itself. The returned value is the next available token, or NULL if we've reached the end. Upon each call, *str is updated to point past the terminator we inserted. Multiple delimiter bytes may be passed, which are treated as a set of characters, not a substring.

char** str
on first call points to var holding string to be tokenized and is used by this function to track state on subsequent calls
const char* delim
is a set of characters that constitute separators
next token or NULL when we've reached the end or *str==NULL
@note unlike strtok() this does empty tokens and is re-entrant


Returns string describing signal code.

This returns "0" for 0 which is the empty value. Symbolic names should be available for signals 1 through 32. If the system supports real-time signals, they're returned as SIGRTMIN+%d. For all other 32-bit signed integer, a plain integer representation is returned.

This function is thread safe when sig is a known signal magnum. Otherwise a pointer to static memory is returned which is unsafe.

int sig
is signal number which should be in range 1 through 128
string which is valid code describing signal
@see strsignal_r()
@see sigaction()


Returns prefix length, consisting of chars in accept.

const char* s
const char* accept
is nul-terminated character set
unsigned long
@see strcspn(), strtok_r()


Returns prefix length, consisting of chars in accept.

const unsigned short* s
const unsigned short* accept
is nul-terminated character set
unsigned long
@see strcspn(), strtok_r()


Searches for substring.

const unsigned short* haystack
is the search area, as a NUL-terminated string
const unsigned short* needle
is the desired substring, also NUL-terminated
unsigned short*
pointer to first substring within haystack, or NULL
@see memmem()


const char* s00
char** se


const char* s
char** sp


Extracts non-empty tokens from string.

char* s
is mutated and should be NULL on subsequent calls
const char* sep
is a NUL-terminated set of bytes to consider separators
pointer to next token or NULL for end
@see strtok_r() and strsep() for superior functions


Extracts non-empty tokens from string.

char* s
is mutated and should be NULL on subsequent calls
const char* sep
is a NUL-terminated set of bytes to consider separators
char** state
tracks progress between calls
pointer to next token or NULL for end
@see strsep() which is similar


Decodes signed integer from ASCII string.

atoi 10⁸              22𝑐         7𝑛𝑠
strtol 10⁸            37𝑐        12𝑛𝑠
strtoul 10⁸           35𝑐        11𝑛𝑠
wcstol 10⁸            30𝑐        10𝑛𝑠
wcstoul 10⁸           30𝑐        10𝑛𝑠
strtoimax 10⁸         80𝑐        26𝑛𝑠
strtoumax 10⁸         78𝑐        25𝑛𝑠
wcstoimax 10⁸         77𝑐        25𝑛𝑠
wcstoumax 10⁸         76𝑐        25𝑛𝑠
const char* s
is a non-null nul-terminated string
char** endptr
if non-null will always receive a pointer to the char following the last one this function processed, which is usually the NUL byte, or in the case of invalid strings, would point to the first invalid character
int base
can be anywhere between [2,36] or 0 to auto-detect based on the the prefixes 0 (octal), 0x (hexadecimal), 0b (binary), or decimal (base 10) by default
the decoded signed saturated number
@raise EINVAL if base isn't 0 or 2..36
@raise ERANGE on overflow


Converts string to long double.

const char* s
char** endptr
long double


Decodes unsigned integer from ASCII string.

const char* s
is a non-null nul-terminated string
char** endptr
if non-null will always receive a pointer to the char following the last one this function processed, which is usually the NUL byte, or in the case of invalid strings, would point to the first invalid character
int base
can be anywhere between [2,36] or 0 to auto-detect based on the the prefixes 0 (octal), 0x (hexadecimal), 0b (binary), or decimal (base 10) by default
unsigned long
decoded integer mod 2⁶⁴ negated if leading -
@raise ERANGE on overflow


Compares two version strings.

const char* l0
const char* r0


Returns monospace display width of UTF-8 string.

  • Control codes are discounted
  • ANSI escape sequences are discounted
  • East asian glyphs, emoji, etc. count as two
const char* s
is NUL-terminated string
unsigned long o
is string offset for computing tab widths
monospace display width


Returns monospace display width of UTF-16 or UCS-2 string.

const unsigned short* s
unsigned long o


Seeds vigna() pseudorandom number generator.

unsigned long seed
@see vigna(), vigna_r()


Saves machine to 𝑥 and activates 𝑦, i.e.

Except using this API is safer and goes 2x faster:

swapcontext(x, y);
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


int* ws
unsigned long n
const int* format


Creates symbolic link.

This is like link() but adds a tiny indirection to make the fact that the file is a link obvious. It also enables certain other features, like the ability to be broken.

const char* target
can be relative and needn't exist
int newdirfd
const char* linkpath
is what gets created
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EPERM if a non-admin on Windows NT tries to use this


Syncs filesystem associated with file descriptor.

Since Linux 5.8, syncfs() will report an error if an inode failed to be written during the time since syncfs() was last called.

int fd
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EIO if some kind of data/metadata write error happened
@raise ENOSPC if disk space was exhausted during sync
@raise EDQUOT (or ENOSPC) on some kinds of NFS errors
@raise EBADF if fd isn't a valid file descriptor
@raise EROFS if fd is a zip file
@raise ENOSYS on non-Linux


Invokes clone() system call on GNU/Systemd.

rdi x0 is
rsi x1 is
top of stack
rdx x2 is
rcx x3 is
r8 x4 is
r9 x5 is
8(rsp) x6 is
tid of child on success, or -errno on error


Relinquishes scheduled quantum.

0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Translation layer for some Linux system calls:

  • SYS_gettid
  • SYS_getrandom
long number
system call result, or -1 w/ errno


Sections for varint encoded magic numbers.

These sections are all ordered by (group_name, constant_name). They're populated by modules simply referencing the symbols.

@see libc/sysv/consts.sh
@see libc/sysv/consts/syscon_h


int* name
unsigned int namelen
void* oldp
unsigned long* oldlenp
void* newp
unsigned long newlen


const char* name
void* oldp
unsigned long* oldlenp
void* newp
unsigned long newlen


const char* name
int* mibp
unsigned long* sizep


Handles return path of system call on Linux.

unsigned long res
unsigned long


Performs System Five System Call.

Cosmopolitan is designed to delegate all function calls into the Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and XNU kernels via this function, with few exceptions. This function should generally only be called by generated thunks in the libc/sysv/syscalls/ directory.

It's safe to call this function on Windows, where it will always return -1 with errno == ENOSYS. Further note that -1 is the only return value that means error, a common anti-pattern is to check for values less than 0 (which is more problematic on 32-bit).

It is important to consider that system calls are one order of a magnitude more expensive than normal function calls. For example getpid() on Linux usually takes 500ns, and cached i/o calls will take 1µs or more. So we don't need to inline them like Chromium.

Another thing to consider is that BSDs only loosely follow the System Five ABI for the SYSCALL instruction. For example Linux always follows the six argument limit but the FreeBSD sendfile system call accepts a seventh argument that is passed on stack and OpenBSD modifies functions like mmap so that the sixth arg is passed on the stack. There's also the carry flag convention that XNU, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD inherited from 386BSD aka Jolix

function ordinal supplied by jump slot
and rest on stack
%rax:%rdx is result, or -1 w/ errno on error
@clob %rcx,%r10,%r11
@see syscalls.sh


Executes program and waits for it to complete, e.g.

systemvpe("ls", (char *[]){"ls", dir, 0}, environ);
This function is designed to do the same thing as system() except rather than taking a shell script argument it accepts an array of strings which are safely passed directly to execve().

This function is 5x faster than system() and generally safer, for most command running use cases that don't need to control the i/o file descriptors.

const char* prog
is path searched (if it doesn't contain a slash) from the $PATH environment variable in environ (not your envp)
char** argv
char** envp
-1 if child process couldn't be created, otherwise a wait status that can be accessed using macros like WEXITSTATUS(s), WIFSIGNALED(s), WTERMSIG(s), etc.
@see system()


Returns tangent of x.

double x


Returns hyperbolic tangent of 𝑥.

double x


Returns hyperbolic tangent of 𝑥.

float x
@define tanhf(x)=(expf(x)-expf(-x))/(expf(x)+expf(-x))
@define tanhf(x)=(expf(2.f*x)-1.f)/(expf(2.f*x)-1.f+2.f)


Returns tangent of x.

long double x
long double


Obtains the termios struct.

Here are the approximate defaults you can expect across platforms:

c_iflag        = ICRNL IXON
c_oflag        = OPOST ONLCR NL0 CR0 TAB0 BS0 VT0 FF0
c_cflag        = ISIG CREAD CS8
cfgetispeed()  = B38400
cfgetospeed()  = B38400
c_cc[VINTR]    = CTRL-C
c_cc[VQUIT]    = CTRL-\   # ignore this comment
c_cc[VERASE]   = CTRL-?
c_cc[VKILL]    = CTRL-U
c_cc[VEOF]     = CTRL-D
c_cc[VTIME]    = CTRL-@
c_cc[VMIN]     = CTRL-A
c_cc[VSTART]   = CTRL-Q
c_cc[VSTOP]    = CTRL-S
c_cc[VSUSP]    = CTRL-Z
c_cc[VEOL]     = CTRL-@
c_cc[VSWTC]    = CTRL-@
c_cc[VLNEXT]   = CTRL-V
c_cc[VEOL2]    = CTRL-@
int fd
open file descriptor that isatty()
struct linux* tio
is where result is stored
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Returns which process group controls terminal.

int fd
process group id on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise ENOTTY if fd is isn't controlling teletypewriter
@raise EBADF if fd isn't an open file descriptor
@raise ENOSYS on Windows and Bare Metal


Returns session id controlling terminal.

int fd


Gets terminal window size.

int fd
struct winsize* ws


Sets struct on teletypewriter w/ drains and flushes.

int fd
open file descriptor that isatty()
int opt
can be:
  • TCSANOW: sets console settings
  • TCSADRAIN: drains output, and sets console settings
  • TCSAFLUSH: drops input, drains output, and sets console settings
struct linux* tio
0 on success, -1 w/ errno


Sets foreground process group id.

int fd
int pgrp
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if pgrp is invalid
@raise EBADF if fd isn't an open file descriptor
@raise EPERM if pgrp didn't match process in our group
@raise ENOTTY if fd is isn't controlling teletypewriter
@raise EIO if process group of writer is orphoned, calling thread is not blocking SIGTTOU, and process isn't ignoring SIGTTOU


Associates session with controlling tty.

int fd
int pid
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if fd isn't an open file descriptor
@raise ENOTTY if fd is isn't controlling teletypewriter
@raise EINVAL if pid isn't session id associated with this process
@raise EPERM if calling process isn't the session leader
@raise ENOSYS on Windows and Bare Metal


Sets terminal window size attributes.

int fd
struct winsize* ws


void* key
void** rootp
int(*)() cmp


void* root
void(*)() freekey


Creates name for temporary file.

const char* dir
const char* pfx


Special area for Windows NT support code.

Isolating this code adds value for Windows users by minimizing page faults through improved locality. On System Five the PIRO runtime can unmap these pages.

@see libc/runtime/piro.c
@see ape/ape.lds


void* key
void** rootp
int(*)() cmp


Creates thread on OpenBSD.

is params
is size of params
is start function
is start parameter
thread id or negative errno


Calculates gamma function of 𝑥.

double x


float x


unsigned long* th
int(*)() func
void* arg


unsigned long th


unsigned long th
int* res


Returns time as seconds from UNIX epoch.

long* opt_out_ret
can receive return value on success
seconds since epoch, or -1 w/ errno


Adds two nanosecond timestamps.

struct x x
struct y y
struct y


Compares nanosecond timestamps.

struct a a
struct b b
0 if equal, -1 if a < b, or +1 if a > b


Converts timespec interval from microseconds.

long x
struct ts


Converts timespec interval from nanoseconds.

long x
struct ts


Returns high-precision timestamp, the C11 way.

struct timespec* ts
receives CLOCK_REALTIME timestamp
int base
must be TIME_UTC
base on success, or 0 on failure
@see timespec_real()


Returns high-precision timestamp granularity, the C23 way.

struct timespec* ts
receives granularity as a relative timestamp
int base
must be TIME_UTC
base on success, or 0 on failure


Returns current time.

This function uses a CLOCK_REALTIME clock and never fails. Unlike clock_gettime() or timespec_real() this interface avoids the use of pointers which lets time handling code become more elegant.

struct ts
@see timespec_mono()


Subtracts two nanosecond timestamps.

struct a a
struct b b
struct b


Reduces ts from 1e-9 to 1e-6 granularity w/ ceil rounding.

This function uses ceiling rounding. For example, if ts is one nanosecond, then one microsecond will be returned. Ceil rounding is needed by many interfaces, e.g. setitimer(), because the zero timestamp has a special meaning.

This function also detects overflow in which case INT64_MAX or INT64_MIN may be returned. The errno variable isn't changed.

struct ts ts
64-bit scalar holding microseconds since epoch
@see timespec_totimeval()


Reduces ts from 1e-9 to 1e-3 granularity w/ ceil rounding.

This function uses ceiling rounding. For example, if ts is one nanosecond, then one millisecond will be returned. Ceil rounding is needed by many interfaces, e.g. setitimer(), because the zero timestamp has a special meaning.

This function also detects overflow in which case INT64_MAX or INT64_MIN may be returned. The errno variable isn't changed.

struct ts ts
64-bit scalar milliseconds since epoch


Converts timespec to scalar.

This returns the absolute number of nanoseconds in a timespec. If overflow happens, then INT64_MAX or INT64_MIN is returned. The errno variable isn't changed.

struct x x
64-bit integer holding nanoseconds since epoch


Reduces ts from 1e-9 to 1e-6 granularity w/ ceil rounding.

This function uses ceiling rounding. For example, if ts is one nanosecond, then one microsecond will be returned. Ceil rounding is needed by many interfaces, e.g. setitimer(), because the zero timestamp has a special meaning.

struct ts ts
struct timeval
microseconds since epoch
@see timespec_tomicros()


struct t t


Adds two microsecond timestamps.

struct x x
struct y y
struct y


Compares microsecond timestamps.

struct a a
struct b b
0 if equal, -1 if a < b, or +1 if a > b


Converts timeval interval from microseconds.

long x
struct tv


Converts timeval interval from milliseconds.

long x
struct tv


Returns current time w/ microsecond precision.

struct tv
@see timespec_real()


Subtracts two nanosecond timestamps.

struct a a
struct b b
struct b


Converts timeval to scalar.

This returns the absolute number of microseconds in a timeval. If overflow happens, then INT64_MAX or INT64_MIN is returned. The errno variable isn't changed.

struct x x
64-bit integer holding microseconds since epoch


Reduces ts from 1e-6 to 1e-3 granularity w/ ceil rounding.

This function returns the absolute number of milliseconds in a timeval. Ceiling rounding is used. For example, if ts is one nanosecond, then one millisecond will be returned. Ceil rounding is needed by many interfaces, e.g. setitimer(), because the zero timestamp has a valial meaning.

This function also detects overflow in which case INT64_MAX or INT64_MIN may be returned. The errno variable isn't changed.

struct ts ts
64-bit scalar milliseconds since epoch


Converts timeval to seconds.

This function uses ceil rounding, so 1µs becomes 1s. The addition operation is saturating so timeval_toseconds(timeval_max) returns INT64_MAX.

struct tv tv


struct t t


Tests inequality of first 𝑛 bytes of 𝑝 and 𝑞.

void* a
void* b
unsigned long n
nonzero if unequal, otherwise zero
@see timingsafe_memcmp()


Lexicographically compares the first 𝑛 bytes in 𝑝 and 𝑞.

The following expression:

timingsafe_memcmp(p, q, n)
Is functionally equivalent to:

MAX(-1, MIN(1, memcmp(p, q, n)))
Running time is independent of the byte sequences compared, making this safe to use for comparing secret values such as cryptographic MACs. In contrast, memcmp() may short-circuit after finding the first differing byte.

timingsafe_memcmp n=0              661 picoseconds
timingsafe_memcmp n=1                1 ns/byte            590 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=2                1 ns/byte            738 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=3                1 ns/byte            805 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=4                1 ns/byte            843 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=5                1 ns/byte            922 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=6                1 ns/byte            932 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=7                1 ns/byte            939 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=8              992 ps/byte            984 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=9              992 ps/byte            984 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=15             926 ps/byte          1,054 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=16             950 ps/byte          1,026 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=17             933 ps/byte          1,045 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=31             896 ps/byte          1,089 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=32             888 ps/byte          1,098 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=33             972 ps/byte          1,004 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=80             913 ps/byte          1,068 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=128            891 ps/byte          1,095 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=256            873 ps/byte          1,118 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=16384          858 ps/byte          1,138 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=32768          856 ps/byte          1,140 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp n=131072         857 ps/byte          1,138 mb/s
bcmp ne n=256                        3 ps/byte            246 gb/s
bcmp eq n=256                       32 ps/byte         30,233 mb/s
memcmp ne n=256                      3 ps/byte            246 gb/s
memcmp eq n=256                     31 ps/byte         31,493 mb/s
timingsafe_bcmp ne n=256            27 ps/byte         35,992 mb/s
timingsafe_bcmp eq n=256            27 ps/byte         35,992 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp ne n=256         877 ps/byte          1,113 mb/s
timingsafe_memcmp eq n=256         883 ps/byte          1,105 mb/s
void* p
void* q
unsigned long n
-1, 0, or 1 based on comparison
@note each byte is interpreted as unsigned char
@see timingsafe_bcmp() it's 100x faster


Writes strings to file descriptor, e.g.

tinyprint(1, "hello", " ", "world", "\n", NULL);
This function is intended so that small command line programs (e.g. build utilities) can print succinct error messages automatically to standard io without linking too much binary footprint.
int fd
is file descriptor
const char* s
is NUL-terminated string, or NULL
bytes written on success, or -1 w/ errno


Opens stream backed by anonymous file, e.g.

FILE *f;
if (!(f = tmpfile())) {
// do stuff
This creates a secure temporary file inside $TMPDIR. If it isn't defined, then /tmp is used on UNIX and GetTempPath() is used on the New Technology. This resolution of $TMPDIR happens once in a ctor.

Once fclose() is called, the returned file is guaranteed to be deleted automatically. On UNIX the file is unlink()'d before this function returns. On the New Technology it happens upon fclose().

On newer Linux only (c. 2013) it's possible to turn the anonymous returned file back into a real file, by doing this:

linkat(AT_FDCWD, gc(xasprintf("/proc/self/fd/%d", fileno(f))),
       AT_FDCWD, "real.txt", AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW)
On the New Technology, temporary files created by this function should have better performance, because kNtFileAttributeTemporary asks the kernel to more aggressively cache and reduce i/o ops.

Favor tmpfd() or tmpfile() over open(O_TMPFILE) because the latter is Linux-only and will cause open() failures on all other platforms.

struct FILE*
@see tmpfd() if you don't want to link stdio/malloc
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered


Generates temporary file name.

char* buf
may be null to generate /tmp/tmpnam_XXXXXX to a static buffer (it works on Windows) that is not thread safe; otherwise the caller must supply a buffer with L_tmpnam bytes available
unique generated filename, or null on failure; buf memory is only mutated on success


Generates temporary file name, reentrantly.

This function is the same as tmpnam() except buf can't be NULL.

char* buf
must have L_tmpnam bytes available
pointer to buf which is populated with a unique generated filename, or null w/ errno on failure; buffer content will only be mutated on success


Narrows number to ASCII.

int c


Converts character to ascii lower case.

int c


Creates new file or changes modified time on existing one.

const char* file
is a UTF-8 string, which may or may not exist
unsigned int mode
is an octal user/group/other permission, e.g. 0755
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see creat()


Converts character to upper case.

int c


Encodes Thompson-Pike variable-length integer.

unsigned int c
unsigned long




Changes size of file.

If the file size is increased, the extended area shall appear as if it were zero-filled. If your file size is decreased, the extra data shall be lost.

Some operating systems implement an optimization, where length is treated as a logical size and the requested physical space won't be allocated until non-zero values get written into it. Our tests show this happens on Linux (usually with 4096 byte granularity), FreeBSD (which favors 512-byte granularity), and MacOS (prefers 4096 bytes) however Windows, OpenBSD, and NetBSD always reserve physical space. This may be inspected using stat() then consulting stat::st_blocks.

const char* path
is name of file that shall be resized
long length
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if length is negative
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered instead
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EFBIG or EINVAL if length is too huge
@raise EFAULT if path points to invalid memory
@raise EACCES if we don't have permission to search a component of path
@raise ENOTDIR if a directory component in path exists as non-directory
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if symlink-resolved path length exceeds PATH_MAX
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if component in path exists longer than NAME_MAX
@raise ELOOP if a loop was detected resolving components of path
@raise EROFS if path is on a read-only filesystem (e.g. zip)
@raise ENOENT if path doesn't exist or is an empty string
@raise ETXTBSY if path is an executable being executed
@raise ENOSYS on bare metal
@see ftruncate()


void* key
void** rootp
int(*)() cmp


Returns name of terminal.

This function isn't required to be thread safe, consider ttyname_r().

int fd
terminal path on success, or null w/ errno
@see ttyname_r()


void* root
void(*)() action




Sets microsecond-precision alarm.

This generates a SIGALRM signal after usecs microseconds. If reload is non-zero, then it'll keep generating SIGALRM every reload microseconds after the first signal.

unsigned int usecs
unsigned int reload
unsigned int


If set to true, UBSAN warnings will become fatal.



Performs 128-bit unsigned division and remainder.

unsigned __int128 a
is dividend
unsigned __int128 b
is divisor
unsigned __int128* rem
receives remainder if not NULL
unsigned __int128


unsigned long x
char* b
unsigned long


Encodes unsigned integer to array.

uleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        10𝑐         3𝑛𝑠
zleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        13𝑐         4𝑛𝑠
sleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        16𝑐         5𝑛𝑠
uleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        18𝑐         6𝑛𝑠
zleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        18𝑐         6𝑛𝑠
sleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        24𝑐         8𝑛𝑠
zleb64 INT64_MIN    l:        13𝑐         4𝑛𝑠
sleb64 INT64_MIN    l:        16𝑐         5𝑛𝑠
zleb128 INT64_MIN   l:        19𝑐         6𝑛𝑠
sleb128 INT64_MIN   l:        24𝑐         8𝑛𝑠
char* p
is output array
unsigned long x
is number
p + i


unsigned int operation
void* addr
unsigned long value
unsigned int timeout_micros


unsigned int operation
void* addr
unsigned long wake_value


Sets file mode creation mask.

On Windows, the value of umask() determines how Cosmopolitan goes about creating synthetic st_mode bits. The default umask is 077 which is based on the assumption that Windows is being used for a single user. Don't assume that Cosmopolitan Libc will help you to secure a multitenant Windows computer.

unsigned int newmask
unsigned int
previous mask
@note always succeeds


Turns CP437 unicode glyph into its binary representation.

int c
is a unicode character
byte representation, or -1 if ch wasn't ibm cp437
@see bing()


Decodes human-readable CP437 glyphs into binary, e.g.

char binged[5];
char golden[5] = "\0\1\2\3\4";
unbingbuf(binged, sizeof(binged), u" ☺☻♥♦", -1);
CHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(binged, golden, 5));
void* buf
is caller owned
unsigned long size
is byte length of buf
const unsigned short* glyphs
is UCS-2 encoded CP437 representation of binary data
int fill
if -1 will memset any remaining buffer space
@note no NUL terminator is added to end of buf
@see tunbing(), unbingstr(), unbing()


Decodes human-readable CP437 glyphs into binary, e.g.

CHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(gc(unbingstr(u" ☺☻♥♦")), "\0\1\2\3\4", 5));
const unsigned short* s
@note no NUL terminator is added to end of buf
@see tunbing(), unbingbuf(), unbing()


Removes chunk transfer encoding from message body in place.

struct HttpUnchunker* u
char* p
is modified in place
unsigned long n
unsigned long* l
receives content length if not null
bytes processed, 0 if need more data, or -1 on failure


Canonicalizes overlong Thompson-Pike encodings.

Please note that the IETF banned these numbers, so if you want to enforce their ban you can simply strcmp() the result to check for the existence of banned numbers.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Pushes byte back to stream.

int c
struct FILE* f


Pushes byte back to stream.

int c
struct FILE* f


Pushes wide character back to stream.

unsigned int c
struct FILE* f
unsigned int


Pushes wide character back to stream.

unsigned int c
struct FILE* f
unsigned int


Decodes Hilbert space-filling curve.

long n
long i
struct m
@see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_curve
@see hilbert()


Does nothing.

Calling this function will force the compiler to generate a stack frame. This ensures backtraces will work better in a few critical routines.



Deletes inode and maybe the file too.

This may be used to delete files and directories and symlinks.

int dirfd
is normally AT_FDCWD but if it's an open directory and path is relative, then path becomes relative to dirfd
const char* path
is the thing to delete
int flags
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EROFS if either path is under /zip/...


Unlocks pseudoteletypewriter pair.

int fd
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EBADF if fd isn't open
@raise EINVAL if fd is valid but not associated with pty


Unmounts file system.

The following flags may be specified:

The following flags may also be used, but could be set to zero at runtime if the underlying kernel doesn't support them.

  • MNT_DETACH: lazily unmount; Linux-only
const char* target
int flags


Decodes unsigned integer from array.

const char* p
is input array
unsigned long n
is capacity of p
unsigned long* x
receives number number
bytes decoded or -1 on error


Decodes array to signed integer w/ zig-zag encoding.

const char* p
is array
unsigned long n
is byte length of array
long* o
optionally receives decoded integer
bytes decoded or -1 on error
@see zleb64()


const char* x
struct utmpx* y


struct __global_locale* new
struct __global_locale*


Transcodes UTF-16 to UTF-32.

const unsigned short* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length


Transcodes UTF-32 to UTF-8.

const int* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies wcslen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length


Transcodes UTF-8 to UTF-16.

const char* p
is input value
unsigned long n
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* z
if non-NULL receives output length
unsigned short*


Changes last accessed/modified times on file.

const char* path
struct utimbuf* times
if NULL means now
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see utimensat() for modern version


Sets access/modified time on file, the modern way.

XNU only has microsecond (1e-6) accuracy and there's no dirfd-relative support. Windows only has hectonanosecond (1e-7) accuracy. RHEL5 doesn't support dirfd or flags and will truncate timestamps to seconds.

If you'd rather specify an open file descriptor rather than its filesystem path, then consider using futimens().

int dirfd
can be AT_FDCWD or an open directory
const char* path
is filename whose timestamps should be modified
struct timespec* ts
is {access, modified} timestamps, or null for current time
int flags
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@raise EINVAL if flags had an unrecognized value
@raise EINVAL on XNU or RHEL5 when any flags are used
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play without fattr promise
@raise EACCES if unveil() is in play and path isn't unveiled
@raise EINVAL if ts specifies a nanosecond value that's out of range
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if symlink-resolved path length exceeds PATH_MAX
@raise ENAMETOOLONG if component in path exists longer than NAME_MAX
@raise EBADF if dirfd isn't a valid fd or AT_FDCWD
@raise EFAULT if path or ts memory was invalid
@raise EROFS if path is on read-only filesystem (e.g. zipos)
@raise ENOTSUP on XNU or RHEL5 when dirfd isn't AT_FDCWD
@raise ENOSYS on bare metal


Changes last accessed/modified timestamps on file.

const char* path
struct timeval* tv
is access/modified timestamps, or NULL which means now
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@note truncates to second precision on rhel5
@see utimensat() for modern version


Formats string directly to system i/o device.

int fd
const char* fmt
struct __va_list* va


Returns address of "Virtual Dynamic Shared Object" function on Linux.

const char* version
const char* name


struct dirent** a
struct dirent** b


Forks process without copying page tables.

This function lets a process spawn another process without copying the page tables. The parent process gets suspended until the child calls either execve() or _Exit(), and they share memory during that time. That's at least how we want vfork() to work. Support for these behaviors is patchy. It is also error-prone to use this function in an environment with signal handlers and threads. The best way to use this is by calling posix_spawn() which works around the dangers and determines at runtime the best way to pass error codes

pid of child process or 0 if forked process


Formats and writes text to stream.

struct FILE* f
const char* fmt
struct __va_list* va
@see printf() for further documentation


Formats and writes text to stream.

struct FILE* f
const char* fmt
struct __va_list* va
@see printf() for further documentation


Stream decoder.

struct FILE* stream
const char* fmt
struct __va_list* ap
@see libc/fmt/vcscanf.h


Code snippet for initializing the VGA video mode for bare metal.

If a program requests VGA support (by yoinking vga_console), and it is started in bare metal mode, then try to ensure that the VGA monitor is in a known mode. This is easier to do while the program is still running in real mode.

This module also ropes in the sys_writev_vga routine, which implements the actual VGA console output under x86-64 long mode.

@see rlinit & .sort.text.real.init.* (ape/ape.S)
@see ape/ape.lds
@see sys_writev_vga (libc/vga/writev-vga.c)


Returns deterministic pseudorandom data, e.g.

uint64_t x = vigna();
You can generate different types of numbers as follows:

int64_t x = vigna() >> 1;    // make positive signed integer
double x = _real1(vigna());  // make float on [0,1]-interval
You can seed this random number generator using:

You may use the reentrant version of this function:

static uint64_t s = 0;
uint64_t x = svigna_r(&s);
If you want to fill a buffer with data then rngset() implements vigna's algorithm to do that extremely well:

char buf[4096];
rngset(buf, sizeof(buf), vigna, 0);
If you want a fast pseudorandom number generator that seeds itself automatically on startup and fork(), then consider _rand64. If you want true random data then consider rdseed, rdrand, and getrandom.
unsigned long
64 bits of pseudorandom data
@note this function is not intended for cryptography
@note this function passes bigcrush and practrand
@note this function takes at minimum 4 cycles


Returns pseudorandom data.

unsigned long* state
unsigned long
@see vigna() for easy api


Makes control codes and trojan source plainly viewable.

This is useful for logging data like HTTP messages, where we don't want full blown C string literal escaping, but we don't want things like raw ANSI control codes from untrusted devices in our terminals.

This function also canonicalizes overlong encodings. Therefore it isn't necessary to say VisualizeControlCodes(Underlong(𝑥))) since VisualizeControlCodes(𝑥) will do the same thing.

const char* data
is input value
unsigned long size
if -1 implies strlen
unsigned long* out_size
if non-NULL receives output length
allocated NUL-terminated buffer, or NULL w/ errno


Formats and writes text to stdout.

const char* fmt
struct __va_list* va
@see printf() for further documentation


String decoder.

const char* fmt
struct __va_list* ap
@see libc/fmt/vcscanf.h


Formats string to buffer w/ preexisting vararg state.

char* buf
stores output
unsigned long size
is byte capacity buf
const char* fmt
struct __va_list* va
number of bytes written, excluding the NUL terminator; or, if the output buffer wasn't passed, or was too short, then the number of characters that *would* have been written is returned
@see __fmt() and printf() for detailed documentation


Formats string to buffer hopefully large enough w/ vararg state.

char* buf
const char* fmt
struct __va_list* va
@see __fmt() and printf() for detailed documentation
@see vsnprintf() for modern alternative w/ buf size param


Decodes string.

const char* str
const char* fmt
struct __va_list* va
@see libc/fmt/vcscanf.h (for docs and implementation)
@note to offer the best performance, we assume small codebases needing vsscanf() won't need sscanf() too; and as such, there's a small code size penalty to using both


Waits for status to change on any child process.

int* opt_out_wstatus
optionally returns status code, and *wstatus may be inspected using WEEXITSTATUS(), etc.
process id of terminated child or -1 w/ errno


Waits for status to change on any child process.

int* opt_out_wstatus
optionally returns status code, and *wstatus may be inspected using WEEXITSTATUS(), etc.
int options
struct rusage* opt_out_rusage
optionally returns accounting data
process id of terminated child or -1 w/ errno


Waits for status to change on process.

int pid
>0 targets specific process, =0 means any proc in a group, -1 means any child process, <-1 means any proc in specific group
int* opt_out_wstatus
optionally returns status code, and *wstatus may be inspected using WEEXITSTATUS(), etc.
int options
struct ruchlds* opt_out_rusage
optionally returns accounting data
process id of terminated child or -1 w/ errno


Waits for status to change on process.

int pid
>0 targets specific process, =0 means any proc in a group, -1 means any child process, <-1 means any proc in specific group
int* opt_out_wstatus
optionally returns status code, and *wstatus may be inspected using WEXITSTATUS(), etc.
int options
process id of terminated child or -1 w/ errno


Mutates line to remove line-ending characters.

int* line
is NULL-propagating
@see getline


Compares NUL-terminated wide strings case-insensitively.

const int* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
const int* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Appends 𝑠 to 𝑑.

int* d
const int* s


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

const int* s
int c


const int* s
int c


Compares NUL-terminated wide strings.

const int* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
const int* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Copies NUL-terminated wide character string.

𝑑 and 𝑠 must not overlap unless 𝑑 ≤ 𝑠.

int* d
is destination memory
const int* s
is a NUL-terminated string
original d


Returns prefix length, consisting of chars not in reject. a.k.a. Return index of first byte that's in charset.

const int* s
const int* reject
is nul-terminated character set
unsigned long
@see strspn(), strtok_r()


Allocates copy of wide string.

const int* s


Returns true if s has suffix.

const int* s
is a NUL-terminated string
const int* suffix
is also NUL-terminated


int* wcs
unsigned long n
const int* f
struct tm* tm
unsigned long


int* s
unsigned long n
const int* f
struct tm* tm
struct __global_locale* loc
unsigned long


Returns length of NUL-terminated wide string.

const int* s
is non-null NUL-terminated wide string pointer
unsigned long
number of wide characters (excluding NUL)


Compares NUL-terminated wide strings case-insensitively w/ limit.

const int* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
const int* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
unsigned long n
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


Appends at most 𝑛 wides from 𝑠 to 𝑑.

int* d
const int* s
unsigned long n
@note 𝑑 and 𝑠 can't overlap


Compares NUL-terminated wide strings w/ limit.

const int* a
is first non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
const int* b
is second non-null NUL-terminated string pointer
unsigned long n
is <0, 0, or >0 based on uint8_t comparison


int* d
const int* s
unsigned long n


Returns length of NUL-terminated wide string w/ limit.

const int* s
is wide string
unsigned long n
is max length (a count of wide characters, not bytes)
unsigned long
length in characters


Returns length of NUL-terminated wide string w/ limit & blankets.

const int* s
is wide string
unsigned long n
is max length (a count of wide characters, not bytes)
unsigned long
length in characters


Returns monospace display width of wide character string.

const int* pwcs
unsigned long n
unsigned long o


Returns pointer to first byte matching any in accept, or NULL.

const int* s
const int* accept


Searches for last instance of wchar_t in string.

const int* s
is NUL-terminated wchar_t string to search
int c
is the needle
address of last c in s, or NULL if not found


Returns prefix length, consisting of chars in accept.

const int* s
const int* accept
is nul-terminated character set
unsigned long
@see strcspn(), strtok_r()


Returns true if s has prefix.

const int* s
is a NUL-terminated string
const int* prefix
is also NUL-terminated


Searches for substring.

const int* haystack
is the search area, as a NUL-terminated string
const int* needle
is the desired substring, also NUL-terminated
pointer to first substring within haystack, or NULL
@see memmem()


const int* nptr
int** endptr


const int* nptr
int** endptr


Extracts non-empty tokens from string.

int* s
is mutated and should be NULL on subsequent calls
const int* sep
is a NUL-terminated set of wchars to consider separators
int** state
tracks progress between calls
pointer to next token or NULL for end


Decodes signed long integer from wide string.

const int* s
is a non-null nul-terminated string
int** endptr
if non-null will always receive a pointer to the char following the last one this function processed, which is usually the NUL byte, or in the case of invalid strings, would point to the first invalid character
int base
can be anywhere between [2,36] or 0 to auto-detect based on the the prefixes 0 (octal), 0x (hexadecimal), 0b (binary), or decimal (base 10) by default
the decoded signed saturated number


const int* nptr
int** endptr
long double


Decodes unsigned integer from wide string.

const int* s
is a non-null nul-terminated string
int** endptr
if non-null will always receive a pointer to the char following the last one this function processed, which is usually the NUL byte, or in the case of invalid strings, would point to the first invalid character
int base
can be anywhere between [2,36] or 0 to auto-detect based on the the prefixes 0 (octal), 0x (hexadecimal), 0b (binary), or decimal (base 10) by default
unsigned long
decoded integer mod 2⁶⁴ negated if leading -


Returns monospace display width of wide character string.

const int* pwcs
unsigned long o


int* d
const int* s
unsigned long n
unsigned long


Returns number representing character class name.

const char* s
can be "alnum", "alpha", "blank", "cntrl", "digit", "graph", "lower", "print", "punct", "space", "upper", "xdigit"
unsigned int
nonzero id or 0 if not found


int wc


Thunks free() if it's linked, otherwise do nothing.

void* p


long x


long x


Converts Windows COBOL timestamp to UNIX epoch in nanoseconds.

long x


Converts Windows COBOL timestamp to UNIX epoch in microseconds.

long x


Returns pointer to first instance of character in range.

const int* s
int c
unsigned long n


Compares arrays of 32-bit signed integers.

const int* a
is first memory array
const int* b
is second memory array
unsigned long n
is number of elements in a and b to consider
is <0, 0, or >0 based on int32_t comparison


int* dest
const int* src
unsigned long count


int* dest
const int* src
unsigned long count


int* dest
const int* src
unsigned long count


Returns pointer to first instance of character.

const int* s
is memory to search
int c
is search word
unsigned long n
is number of wchar_t elements in s
is pointer to first instance of c or NULL if not found


Sets wide memory.

int* p
int c
unsigned long n


Writes data to file descriptor.

This function changes the current file position. For documentation on file position behaviors and gotchas, see the lseek() function. This function may be used on socket file descriptors, including on Windows.

int fd
is open file descriptor
void* buf
is copied from, cf. copy_file_range(), sendfile(), etc.
unsigned long size
is always saturated to 0x7ffff000 automatically
[1..size] bytes on success, or -1 w/ errno; noting zero is impossible unless size was passed as zero to do an error check
@raise EBADF if fd is negative or not an open file descriptor
@raise EBADF if fd wasn't opened with O_WRONLY or O_RDWR
@raise EPIPE if fd is a pipe whose other reader end was closed, after the SIGPIPE signal was delivered, blocked, or ignored
@raise EFBIG if RLIMIT_FSIZE soft limit was exceeded, after the SIGXFSZ signal was either delivered, blocked, or ignored
@raise EFAULT if size is nonzero and buf points to bad memory
@raise EPERM if pledge() is in play without the stdio promise
@raise ENOSPC if device containing fd is full
@raise EIO if low-level i/o error happened
@raise EINTR if signal was delivered instead
@raise ECANCELED if thread was cancelled in masked mode
@raise EAGAIN if O_NONBLOCK is in play and write needs to block
@raise ENOBUFS if kernel lacked internal resources; which FreeBSD and XNU say could happen with sockets, and OpenBSD documents it as a general possibility; whereas other system don't specify it
@raise ENXIO is specified only by POSIX and XNU when a request is made of a nonexistent device or outside device capabilities


Writes data from multiple buffers.

This is the same thing as write() except it has multiple buffers. This yields a performance boost in situations where it'd be expensive to stitch data together using memcpy() or issuing multiple syscalls. This wrapper is implemented so that writev() calls where iovlen<2 may be passed to the kernel as write() instead. This yields a 100 cycle performance boost in the case of a single small iovec.

Please note that it's not an error for a short write to happen. This can happen in the kernel if EINTR happens after some of the write has been committed. It can also happen if we need to polyfill this system call using write().

It's possible for file write request to be partially completed. For example, if the sum of iov lengths exceeds 0x7ffff000 then bytes beyond that will be ignored. This is a Linux behavior that Cosmo polyfills across platforms.

int fd
struct iovec* iov
int iovlen
number of bytes actually handed off, or -1 w/ errno


Gets overlap i/o result.

unsigned long s
struct NtOverlapped* lpOverlapped
unsigned int* out_lpcbTransfer
int fWait
unsigned int* out_lpdwFlags
true on success, or false on failure
@note this wrapper takes care of ABI, STRACE(), and __winsockerr()


Winsock2 prototypes.

@note Some of the functions exported by WS2_32.DLL, e.g. bind(), overlap with the names used by System V. Prototypes for these functions are declared within their respective wrappers.


Returns dynamically formatted string.

const char* fmt
must be free()'d or gc()'d
@note greatest of all C functions


Writes data to file.

const char* path
void* data
unsigned long size
can be -1 to strlen(data)
0 on success or -1 w/ errno
@note this is uninterruptible


Returns base portion of path.

const char* path


Allocates initialized memory, or dies.

unsigned long count
unsigned long size


Returns directory portion of path.

const char* path


Converts double to string the easy way.

double d
string that needs to be free'd


Converts double to string w/ high-accuracy the easy way.

float d
string that needs to be free'd


Converts long double to string the easy way.

long double d
string that needs to be free'd


struct XedChipFeatures* p
int chip


int isa_set
int chip


struct XedChipFeatures* p
int isa_set


Fixes $PATH environment variable on Windows.



Reads line from stream.

struct FILE* f
allocated line that needs free() and usually chomp() too, or NULL on ferror() or feof()
@see getdelim() for a more difficult api
@see chomp()


Returns home directory.



Joins paths, e.g.

"a"  + "b"  → "a/b"
"a/" + "b"  → "a/b"
"a"  + "b/" → "a/b/"
"a"  + "/b" → "/b"
"."  + "b"  → "b"
""   + "b"  → "b"
const char* path
const char* other
newly allocated string of resulting path


Inflates data once atomically, e.g.

void *GetData(void) {
  static _Atomic(void *) ptr;
  static const unsigned char rodata[] = {...};
  return xload(&ptr, rodata, 112, 1024);
The above is an example of how this helper may be used to have lazy loading of big infrequently accessed image data.
void* a_
void* p
is read-only data compressed using raw deflate
unsigned long n
is byte length of deflated data
unsigned long m
is byte length of inflated data
pointer to inflated data


Allocates uninitialized memory, or dies.

unsigned long bytes


Allocates aligned memory, or dies.

unsigned long alignment
unsigned long bytes


Allocates aligned cleared memory, or dies.

unsigned long alignment
unsigned long bytes


Allocates/expands/shrinks/frees memory, or die.

This API enables you to do the following:

p = xrealloc(p, n)
The standard behaviors for realloc() still apply:

  • !p means xmalloc (returns non-NULL)
  • p && n means resize (returns non-NULL)
  • p && !n means free (returns NULL)
The complexity of resizing is guaranteed to be amortized.
void* p
unsigned long n


Installs handler for kernel interrupt, e.g.:

onctrlc(sig) { exit(128+sig); }
CHECK_NE(-1, xsigaction(SIGINT, onctrlc, SA_RESETHAND, 0, 0));
int sig
can be SIGINT, SIGTERM, etc.
void* handler
is SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN, or a pointer to a 0≤arity≤3 callback function passed (sig, siginfo_t *, ucontext_t *).
unsigned long flags
unsigned long mask
is 1ul«SIG₁[…|1ul«SIGₙ] bitset to block in handler
struct sa* old
optionally receives previous handler
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno
@see libc/sysv/consts.sh


Reads entire file into memory.

const char* path
unsigned long* opt_out_size
NUL-terminated malloc'd contents, or NULL w/ errno
@note this is uninterruptible


Spawns process using fork().

struct rusage* r
if provided gets accounting data
wstatus, or -2 on child, or -1 w/ errno


Concatenates strings / chars to newly allocated memory, e.g.

xstrcat("hi", ' ', "there")
Or without the C99 helper macro:

(xstrcat)("hi", ' ', "there", NULL)
This goes twice as fast as the more powerful xasprintf(). It's not quadratic like strcat(). It's much slower than high-effort stpcpy(), particularly with string literals.
const char* s
@see gc()


Allocates new copy of string, or dies.

const char* s


Removes file extension.

const char* s
is mutated


Removes file extensions.

const char* s
is mutated


Multiplies string.

const char* s
unsigned long n


Allocates new copy of string, with byte limit.

const char* s
is a NUL-terminated byte string
unsigned long n
if less than strlen(s) will truncate the string
new string or NULL w/ errno
@error ENOMEM


Decodes CP437 glyphs to bounds-checked binary buffer, e.g.

char *mem = xunbing(u" ☺☻♥♦"); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp("\0\1\2\3\4", mem, 5)); tfree(mem);

const unsigned short* binglyphs
@see xunbing(), unbingstr(), unbing()


Same as xunbing() w/ alignment guarantee.

unsigned long a
const unsigned short* binglyphs


Allocates frame-aligned memory, or dies.

unsigned long size


Returns dynamically formatted string.

const char* fmt
struct __va_list* va
fully formatted string, which must be free()'d
@see xasprintf()


Spawns process using vfork().

void(*)() f
is child callback
void* ctx
struct rusage* r
if provided gets accounting data
wstatus, or -1 w/ errno


Writes data uninterruptibly.

int fd
void* p
unsigned long n
0 on success, or -1 w/ errno


Encodes signed integer to array w/ zig-zag encoding.

uleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        10𝑐         3𝑛𝑠
zleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        13𝑐         4𝑛𝑠
sleb64 INT64_MAX    l:        16𝑐         5𝑛𝑠
uleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        18𝑐         6𝑛𝑠
zleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        18𝑐         6𝑛𝑠
sleb128 INT64_MAX   l:        24𝑐         8𝑛𝑠
char* p
is output array which should have 10 items
long x
is number
p + i
@see unzleb64()


const char[115]